Stop the Imperialist EU-War against Refugees!

Europe / North Africa: Storm the Gates of Rome!

Open Borders for Refugees! Stop the Imperialist EU-War against Refugees! No to the Preparations for an Imperialist Aggression against Libya!

Statement of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 22.5.2015,


1.            The European Union has approved plans to establish a naval force in order to stop migrants from Africa and the Middle East crossing the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe. These plans include military operations, with imperialist Britain in a leading role, in Libyan territorial waters and even the deployment of ground forces on the Libyan coast. Despite open opposition from all significant political forces in Libya, the EU hopes to win a mandate for this military aggression from the UN Security Council – a puppet of the great powers.

2.            The hypocritical politicians and media in Europe claim that the continent can’t take any more refugees. What a joke! Let’s look at the facts: Turkey, a country of 77 million people, is home to 800,000 refugees. In Iran, a country of 78 million people, live one million refugees. Lebanon, a country of only 4.4 million people is home to 1.1 million refugees. On the other hand, Europe, with a population of more than 500 million persons, hosts only 1.6 million refugees despite the fact that it is much richer than the countries mentioned above. The EU claims it can’t afford more refugees? In Europe more than 11 million houses are empty. This is enough to give all homeless in Europe a place to live and even then there would still be empty flats to provide space for at least 7 million refugees! But we know: the capitalist system is for the rich and not the poor. Just remember that the richest 80 people – amongst them 16 Western Europeans – hold the same amount of wealth as the world’s 3.6 billion poorest people. Imagine how many people could live in safety if we would expropriate this little group of super-rich parasites! But, in fact, the greedy imperialist rulers of the Europe are doing the exact opposite: they have transformed the continent into a fortress in order to keep out as many refugees as possible. The EU spends millions and millions of Euros to expand the armed Frontex troops waging a war against refugees so that as few as possible reach Europe. In short, the rulers of Europe have closed the gates of their rich and decadent Rome, and are letting the African and Arab peoples rot in front of them!

3.            As a direct result of the Frontex Fortress guards’ operations, an increasing number of refugees have died on their way to Europe. According to the investigative project The Migrants Files29,000 migrants died on their way to Europe since 2000.” And these numbers are increasing dramatically. In the past five months alone, about 1,800 have drowned in an attempt to cross the Mediterranean, according to the UN refugee agency.

4.            The imperialist EU rulers justify their military plans with the alleged need to intercept and destroy so-called “criminal people smugglers.” In fact, it is not so much the people smugglers who are the real criminals. In most cases the smugglers themselves are poor people struggling for their own and their families’ survival; hardly any of them are as wealthy as an average European politician. No, the real criminals are the EU monopolies and their minions in the national governments! In addition there is an increasing number of violence against refugees and migrants. This violence is not only coming from the repression apparatus but also from radical right-wing activists.

5.            Ask yourself: Why do so many people abandon their homelands?! Do they love their native land less than other people in the world?! Of course not! Do they leave their families in order to find a job in Europe because they want to break off relations with them?! No, quite the opposite: they are taking all these risks in order to take on hard work – what a difference compared to the decadent European bosses and politicians! – and help their families to survive!

6.            No, the real reason is that over the past decades imperialist monopolies and government as well as their allied local regimes are systematically destroying the livelihoods of the people in the semi-colonial countries of the South. The so-called “Free Trade Agreements” which the EU enforced upon the African countries have destroyed the existence of millions of subsistence farmers. Imperialist agro-business monopolies – from Western Europe, the US, China and others – are massively engaged in buying up African land for monocultures or speculation. Such “land grabbing” led to the situation that foreign investors acquired between 51 million and 63 million hectares of land in Africa between 2008 and 2010. In addition, the African countries are forced the accept dictates of the IMF and the World Bank and to impose austerity programs to their people.

7.            On this background of poverty and super-exploitation by imperialism it is hardly surprising that the local ruling class often rules via open dictatorships – usually supported by the Great Powers. Likewise, many African countries are riddled by civil war under these conditions of misery and decay. This is even truer for countries like Syria or Somalia. Bashar al-Assad, the butcher of the Syrian people, has managed to survive until now only because he gets such is strong support from Russian imperialism. At the same, US imperialism indirectly collaborates with his regime as it bomb only Assad’s enemies in Syria, various Islamist rebels. Likewise, Somalia suffers from years of foreign occupation led by Ethiopian troops – a loyal lackey of Washington. It is no surprise, therefore, that under such circumstances many people see no alternative to fleeing their homeland and finding a better life in rich Europe?! In short, imperialism causes misery and war and this is the reason why more and more people are forced to leave their homes and to look for jobs in Europe.

