Daily News from September 2024
South Africa retreats from the request to delay the submission of evidence
Russia: The State Repression Escalates but the Revolutionary Struggle Continues! (About the Work of the RCIT Section in Russia) Joint Statement of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) and its Russian Section
Россия: государственные репрессии усиливаются, но революционная борьба продолжается! (О работе секции РКИТ в России) Совместное заявление Революционной коммунистической интернациональной тенденции (РКИТ) и еë российского отделения
Rusia: ¡La represión estatal aumenta pero la lucha revolucionaria continúa! Declaración conjunta de la Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional (CCRI) y su sección rusa
반전운동/사회주의운동에 휘몰아치는 푸틴정권의 탄압, 그러나 혁명투쟁은 계속된다! 혁명적 공산주의인터내셔널 동맹 (RCIT) & 사회주의동맹 (RCIT 러시아 지부) 합동성명
11S-1973, golpe de Estado pinochetista y la confirmación de una meta imposible: la construcción pacífica del Socialismo Por Simón Vitale (Convergencia Socialista)
The Zionist monster cannot win the war By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
How to distinguish between Anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
News from the last days and weeks
On the hypocrisy of Britain and France By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
On the British Labor Party and Weapons Shipment By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
In Israel, the foreign press has the “right” not to report and the “freedom” of Palestinian journalists to be killed! By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Cristina no volvió para liderar la resistencia, sino para sostener a Milei
China: On the Relationship between the “Communist” Party and the Capitalists An Essay (with 5 Tables) by Michael Pröbsting, RCIT
China: sobre la relación entre el Partido “comunista” y los capitalistas Un ensayo (con 5 cuadros) de Michael Pröbsting, CCRI
China: Sobre a relação entre o Partido “Comunista” e os capitalistas Ensaio (com 5 tabelas) de Michael Pröbsting, CCRI/RCIT
Chine : Sur les relations entre le Parti « communiste » et les capitalistes Essai (avec 5 tableaux) de Michael Pröbsting, CCRI/RCIT
Cina: sul rapporto tra il Partito “Comunista” e i capitalisti Saggio (con 5 tabelle) di Michael Pröbsting, TCRI/RCIT
As could be expected, Israel prevented a deal to end the war By Yossi Schwartz, ISL
On the conditions of the Zionist state By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Theses on Agriculture and Ecology Document adopted by the IV. Congress of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)
Tesis sobre Agricultura y Ecología Tesis adoptadas por el IV. Congreso de la Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional (CCRI/RCIT)
Cristina le pega a Milei por derecha, presentándose como la defensora más consecuente de los monopolios Por Juan Giglio (Convergencia Socialista)
The Zionist monster cannot win the war By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
South Korea: Rally in Protest against the Gaza Massacre Report from a Rally in Ulsan on 24 August 2024, Workers' Revolutionary Party (Preparation Group) [RCIT Section in South Korea]
El engaño de Milei y Galperin con las "inversiones" de Mercado Libre Por Damián Quevedo (Convergencia Socialista)
South Korea: Rally in Solidarity with the Liberation Struggle in Burma/Myanmar Report from a Rally in Ulsan on 25 August 2024, Workers' Revolutionary Party (Preparation Group) [RCIT Section in South Korea]
Represión brutal de defensores del agua y el territorio en el sur de la Ciudad de México
Das Schandurteil. Meine Stellungnahme im Berufungsprozeß, die der Richter mich nicht halten lies Von Michael Pröbsting, RCIT
El discurso de Milei en la UIA fue claro: quedarán en pie pocas industrias
The debate between Israeli Human rights and the right-wing Zionist in the UNSC By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
What do the Zionist barbarians think? By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
In the so-called self-defense, the Zionist army murdered another American citizen
Russia: Report on the Main Events (Summer 2024)
By Alexey Sedov, Socialist Tendency (RCIT Section in Russia)
Россия: отчёт о событиях, лето 2024 Алексей Седов, Социалистическая Тенденция, секция RCIT в России
Noticias Troskas TV
Recordamos a camaradas del PST asesinados/as en La Plata en 1975 Por Musa Ardem (Convergencia Socialista)
Biden y la senilidad de un imperio en crisis
Israel: Anti-War Protest in Haifa By Yossi Schwartz, Internationalist Socialist League (RCIT Section in Israel/Occupied
