Argentina: Rally in Front of the Cuban Embassy


We stand against the bureaucracy as well as against the worms


Report (with Pictures and Videos) by a Correspondent from Convergencia Socialista (RCIT Section in Argentina), 21 July 2021,




Yesterday our party organized a rally in front of the Cuban embassy to support the people of that country. The Cuban masses are facing austerity programs as well as repression in the streets by the false socialists led by Díaz Canel and the Stalinist bureaucracy. The event was convened with the slogans “Neither parasites nor worms!”. We drew clear lines of demarcation with the counterrevolutionary opposition organized from Miami. It is the established position of Trotskyism to fight for the end of the regime, for a workers government, based on their democratic decision-making bodies.


At the beginning Matías, an independent comrade, read a text written on his blog. This was followed by reading out messages from the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency and from a revolutionary group in Peru called "Anticapitalistas" were announced. The next speaker was Jésica, a female comrade from Convergencia Socialista and Autodefensa del Arte, who read an emotional poem. She was followed by Gabriela Capurro, a female leader of CS who has been threatened with death by Stalinist thugs, who explained her situation and called for a repudiation of these attacks. Finally, the act was closed by a speech of our leader Juan Giglio, who at the end made a call to set up a Workers' and Socialist Solidarity Committee.




Acto frente a la embajada cubana, contra la burocracia y los gusanos


Por corresponsal, el julio 21, 2021,




Ayer nuestro partido se movilizó a la embajada de Cuba para apoyar al pueblo de ese país, que enfrenta en las calles al ajuste y la represión de los falsos socialistas encabezados por Díaz Canel y la burocracia stalinista. El acto, que fue convocado con las consignas ¡Ni parásitos ni gusanos!, trazó rayas con la oposición contrarrevolucionaria organizada desde Miami, dejando en claro que la posición del trotskismo es acabar con el régimen para dar lugar a un gobierno de los trabajadores y las trabajadoras de la isla, apoyado en sus órganos democráticos de decisión.


Luego de que Matías, un camarada independiente, leyera un texto escrito en su blog, se anunciaron las adhesiones de la Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional y de un grupo revolucionario de Perú, denominado "Anticapitalistas". A continuación, Jésica, de CS y Autodefensa del Arte, leyó una emotiva poesía y Gabriela Capurro, amenazada de muerte por el stalinismo, explicó su situación convocando a repudiar estos ataques. Finalmente, cerró el acto nuestro dirigente Juan Giglio, que al finalizar hizo un llamado a poner en pie un Comité de Solidaridad obrero y socialista. (Ver imágenes del acto)