8.            Many refuges try to enter Europe from Libya via the Mediterranean Sea. In fact, the increasing number of refugees coming via North Africa is a side-effect of the Arab Revolution. While the Arab workers and fallahin (*) did not succeed in concluding the revolution and taking power in their own hands, they achieved one or more democratic gains. One of these was the destruction of the ultra-repressive state apparatus of Libya’s dictator Gaddafi which was subsequently not replaced with a follow-up of similar size. When Gaddafi was in power, he was a loyal collaborator with the imperialist EU in guarding the coast against refugees (in addition to his collaboration with the CIA program in hunting, torturing, and killing so-called “terrorists”). Gaddafi’s troops were notorious for torturing many refugees and sending them back into the desert to a certain death. Despite his pseudo-“anti-imperialist” credentials, which until today fool many so-called leftists, Gaddafi promised the European Union to suppress the flow of migrants reaching Europe from Libya. In October 2010, the Libyan dictator and the EU signed a deal “to combat the flow of illegal migrants to Europe” for which Gaddafi received 50 million Euro. As a result of the collapse of Gaddafi’s regime, many refugees can now try to cross the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe relatively freely. The imperialist EU rulers can not tolerate the present situation where they have no reliable “strong man” in power. As is well known, since the autumn of 2012, the great imperialist powers have had all to close down their embassies after Islamists killed the US ambassador. Bringing Libya back under imperialist domination is a chief priority of the EU. In order to achieve this goal, they are preparing for a military intervention under the pretext of fighting so-called “criminal people smugglers.” The Libyan people rightly see the EU plans as a pretext for foreign intervention and protest against it.

9.            The EU plans are nothing but a declaration of war against the refugees in particular and the poor people of Africa and the Middle East in general. Furthermore, they are veiled preparations for subsequent imperialist military aggression against Libya. We predict that the EU rulers will create panic by claiming that the “Islamist terrorists” are coming to Europe pretending to be refugees and therefore a military attack on Libya is a absolute necessity. The RCIT declares its support for the resistance against the racist and imperialist EU plans.

10.          We stand in solidarity with any military resistance by Libyan forces against the EU navies. The workers and armed rebels should unite and organize independently of their national bourgeoisie in order to fight against the European invaders. The RCIT calls upon socialists in Europe to stand for the defeat of the EU naval forces and in solidarity with all efforts to undermine and sabotage their anti-refugee military operations by any necessary means.

11.          Likewise activists in the Maghreb and Mashreq should – taking into account the increasing repression by the pro-imperialist regimes of their legal public agitation – denounce the collaboration of “their” regimes with the imperialist European rulers who are waging war against the African and Arab refugees. The revolutionary struggle against “their” governments for democracy, for the expropriation of the imperialist monopolies and local corrupt elite as well as for a workers and fallahin republic is the most important contribution they can make in the global struggle against the imperialist world order.

12.          We similarly support progressive and democratic initiatives which help refugees in this tragic situation. There are numerous examples of heroic Italian fishermen who, on their own initiative, have taken on board shipwrecked refugees and have brought them safely to Europe. Similar humanitarian initiatives have been organized by Médecins Sans Frontières as well as by Migrant Offshore Aid Station. There are also numerous initiatives in solidarity with refugees who help them stay in Europe, illegally if necessary. An example of such popular solidarity is a village in Austria in which the entire population has successfully organized to hide six Syrian refugees which the police are trying to arrest and deport.

13.          However, what is currently missing is the solidarity of the workers’ movement. As a matter of fact the official leadership of the trade unions and social democracy wholeheartedly support the imperialist anti-refugee policy. While the ex-Stalinist and neo-social democratic Party of the European Left verbally opposes these plans, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras – the party’s most important representative – in late April showed his true pro-imperialist colors when he signed a joint declaration with the butcher of the Egyptian people, General al-Sisi. In this declaration the signatories promised to cooperate in the struggle “against terrorism” (i.e., all those who are considered as such by the Egyptian military dictatorship)! They also expressed their support for the sectarian regime in Iraq as well as for Yemen’s pseudo-government in exile which serves as a puppet for the Saudi monarchy and currently is waging a war of aggression against the people of Yemen. The Party of the European Left is a slightly more “left-wing” version of reformist social-imperialism.

14.          Progressive workers and democratic and socialist activists in Europe should work towards rallying the lower strata of the working class, the migrants and proletarian youth, i.e., the broad masses of the working class, to protest against the anti-refugee plans of the EU. They should oppose the wave of reactionary chauvinism against refugees and should call for the opening up of all borders for refugees. Against the hysterical shouting of the racists and social-chauvinists that the “boat is full,” they should call for the expropriation of the super-rich as well as for a program of public works so that jobs can be created both for European workers as well as refugees. Likewise, socialists should support the immediate legalization of all refugees as well as their being given full equality in their countries of residence. Socialists have to explain that the growing numbers of refugees and migrants mainly exist because of the aggressive war policy of the imperialist countries as well as the consequences of the exploitation of the workers of the South by the multinational corporations. It is hardly surprising that live in poverty and war is forcing so many people to flee even if they might lose their lives during their journey.

