Neither Imperialist Globalization nor Imperialist Protectionism! For International Solidarity and Joint Struggle of the Working Class and Oppressed People!
Joint Statement of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), Marxist Group ‘Class Politics’ (Russia), Alkebulan School of Black Studies (Kenya), Pan-Afrikan Consciousness Renaissance (Nigeria), Courant des Jeunes Penseurs Congolais (Democratic Republic of Congo), and Sınıf Savaşı (Turkey), 4 July 2018
1. A global trade war is looming between all Great Powers in West and East – the U.S., China, the European Union, Japan, Russia and other imperialist powers. Economic sanctions between Great Powers started already in 2014 when the U.S. and the EU imposed sanctions against Russia and vice versa. Currently, the Trump Administration is about to impose much more far-reaching sanctions against its rivals with the latter implementing retaliatory action. Obviously, an escalation of the global trade war would have devastating consequences for the world economy and the living conditions of the working people.
2. The background for this massive deterioration is the accelerating rivalry between the Great Powers. Hence, the economic sanctions are an expression of an inter-imperialist rivalry which will also lead sooner or later to military tensions and conflicts. The intensification of Great Power chauvinism is inevitable under these conditions. Such jingoism is aimed at poisoning the consciousness of the working people by instigating nationalist hatred against each other.
3. The Great Powers also use economic sanctions in order to impose their political and economic dictates on smaller countries of the Global South. North Korea, Iran, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, various South-East Asian countries, etc. have become victims of such sanctions or the threat of it. Likewise do Great Powers discriminate oppressed people from poorer countries by restricting their right to travel or to ask for asylum (e.g. Trump “Muslim Ban”, the EU’s racist Frontex regime in the Mediterranean Sea and on the Balkans, Russia’s discrimination against people from the Caucasus and Central Asia, etc.).
4. In view of a looming global trade war, socialists call the workers and popular organizations around the world to act decisively on the basis of the principles of international working class solidarity. Such principles are valid in times of peace and war, in case of economic sanctions as well as in case of military aggression.
* No to a global trade war! Oppose Great Power jingoism in West and East! Against militarist saber-rattling! In imperialist states, socialists say: “The Main Enemy is at Home!” In case of sanctions or a trade war between the U.S., China, European Union, Russia, Canada, Japan, or other powers, socialists in all countries involved must oppose such sanctions.
* Down with imperialist sanctions against semi-colonial countries like North Korea, Iran, Zimbabwe, Venezuela and others! Defend these countries against all forms of imperialist aggression! But no political support for the anti-working class regimes in these states!
* Down with the imperialist border regime! Open the borders for refugees! Defend Muslim migrants against Islamophobic racism!
* Neither imperialist globalization nor imperialist protectionism! Against all Great Powers and capitalist corporations in West and East! For international solidarity and joint cross-border struggle in defense of the interests of workers and oppressed!
The undersigned organizations
Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (Zambia, Kenya, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Yemen, Tunisia, Israel / Occupied Palestine, Brazil, Mexico, Aotearoa/New Zealand, Britain, Germany, and Austria),
Marxist Group ‘Class Politics’ (Russia), (Critical Remarks)
Alkebulan School of Black Studies (Kenya),
Sınıf Savaşı (Turkey),
Pan-Afrikan Consciousness Renaissance (Nigeria),
Courant des Jeunes Penseurs Congolais (Democratic Republic of Congo), Facebook : Cogito RDC
Additional Signatories
Grupo Interdisciplinario de Participación Inclusiva (Mexico),
Coordinadora Nacional Estudiantil (Mexico)
Pacesetters Movement (Nigeria), Facebook: PACESETTERS MOVEMENT OAU
Organizations which want to add their signature to this statement can contact us at: