September 2021
Britain: Weetabix Unite Engineers on Strike against Provocations of Management
Report (with Pictures) by RCIT Britain, 24th September 2021
Weetabix, a cereal and biscuit Manufacturer located in Northamptonshire has two sites: Burton Latimer (near Kettering) and Corby. The strike started on
21st September against plans to rip up existing contracts and bring in hire and re-hire inferior contracts with working practices changed and workers threatened with redundancy. The
strike will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday every week up to 31st November. >>Read more here
Brazil: Debate on the International and National Conjuncture
Report by Corrente Comunista Revolucionária (Brazilian section of RCIT), 21 September 2021,
Comrade Joao Evangelista, member of the CCR (Brazilian section of the RCIT) recently participated in two debates on the international and national conjuncture on the Emancipação do Trabalho channel. The subjects discussed were the world economic crisis, the rivalry of the great powers and its effects on the national context under the ultra-right regime of Jair Bolsonaro.
The videos can be watched either on YouTube or Facebook
July 2021
Brazil: 3rd July Shows Mobilizations against Bolsonaro
Report by Corrente Comunista Revolucionária (Brazilian section of RCIT), 7 July 2021,
Last Saturday, July 3rd, there were new huge popular acts against the Bolsonaro government in more than 300 cities in the country. The acts were neither bigger
nor occurred in more cities than the previous ones on June 19th because of the short time of preparation and popular call between these dates. Anyway, it is said that at least 800.000 people
attended the events across the country. In many cities, in addition to the cry "Out Bolsonaro!", came the defense of the Amazon rainforest and the
indigenous peoples who are fighting against the current Bill 490, which is being processed in the National Congress, and threatens the right to demarcate Indigenous Lands. Read more
Corrente Comunista Revolucionária (Seção brasileira da RCIT),
No último sabado, dia 03 de julho, ocorreram novos grandes atos populares contra o governo Bolsonaro em mais de 300 cidades do País. Os atos não foram maiores nem ocorreram em mais cidades do que os anteriores do dia 19 de junho por causa do pouco tempo de preparação e convocação popular entre essas datas. De qualquer forma fala-se que pelo menos 800 mil pessoas comparaceram aos atos em todo país. Em muitas cidades, além do grito “Fora Bolsonaro!” foi lembrada a defesa da floresta amazônica e dos povos indígenas que lutam contra o atual Projeto de Lei 490, que tramita no Congresso Nacional, ameaça ao direito de demarcação de Terras Indígenas.
Rally on the 8th Anniversary of the Military Coup in Egypt in 2013
Report (with Photos and Videos) from the Austrian Section of the RCIT
The Egyptian migrant community in Vienna organized a rally on 3rd July to commemorate the anniversary of the military coup in Egypt. Eight years ago, General Sisi carried out a coup d'état which resulted, in the following weeks, in the killing of thousands of people. Activists of the Austrian section of the RCIT attended the rally and our comrade Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT, delivered speeches in German and English language. See here for a full report with pictures and videos.
UK: NHS March Against Privatisation
Report (with Pictures) by RCIT Britain, 3rd July 2021
About 200 health workers from the Royal College of Nursing assembled outside the University College Hospital in Central London campaigning against privatisation and to defend the NHS. Later they marched to Downing Street. They chanted slogans against PM Boris Johnson and “They say cut back – we say fight back”. At Downing Street several reformist bureaucrats like the Labour MP John McDonnell spoke. Comrades of the RCIT Britain participated in the demonstration, sold our journals, and handed out leaflets.
Debate: Is China “Socialist”?
Report by Corrente Comunista Revolucionária (Brazilian section of RCIT), 1 July 2021,
Joao Evangelista, representative of the Corrente Comunista Revolucionária (Brazilian section of the RCIT), participated in a livestreamed Zoom debate on the issue "Is China Socialist?!" Our defense of China's characterization as an imperialist Great Power begins at 38 minutes, and the final analysis at 1:07 hours
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Informe da Corrente Comunista Revolucionária, seção brasileira da CCRI/RCIT, 1 de julho de 2021,
O representante da Corrente Comunista Revolucionária-CCR, João Evangelista, da seção brasileira do RCIT, participou de um live no qual o debate foi "A China é Socialista?!" Nossa defesa da caracterização da China como uma Grande Potência imperialista começa aos 38 minutos e a análise final às 1h07min
June 2021
UK: People's Assembly Demonstration Against Austerity
Report (with Pictures) by RCIT Britain, 26th June 2021,
10-15,000 people marched today in London against the Tory Government. The pro-Palestine block represented about a quarter of the demonstration and was very vocal. Their slogans were “One Free Palestine”, “We Are All Palestinians”. They again had Palestinian flags and draped themselves around Palestinian emblems shouting “Free Palestine“ and “Palestinian freedom forever”.
The RCIT Britain participated in the demonstration and sold a number of journals. Various Arab and Palestine supporters were very interested in the policies of the RCIT particularly it's defence of Palestine against the Zionist Enemy Israel.