15.          Socialists in Europe should call for a broad united front of all workers’ organizations, migrant organizations, and democratic pro-refugees initiatives in order to coalesce resistance against the European rulers. They should denounce the leadership of the social-chauvinist workers’ movement which, unfortunately, is controlled by the thoroughly pro-imperialist labor bureaucracy and dominated by the privileged top layer of the working class – the “labor aristocracy” as Lenin called them. The struggle against imperialism in Europe must go hand in hand with the struggle against the reformist labor bureaucracy. Internationalist working class policy on the other hand must orient itself not towards the labor aristocracy but rather towards the non-privileged lower proletarian strata. It is crucial that a workers’ movement in Europe dominated by the lower strata is educated from the start in the spirit of internationalist solidarity and understands that the struggle for liberation is impossible without the closest bonds with the proletarians and oppressed from the South.

16.          The RCIT states that a final solution to the refugee question will only be possible when the working class and the oppressed rise up and overthrow the ruling class. Only the creation of workers’ and fallahin republics in North Africa and the Middle East, as well as of workers republics in Europe, can eradicate the roots of misery and wars and therefore the roots for the flow of refugees. Such an African-European socialist federation would elaborate a joint plan for massive material aid for the poorer countries in order to adjust the living conditions towards European levels as soon as possible. A socialist Europe would also open its borders for the citizens of workers and fallahin republics of Africa as well as of the Maghreb and Mashreq.

17.          Such a perspective may sound very far away. But, as a matter of fact, the old imperialist world – including Europe – is in decay. The EU is marked by increasing economic and political contradictions. Its population is overaged. The European rulers and their right and left hands of the devel – from the right-wing populist parties to the reformists – are full of arrogance but also of fear when they look at the “barbarians” from the south. In fact, the present situation resembles the final period of the Imperium Romanum which survived from the exploitation of its slaves and its conquered people. But all its brutality could not avoid its decay and ultimately the “barbarians” stormed the gates of Rome in the year 476 AD. Likewise, the days of the modern Imperium Romanum – the imperialist EU – are numbered. Sooner or later the slaves and the barbarians – the lower strata of the working class in Europe and the oppressed people of the South – will unite and rise up against the imperialist rulers and storm the gates of modern Rome. Then the Fortress Europe will collapse as its historic predecessor did nearly 1,550 years ago.


* No to the EU anti-refugees plans!

* Down with the EU naval forces in the Mediterranean Sea! Defend Libya against any foreign intervention!

* Open Europe’s Borders for Refugees!

* For the right of refuge and immediate legalization of all illegal migrants and asylum seekers! For the right of asylum for all those fleeing war, oppression, and poverty in their countries!

* For full citizenship rights and the abolition of all discriminatory laws against migrants – regardless of nationality, race, religion or nationality! Equal pay for equal work!

* We call on the labor movement: Build an international solidarity movement with the refugees and migrants! Fight against discrimination of refugees (equal access to housing and the labor market, etc.)! Defend refugees against the state apparatus! Help hiding refugees who are threatened with deportation! Build armed self-defense units to fight against police brutality and racist thugs!

* For a revolutionary migrants movement as part of a new World Party of Socialist Revolution – the Fifth Workers International!


(*) Fallahin is the Arab plural noun for peasants.

!להגנת זכויות הפליטים! למען המהפכה הערבית! תבוסה ללאומנות האיחוד-אירופית והאימפריאליזם

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מכתב פתוח לכל הארגונים המהפכניים והפעילים למען קמפיין הסולידריות הבינלאומי!


מאת הזרם הקומוניסטי המהפכני העולמי (RCIT), מאי, 22, 2016,


חברים, אחים ואחיות!


אנו חיים בתקופה בה כוחות הריאקציה מתחזקים יותר ויותר. ממשלות אימפריאליסטיות באיחוד האירופי מקימות חומות למניעת כניסתם של פליטים לשטחי היבשת ולהגבלת תנועתם של אלה שכבר נכנסו. כל אלה מצטרפים ומעצימים את ההתנכלות המאורגנת לאותם פליטים שניצלו מהתופת. ממשלות אלה פועלות בחסות "חוקי חירום" אנטי-דמוקרטיים תוך שהן שקועות במלחמות בצפון אפריקה ובמזרח התיכון.


במקביל, כוחות ציוניים פתחו במתקפה באירופה להוצאה מחוץ לחוק והתנכלות לפעלים אשר מביעים הזדהות עם המאבק הפלסטיני לשחרור לאומי. זאת בזמן שכוחות הימין הגזעני מגיעים להישגים משמעותיים בבחירות.


במדינות ערב, הכוחות המהפכניים נמצאים כעת בעמדת התגוננות בעוד המעצמות הגדולות - ארצות הברית, האיחוד האירופי ורוסיה) מנסות לחסל את המהפכה הסורית כשכל האמצעים כשרים. מדינת האפרטהייד הגזענית, ישראל, ממשיכה למחוץ בכוח ברוטלי את המאבק את הצעירים הפלסטינים הגיבורים.