You have to be the village’s idiot to believe the Zionist propaganda By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Fake International with a fake solution By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Thailand: Move Forward Party Banned by the Constitutional Court By Laurence Humphries, RCIT Britain
Hay que hacer como aceiteros, que lucharon y rompieron el techo salarial impuesto por el gobierno con la complicidad de la CGT Por Claudio Colombo (Convergencia Socialista)
Emperyalist Devletlerde Devrimci Yenilgicilik Üzerine Tezler Devrimci Komünist Enternasyonal Eğilim (RCIT)
The Zionists of South Africa Apartheid and the Zionist Monster By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
The Struggle of the People of Myanmar: 2021~2024 - Continuing Resistance and a New Revolution By the Workers' Revolutionary Party (Preparation Group) [RCIT in South Korea]
미얀마 인민의 항쟁 2021~ 4년: 계속되는 투쟁과 새로운 혁명 노동자혁명당
The new crimes of the Zionist monster By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Argentina, de la mano de Milei, hacia otra crisis de deuda Por Damián Quevedo (Convergencia Socialista)
The big lie and the real world By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Can any progress be made in the ceasefire agreement? By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
The USA does not act as an intermediary between the Zionist state and Hamas By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
No existe ninguna posibilidad de resolver el déficit previsional sin conquistar una segunda y definitiva independencia nacional Por Claudio Colombo (Convergencia Socialista)
The ultra-Orthodox are better than the secular Zionists on the national question By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
It is likely to be a regional war By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Once años atrás Cristina entregaba Vaca Muerta a Chevron Por Claudio Colombo (Convergencia Socialista)
The Ukraine War and How It Affects the Domestic Situation in Russia A Report by Denis Sokolov, Socialist Tendency (RCIT Section in Russia)
Война в Украине и как она влияет на внутреннюю ситуацию в России Доклад Дениса Соколова, Социалистическая тенденция (Секция РКИТ в России)
La guerra en Ucrania y su impacto en la situación interna de Rusia Informe de Denis Sokolov, Socialist Tendency (Sección de la CCRI en Rusia)
Netanyahu’s government and US imperialism cannot cheat the families of the Israeli captives By Yossi Schwartz, ISL
ХАРАКТЕР ПОЛІТИЧНОГО РЕЖИМУ ВЕНЕСУЕЛИ Заява Революційної Комуністичної Міжнародної Тенденції (RCIT), спільно видана Convergencia Socialista (секція RCIT в Аргентині) та Міжнародним бюро RCIT
Scandalous Verdict against Pro-Palestine Activist Michael Pröbsting. Report from 2nd Trial on 21 August By RCIT Media Team
Escandaloso veredicto contra el luchador pro-Palestina Michael Pröbsting. Informe del segundo juicio del 21 de agosto Por el equipo de medios de la CCRI
Skandalurteil gegen Palästina-Aktivist Michael Pröbsting: Kabinettsjustiz droht. Bericht vom 2. Prozess am 21. August Von RCIT-Mediateam
Veredito escandaloso contra o ativista pró-Palestina Michael Pröbsting Pela equipe de imprensa da CCRI/RCIT
The price of the Zionist war on the Palestinians is felt in the pockets of the Israelis, except in the profit of the big capital By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
The Zionist FM Calls for (“Temporary”) Evacuation of the Palestinians from the West Bank
Caída del precio del litio y crecimiento de la burbuja financiera relacionada a la AI, dos problemas graves para la economía nacional Por Damián Quevedo (Convergencia Socialista)
Interview about the Trial against Michael Pröbsting on the Arabic News Channel INFOGRAT By Media Team
مقابلة حول محاكمة مايكل بروبستينج على قناة الأخبار العربية INFOGRAT
Entrevista sobre el proceso contra Michael Pröbsting en el canal de noticias árabe INFOGRAT Por equipo de medios
Entrevista sobre o processo contra Michael Pröbsting no canal de notícias árabe INFOGRAT Pela equipe de mídia da CCRI
Interview zum Prozess gegen Michael Pröbsting im arabischen Nachrichtensender INFOGRAT Bericht des RCIT-Mediateam
Theses on World Perspectives: In the Midst of a Cycle of Wars and Revolutions Resolution by the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)
Tesis sobre perspectivas mundiales: en medio de un ciclo de guerras y revoluciones Resolución de la Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional (CCRI)
Teses sobre Perspectivas Mundiais: Em meio a um ciclo de guerras e revoluções Resolução da Corrente Comunista Revolucionária Internacional (CCRI/RCIT)
Your searching for a certain article? Use our Google Search Site Machine.
Discover older articles, reports and documents in the RCIT Archive: www.rcitarchive.wordpress.com
Artificial Intelligence and the Marxist Understanding of Productive Forces. On the contradictory development of productive forces in the period of capitalist decay and their dialectical relationship with the relations of productions
A Pamphlet (with 4 Figures and 3 Tables) by Michael Pröbsting, RCIT
Inteligência artificial e o entendimento marxista sobre as forças produtivas. Sobre o desenvolvimento contraditório das forças produtivas no período de
decadência capitalista e sua relação dialética com as relações de produção Um panfleto (com 4 figuras e 3 tabelas) por Michael Pröbsting,
Yapay Zeka ve Marksist Üretici Kuvvetler Anlayışı. Kapitalist çürüme döneminde üretici kuvvetlerin çelişkili gelişimi ve bunların üretim ilişkileriyle diyalektik ilişkisi üzerine
Artificial Intelligence: A Leviathan Monster Serving the Ruling Class. Theses on Artificial Intelligence and its application in the period of capitalist decay. A first approach from a Marxist viewpoint Resolution of the RCIT
Inteligencia artificial: un monstruo Leviatán al servicio de la clase dominante. Tesis sobre Inteligencia Artificial y su aplicación en el período de decadencia capitalista. Una primera aproximación desde un punto de vista marxista
Inteligência artificial: um monstro Leviatã a serviço da classe dominante. Tese sobre Inteligência Artificial e sua aplicação no período de decadência capitalista. Uma primeira abordagem de um ponto de vista marxista Resolução da CCRI/RCIT
L'intelligence artificielle : un monstre léviathan au service de la classe dirigeante. Thèse sur l'intelligence artificielle et son application dans la période de décadence capitaliste. Une première approche d'un point de vue marxiste
Künstliche Intelligenz: Ein Monstrum, das der herrschenden Klasse dient. Stellungnahme zur Künstlichen Intelligenz („KI“) und ihrer Anwendungsbereiche in der Epoche des kapitalistischen Zerfalls. Eine erste Betrachtung aus einer marxistischen Perspektive. Resolution der RCIT
Artificial Intelligence and the Marxist Understanding of Productive Forces. By Michael Pröbsting, RCIT https://t.co/xCGcYbsn03 pic.twitter.com/aC3ZFQigq3
— RCIT (@RCIT1) June 5, 2023
Artificial Intelligence and the Militarization of Health
Article by Medina Avdagić, Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)
Inteligência Artificial e a Militarização da Saúde
Why ChatGPT and similar technologies are more dangerous than you might think. How socialists should approach deep-learning A.I.
Article by Medina Avdagić, RCIT
Por qué ChatGPT y tecnologías similares son más peligrosas de lo que piensas. Cómo los socialistas deberían abordar el aprendizaje profundo de la IA Artículo de Medina Avdagić, CCRI/RCIT
El papel de las nuevas tecnologías en el desarrollo de la consciencia obrera
La relación entre el freno del desarrollo de la Inteligencia Artificial y ley de la baja tendencial de la tasa de la ganancia
Por Damián Quevedo y Juan Giglio (CS Argentina)
Books by the Revolutionary
Communist International Tendency (RCIT)