לבושתנו כאנשי שמאל, כוחות רפורמיסטיים שמאליים כמו המפלגה הסטליניסטית לשעבר, מפלגת השמאל האירופי, ( כמו גם PCF בצרפת, די לינקה בגרמניה, סיריזה ביוון וכו') מביעים תמיכה במתקפות מסוג זה או שאינם נוקפים אצבע לארגן את ההמונים נגד התוקפנות הריאצקיונית הזו. הדבר ממחיש שוב את הצורך הדחוף לאחד את המהפכנים האותנטיים ולחזק בכך את המאבק למען בנייתה של מפלגה עולמית חדשה למען מהפכה סוציאליסטית.


בתנאים הנוכחיים זוהי משימה דחופה עבור מהפכנים באירופה, אפריקה, המזרח התיכון ובכל רחבי העולם לאחד כוחות ולהיאבק כנגד המתקפה הקונטר-מהפכנית הזאת. מסיבה זו, הזרם המהפכני הקומוניסטי העולמי מציע לכל הארגונים והפעילים הפוליטיים המהפכניים להשיק קמפיין סולידריות משותף סביב הדרישות הבאות:


* להגנת המהפכה הערבית כנגד האויבים מבחוץ ומבפנים! להפלת המשטרת הריאקציוניים בסוריה, מצרים, נסיכויות המפרץ ותוניסיה! להגנה על תימן כנגד התוקפנות הסעודית! להפיל את משטר האפרטהייד והאימפריאליזם הישראלי - נצחון לכוחות ההתנגדות הפלסטינית!


* למען סולידריות כלל עולמית עם המהפכה הסורית! יש להמשיך במאבק עד לריסוק כל מנגנון מדינת הבעת'! לא להתערבות צבאית - לא של רוסיה ולא של נאט"ו! לא לשום הסדר בחסות המעצמות הגדולות! למען זכותו של העם הכורדי להגדרה עצמית! תבוסה לדאע"ש הריאקציוני!


* לא לתוקפנות ולמלחמות האימפריאליסטיות! באפגניסטן, עיראק, תימן, לוב, מאלי וסומליה: תבוסה לכוחות האימפריאליסטיים של נאט"ו, רוסיה ובעלי בריתם המקומיים! אנו לצד כוחות ההתנגדות לפלישות האימפריאליסטיות, אך אין אנו מעניקים שום תמיכה פוליטית לכוחות לאומניים או אסלאמיסטיים!


* למען מאבק בלאומנות ובמיליטריזם באירופה! לפתוח את הגבולות עבור הפליטים! לבטל את מצב החירום בצרפת! לא לפריסת כוחות הצבא ברחובות אירופה! למען הגנה על המהגרים המוסלמים כנגד גזענות אסלאמופובית! לא להפללת פעילי-סולידריות פרו-פלסטינית! למען חזית מאוחדת המונית של ארגוני ותנועות הפועלים והמהגרים לגירוש הכוחות הפשיסטיים מן הרחובות!


* שוויון זכויות למהגרים! למען שכר שווה וזכויות אזרח שוות! שיוויון לשפות המהגרים והמיעוטים הלאומיים בחינוך ובשירות הציבורי! למען הקמתם של פרוייקטים של עבודות ציבוריות עבור כל הפליטים והמובטלים המקומיים! פועלים מקומיים ומהגרים - היאבקו יחדיו נגד אויבכם המשותף: המעמד השליט באיחוד האירופי, ברוסיה ובדיקטטורות של המזרח התיכון ואפריקה!


על המהפכנים להיכנס בדחיפות למאבק במסגרת ארגונים המוניים של מעמד הפועלים והמדוכאים - אפילו שהם מונהגים לעיתים קרובות על ידי כוחות רפורמיסטיים - על מנת להפעיל לחץ עליהם להצטרף למאבק למען דרישות אלה.


כמובן, שבתור מרקסיסטים, אנו משלבים חזון ממוקד זה יחד עם נקודת מבט סוציאליסטית הנאבקת למען הפלתם המהפכנית של המשטרים הקפיטליסטיים ולמען הקמתן של רפובליקות פועלים ואיכרים.


אם את/ה מסכימים עם עיקרי העמדות ונקודות המבט המהפכניות במסמך זה, אנו מבקשים ממך בכל לשון של בקשה ליצור עמנו קשר על מנת לדון ולהחליט ביחד כיצד להקים את הקמפיין הזה. לדוגמה, יום הפליט הבינלאומי חל ב-20 ליוני. זו תהיה הזדמנות מצויינת ליום-פעולה בינלאומי.


אנו נשמח אם ארגונים ופעילים החולקים עמנו את השקפת העולם הכללית המובאת במכתב הפתוח הזה ליצור עמנו קשר ולשלוח לנו את הרעיונות והביקורת שלהם, על מנת שנוכל לנקוט בצעדים קונקרטיים של חילופי דברים ושיתוף פעולה:


לזרם הקומוניסטי המהפכני העולמי תתי-קבוצות ופעילים הפרוסים בפקיסטן, סרי לנקה, תימן, תוניסיה, ישראל/פלסטין הכבושה, ברזיל, בריטניה, גרמניה, ארצות הברית ואוסטריה.


לעיון מעמיק יותר ברעיונות ה-RCIT יש להיכנס לאתר הארגון בכתובת: אנו מבקשים להפנות את תשומת הלב במיוחד למסמכים הבאים:


* גילוי דעת מהפכני 2016:


* מכתב פתוח לכל הארגונים והפעילים המהפכנים:


* החזון של ה-RCIT נמצא ב


כל אחד מן המסמכים הללו תורגם למספר שפות.


Verteidigt die Rechte der Flüchtlinge! Unterstützt die Arabische Revolution! Zerschlagt den EU-Chauvinismus und Imperialismus!

Ein offener Brief an alle revolutionären Organisationen und Aktivisten für eine internationale Solidaritätskampagne

Herausgegeben von der Revolutionär-Kommunistischen Internationalen Tendenz (RCIT), 22.05.2016,


Genossinnen und Genossen, Brüder und Schwestern!


Wir leben in einer Zeit, in der die Kräfte der Reaktion mehr und mehr an Stärke gewinnen. Die imperialistischen Regierungen in der EU errichten Mauern um die Einreise von Flüchtlingen in den Kontinent zu verhindern. Einmal im Inneren terrorisieren sie diejenigen, die es geschafft haben und behindern ihre Bewegungsfreiheit; sie rufen Regime des "Ausnahmezustandes" aus und zetteln Kriege in Nordafrika und dem Nahen Osten an. Zionistischen Kräfte haben eine Offensive in Europa begonnen um Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten, die sich mit dem palästinensischen Befreiungskampf solidarisieren, zu kriminalisieren und unter Druck setzen. Zur gleichen Zeit erzielen rechte, rassistische Kräfte große Gewinne bei den Wahlen. In den arabischen Ländern ist der revolutionäre Prozess in der Defensive und die Großmächte (USA, EU und Russland) versuchen die Syrische Revolution mit allen notwendigen Mitteln zu liquidieren. Und der rassistische Apartheidstaat Israel unterdrückt weiterhin die heroischen palästinensischen Jugendlichen mit brutaler Gewalt.


Beschämenderweise unterstützen linksreformistische Kräfte wie die ex-stalinistische Partei der Europäischen Linken (PCF in Frankreich, LINKE in Deutschland, SYRIZA in Griechenland, etc.) entweder solche Angriffe oder rühren keinen Finger um gegen diese reaktionäre Offensive zu mobilisieren. Dies unterstreicht einmal mehr die extreme Dringlichkeit für wirkliche Revolutionäre sich zu vereinen, um den Kampf für den Aufbau einer neuen Weltpartei der Sozialistischen Revolution zu stärken.


In einer solchen Situation ist es dringend notwendig, dass Revolutionäre in Europa, Afrika und im Nahen Osten sowie in anderen Teilen der Welt ihre Kräfte gegen diese konterrevolutionäre Offensive vereinen. Daher schlägt die RCIT allen revolutionären Organisationen und Aktivisten vor, eine gemeinsame internationale Solidaritätskampagne rund um folgende Forderungen zu starten:


* Verteidigt die Arabische Revolution gegen ihre ausländischen und inländischen Feinde! Nieder mit den reaktionären Regimes in Syrien, Ägypten, den Golfmonarchien sowie Tunesien! Verteidigt Jemen gegen die saudische Aggression! Zerschlagt den imperialistischen Apartheidstaat Israel – für den Sieg des palästinensischen Widerstandes!


* Internationale Solidarität mit der andauernden Syrischen Revolution! Führt den Kampf weiter, bis der ganze baathistische Staatsapparat zerschlagen wird! Nieder mit den Militärinterventionen von Russland und der NATO! Nein zu jeder durch die Großmächte erzwungenen Verhandlungslösung! Für das Recht des kurdischen Volkes auf nationale Selbstbestimmung! Nieder mit dem reaktionären Daesh!


* Nieder mit imperialistischen Angriffen und Kriegen! In Afghanistan, Irak, Syrien, Jemen, Libyen, Mali und Somalia: Besiegt die Truppen der imperialistischen NATO, Russlands und ihre lokalen Verbündeten! Wir sind auf der Seite derer, die Widerstand gegen die imperialistischen Invasoren leisten, aber geben keine politische Unterstützung für nationalistische oder islamistische Kräfte!


* Kampf dem Chauvinismus und Militarismus in Europa! Öffnet die Grenzen für Flüchtlinge! Hebt den Ausnahmezustand in Frankreich auf! Keine Einsätze von Nationalarmeen auf europäischen Straßen! Verteidigt muslimische Migranten gegen islamophoben Rassismus! Nein zur Kriminalisierung von pro-palästinensischen Solidaritätsaktivisten! Für eine Einheitsfront der Massenorganisationen der Arbeiter- und Migrantenbewegungen um rassistische und faschistische Kräfte von den Straßen zu fegen!


* Gleiche Rechte für Migranten! Gleicher Lohn und volle Staatsbürgerrechte! Gleichstellung von Sprachen von nationalen Minderheiten und Migranten in Ausbildung und öffentlicher Verwaltung! Für ein öffentliches Arbeitsprogramm mit Jobs für alle Flüchtlinge und alle arbeitslosen einheimischen Arbeiter! Einheimische Arbeiter und Migranten - kämpft zusammen gegen den gemeinsamen Feind: die herrschende Klasse in der EU und Russland und die Diktaturen im Nahen Osten und in Afrika!


Es ist dringend notwendig für Revolutionärinnen und Revolutionäre innerhalb der Massenorganisationen der Arbeiterklasse und Unterdrückten zu kämpfen – auch wenn diese oft von reformistischen Kräften geführt werden. In ihnen können sie Druck auf die Reformisten ausüben, damit sie den Kampf für diese Forderungen unterstützen.


Natürlich verbinden wir als Marxisten solch ein Programm mit einer sozialistischen Perspektive, die für einen revolutionären Sturz der kapitalistischen Regimes und für die Gründung von Arbeiter- und Bauernrepubliken kämpft.


Wenn ihr der grundlegenden Stoßrichtung dieser revolutionären Positionen und Perspektiven zustimmt, ersuchen wir euch, uns zu kontaktieren damit wir gemeinsam besprechen und entscheiden können, wie wir eine solche Kampagne starten. Zum Beispiel kann der Weltflüchtlingstag am 20. Juni eine ausgezeichnete Gelegenheit für einen internationalen Aktionstag sein.


Wir ersuchen alle Organisationen und Aktivisten, die die allgemeine Haltung dieses Offenen Briefes teilen, uns zu kontaktieren und uns ihre Ideen und Kritik zu senden, damit wir konkrete Schritte zur gemeinsamen Diskussion und Zusammenarbeit setzen können:


Die RCIT hat Sektionen und Aktivisten in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Jemen, Tunesien, Israel/besetztes Palästina, Brasilien, Großbritannien, Deutschland, den USA und Österreich.

Für eine ausführlichere Übersicht über die Standpunkte der RCIT verweisen wir Interessierte auf unsere Website Insbesondere möchten wir die Aufmerksamkeit auf folgenden RCIT-Dokumente lenken:

* Aufruf für einen Revolutionären Ersten Mai 2016,

* Offener Brief: Revolutionäre Einheit im Kampf um die Fünfte Arbeiterinternationale!

* Das Programm der RCIT: Das Revolutionär-Kommunistische Manifest,

Jedes dieser Dokumente ist in mehreren Sprachen veröffentlicht.


Übersetzung Marek Hangler


Defender os direitos dos refugiados! Apoiar a revolução árabe! Derrotar o Chauvinismo e o imperialismo da UE!

Carta aberta a todas as organizações revolucionárias e ativistas por uma Campanha de Solidariedade Internacional

Lançada pela Corrente Comunista Revolucionária Internacional (CCRI), 22/05/2015,


Camaradas, companheiros e companheiras!


Estamos vivendo em um período em que as forças da reação estão ganhando mais e mais força. Governos imperialistas na UE estão construindo muros para impedir a entrada de refugiados dentro continente e, a partir de que estejam dentro, impedir a sua livre circulação, aumentado pelo terrorismo de estado contra aqueles que conseguiram; eles impõem regimes de “estado de emergência” e lançam guerras no Norte de África e no Oriente Médio. Forças sionistas lançaram uma ofensiva na Europa para criminalizar e pressionar ativistas que expressam solidariedade com a luta de libertação palestina. Ao mesmo tempo, as forças racistas de extrema-direita estão a atingir grandes ganhos nas eleições. Nos países árabes, o processo revolucionário foi colocado na defensiva e as grandes potências (EUA, UE e Rússia) estão tentando liquidar a revolução síria por quaisquer meios necessários. E o racista, Estado de apartheid de Israel continua a esmagar jovens heroicos palestinos com força bruta.


Vergonhosamente, forças de esquerda reformistas, como o ex-stalinista Partido da Esquerda Europeia (PCF na França, LINKE na Alemanha, SYRIZA na Grécia, etc.), nem apoiam esses ataques ou não levantam um dedo para se mobilizar contra esta ofensiva reacionária. Isto sublinha uma vez mais a extrema urgência para os revolucionários autênticos de se unir a fim de reforçar a luta para construir um novo partido mundial da revolução socialista.


Em tal situação, é urgente que os revolucionários na Europa, África e Oriente Médio, bem como em outras partes do mundo, unam forças para lutar contra esta ofensiva contra-revolucionária. Assim, o CCRI propõe a todas as organizações revolucionárias e ativistas a lançar uma campanha internacional conjunta de solidariedade em torno das seguintes exigências:


* Defender a revolução árabe contra seus inimigos estrangeiros e domésticos! Abaixo os regimes reacionários na Síria, Egito, as monarquias do Golfo, bem como o regime na Tunísia! Defender o Iêmen contra a agressão saudita! Esmagar o imperialista estado de apartheid de Israel - vitória para a resistência palestina!


* Solidariedade internacional com a contínua revolução síria! Continuar a luta até que todo o aparato de Estado baathista seja esmagado! Abaixo com as intervenções militares da Rússia e da OTAN! Não para qualquer solução negociada pelas grandes potências! Pelo direito do povo curdo à auto-determinação nacional! Abaixo o reacionário Daesh (Estado Islâmico)!


* Abaixo com as agressões imperialistas e guerras! No Afeganistão, Iraque, Síria, Iêmen, Líbia, Mali e Somália: Derrotar a OTAN imperialista e as forças russas e seus aliados locais! Nós estamos do lado daqueles que resistem aos invasores imperialistas, mas não damos apoio político para as forças nacionalistas ou islâmicas!


* Lutar contra o chauvinismo e o militarismo na Europa! Abrir as fronteiras aos refugiados! Suspender o estado de emergência na França! Não ao envio de exércitos nacionais nas ruas da Europa! Defender os migrantes muçulmanos contra o racismo islamofóbico! Não à criminalização dos ativistas de solidariedade pró-Palestina! Por uma frente única de organizações de massa dos movimentos dos trabalhadores e imigrantes expulsar as forças racistas e fascistas das ruas!


* Igualdade de direitos para os imigrantes! Igualdade de salários e plenos direitos de cidadania! Igualdade para os imigrantes e as línguas das minorias nacionais na educação e administração pública! Por um programa de obras públicas, com postos de trabalho para todos os refugiados e todos os trabalhadores nativos desempregados! Trabalhadores nativos e os migrantes - lutar juntos contra o inimigo comum: a classe dominante na UE e na Rússia e as ditaduras no Oriente Médio e na África!


É urgente para os revolucionários lutarem dentro das organizações de massas da classe trabalhadora e dos oprimidos - mesmo que elas sejam frequentemente conduzidas por forças reformistas - a fim de colocar pressão sobre elas para se juntar à luta por essas demandas.


Naturalmente, como marxistas, combinamos um tal programa focado com uma perspectiva socialista que luta pela derrubada revolucionária dos regimes capitalistas e pela fundação repúblicas de trabalhadores es camponeses.


Se você concorda com o esboço fundamental destas posições revolucionárias e perspectivas, nós pedimos que você entre em contato conosco para que possamos discutir e decidir em conjunto como lançar uma campanha. Por exemplo, o Dia Mundial dos Refugiados em 20 de junho pode ser uma excelente oportunidade para um dia internacional de ação.


Nós incentivamos as organizações e ativistas que compartilham a visão geral desta Carta Aberta em contatar-nos e enviar-nos as suas ideias e críticas para que possamos tomar medidas concretas para discussão conjunta e colaboração:

O RCIT tem seções e militantes no Paquistão, Sri Lanka, Iêmen, Tunísia, Israel / Palestina ocupada, Brasil, Grã-Bretanha, Alemanha, os EUA, e Áustria.

Para uma visão mais ampla e geral de pontos de vista do CCRI, nós recomendamos para aqueles que estão interessados em nosso site Em particular, queremos chamar a atenção para os seguintes documentos CCRI:





¡Defensa a los derechos de los refugiados! ¡Apoyo a la Revolución Árabe! ¡Derrota al chovinismo e imperialismo de la UE!

Carta Abierta a todas las organizaciones y activistas revolucionarios por una campaña de solidaridad internacional

Por la Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional (CCRI, en inglés RCIT), 22.05.2015,


¡Camaradas, hermanos y hermanas!


Estamos viviendo en un período en que las fuerzas reaccionarias están ganando cada vez más fuerza. Gobiernos imperialistas de la UE construyen paredes para evitar la entrada de refugiados al continente y su libre circulación una vez dentro, aterrorizando a aquellos que ya lo han hecho; imponen regímenes de “estado de emergencia” y guerras en el Norte de África y Oriente Medio. Fuerzas sionistas han lanzado una ofensiva en Europa para penalizar y presionar activistas que expresen solidaridad con la lucha por la liberación palestina. Al mismo tiempo, fuerzas racistas de derecha hacen grandes avances en elecciones. En los países árabes, el proceso revolucionario se ha puesto a la defensiva y las grandes potencias (EE.UU, UE y Rusia) están tratando de liquidar la revolución por cualquier medio necesario. Y el racista Estado apartheid de Israel continúa aplastando a la heroica juventud palestina con la fuerza bruta.


Vergonzosamente, fuerzas de izquierda reformista como el ex estalinista Partido de la Izquierda Europea (PCF en Francia, LINKE en Alemania, SYRIZA en Grecia, etc.), o apoyan este tipo de ataques o no levantan ni un dedo para movilizarse contra esta ofensiva reaccionaria. Esto pone de manifiesto, una vez más, la urgencia extrema para los revolucionarios auténticos de construir un nuevo Partido Mundial de la Revolución Socialista.


En tal situación, es urgente que los revolucionarios en Europa, África y Oriente Medio –así como en otras partes del mundo- unan fuerzas para luchar contra esta ofensiva contrarrevolucionaria. Por lo tanto, la CCRI propone a todas las organizaciones y activistas revolucionarios lanzar una campaña internacional conjunta de solidaridad en torno a las siguientes demandas:


* ¡Defensa de la Revolución Árabe contra sus enemigos externos e internos! ¡Abajo los regímenes reaccionarios en Siria, Egipto, las monarquías del Golfo, así como en Túnez! ¡Defensa de Yemen contra la agresión Saudita! ¡Abajo el imperialista Estado apartheid de Israel – Victoria a la resistencia palestina!


* ¡Solidaridad internacional con la Revolución Siria que está en marcha! ¡Continuar la lucha hasta romper todo el aparato del Estado baasista! ¡Abajo las intervenciones militares de Rusia y la OTAN! ¡No a cualquier acuerdo negociado por las grandes potencias! ¡Por el derecho del pueblo kurdo a la autodeterminación nacional! ¡Abajo al reaccionario Estado Islámico/Daesh!


* ¡Abajo las agresiones y guerras imperialistas! En Afganistán, Irak, Siria, Yemen, Libia, Malí y Somalia: ¡Derrota a la OTAN imperialista, las fuerzas rusas y sus aliados locales! ¡Estamos del lado de aquellos que se resisten a los invasores imperialistas, pero no damos ningún apoyo político a fuerzas nacionalistas o islamistas!


* ¡Lucha contra el chovinismo y el militarismo en Europa! ¡Abrir de las fronteras a los refugiados! ¡Levantar el estado de emergencia en Francia! ¡No al despliegue de ejércitos nacionales en las calles de Europa! ¡Defensa a los inmigrantes musulmanes contra el racismo islamófobo! ¡No a la criminalización de activistas solidarios con Palestina! ¡Por un frente único de organizaciones de masas en los movimientos de migrantes y trabajadores para expulsar a fuerzas racistas y fascistas de las calles!


* ¡Igualdad de derechos para los migrantes! ¡Igualdad de salarios y plenos derechos de ciudadanía! ¡Igualdad de idiomas para los refugiados y minorías nacionales en la educación y administración públicas! ¡Por un programa público de empleos para todos los refugiados y trabajadores nativos desempleados! ¡Trabajadores nativos y migrantes deben luchar juntos contra el enemigo común: las clases dominantes en la UE y Rusia, dictaduras en Oriente Medio y África!


Es urgente para los revolucionarios luchar dentro de organizaciones de masas de la clase obrera y oprimidos –a pesar que a menudo son conducidas por fuerzas reformistas- con el fin de ejercer presión sobre ellos para que se unan a la lucha por estas demandas.


Naturalmente, como marxistas, combinamos un programa enfocado hacia una perspectiva socialista que lucha por el derrocamiento revolucionario de regímenes capitalistas y por la fundación de repúblicas obreras y campesinas.


Si estás de acuerdo con el esquema fundamental de estas posiciones y perspectivas revolucionarias, te pedimos hagas contacto con nosotros para discutir y decidir juntos cómo poner en marcha una campaña de este tipo. Por ejemplo, el Día Mundial del Refugiado (20 de junio) podría ser una excelente oportunidad para un día internacional de acción.


Animamos a organizaciones y activistas que compartan el panorama general de esta Carta Abierta a ponerse en contacto con nosotros y enviarnos sus ideas o críticas para poder dar pasos concretos hacia una discusión conjunta y colaboración:


La Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional (CCRI, en inglés RCIT) tiene secciones y activistas en Pakistán, Sri Lanka, Yemen, Túnez, Israel/Palestina Ocupada, Brasil, Gran Bretaña, Alemania, Estados Unidos y Austria.

Para una visión más amplia sobre los puntos de vista de la CCRI/RCIT referimos nuestra página web a quienes estén interesados: En particular, quisiéramos llamar la atención sobre los siguientes documentos:

* Declaración Revolucionaria del Primero de Mayo 2016,

* Carta Abierta a todas las Organizaciones y Activistas revolucionarios,

* El Programa de CCRI/RCIT: El Manifiesto Comunista Revolucionario,


Cada uno de estos documentos han sido publicados en varios idiomas.