The demonstration marched from Portland place to Parliament Square where a number of Trade Union speakers made reformist promises and called for the ending of a Tory Government with all its attacks on the Working class.
July 2020
Mendoza (Argentina):
Free all imprisoned militant workers! / ¡Libertad para trabajadores presos por luchar! On Sunday 5 July, municipal workers in Paseo Sarmiento, Mendoza province, have been detained. They face the charge of violating the quarantine. They were holding a protest demanding decent wages. Among them are our fellow militants of the Collective Emancipation Proletariat (CEP). The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) states its full solidarity with the comrades!
Read the report and watch the statements here
A rally in solidarity with the Egyptian Revolution took place on the 5th July 2020 in Vienna (Austria). Michael Pröbsting, the International Secretary of the RCIT, was invited by the Egyptian community to hold a speech. Comrade Pröbsting took the possibility to honor the struggle of the revolutionary fighters in Egypt and all around the world.
Long live the Revolution in Egypt! Long live International Solidarity!
Report with pictures and videos here
June 2020
The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) states its full solidarity with the Labor Rights Attorney Susana Prieto Terrazas! Suzana is the attorney for the National Independent Syndicate of Industrial and Service Workers/Sindicato Nacional Independiente de Trabajadores de Industrias y Servicios 20/32 (SNITIS). The SNITIS union represents maquiladora workers in Mexico. Susana Prieto Terrazas has been arrested on bogus charges by the Governor Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca, Governor of the State of Tamaulipas. Read the report and watch the statements here
On Monday, 8th June 2020, the people of Kenya took to the streets of some of Nairobi's settlements to protest the outrageous and ever-increasing cases of police brutality. The protest was organised by the Revolutionary Socialist League in conjunction with the Mathare Social Justice Centre. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of police killings have actually superseded the number of deaths by the Corona virus. These extra judicial killings have been happening with impunity, with the security apparatus publicly unapologetic and constantly increasing the use of force upon the people.
Mass organized movements and opposition parties occupied not only the capital Brasilia but also the main cities of the country on Sunday, June 7. They protested against Bolsonaro's government and the neo-fascist movements, in defense of democracy and the rights of the people. Organized and peaceful, the demonstrations disproved the president Bolsonaro's speech that accused protesters of "terrorists" in an interview with CNN during the week. "Black lives, women's lives, health professionals' lives matter," protesters chanted in chorus. Report by the Corrente Comunista Revolucionária-CCR
The San Francisco chapter of the protest and march held in opposition of the extrajudicial murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and the hundreds of black and brown Americans at the hands of Police Departments across the country took place on the 7th June 2020. Organized nationwide by RefuseFascism (whom you can reach at, the protest in question was attended a slight bit more by middle-aged people than the usual rabble of diverse, younger people, although there were still quite a number of people in the crowds representing the latter.
Report from our correspondent in San Francisco
Germany and Austria:
More than 100,000 people have demonstrated in Germany and nearly 60,000 in Austria to show solidarity with the Black Lives Matter Movement. 17,000 rallied in Leipzig on Sunday, in Berlin there were 18,000 and in Munich even 19,000. Protest spread in over 26 German cities like Hesse, where ten thousand have demonstrated. The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) and its militants in Germany and Austria participated in the rallies, distributed leaflets and newspapers of the RCIT and raised important slogans. Read the report here
The murder of George Floyd, a black worker, in the hands of the police, triggered massive mobilizations by the population of all colors inside and outside the United States, overcoming confinement due to the pandemic. To this day of anti-racist, anti-imperialist and internationalist struggle, we have joined in Mexico, on Friday 06/05/20 at 2:00 p.m. around 100 people attended, including political organizations and independent people, in front of the US embassy to demand justice for George Floyd and all the victims of police abuse in there. Report by Agrupación de Lucha Socialista (Mexican Section of the RCIT)
The Concerned Great Ife Students is a loose platform consisting of various radical currents in Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, which has for generations taken progressive positions on national issues even with its education centered orientation, that is, it demands mainly for increased funding of education respectively free education. This time since a 22 year old undergraduate student of Microbiology in the University of Benin (UNIBEN) by the name of Vera Uwaila Omozuwa, was raped and murdered the demonstration was made around it. Read the report here
May 2020
The comrades of Revolutionary Socialist League-Kenya celebrated the 57th Annual African Liberation Day, held on 25th May 2020. A statement was released and a meeting organized with various participants from progressive respectively revolutionary forces in Kenya. This day has helped to raise political, economic, social, and cultural awareness in African communities across the world and remains a great source of information about the struggles for total liberation and development of the African people and continent.
Africa:As the effects of the COVID-19 crisis become more apparent, the need to organise more speedily becomes all the more imperative. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the weaknesses of the current neoliberal system, and the tasks of progressive movements and organisations becomes clear at this moment; agitate, organise and mobilize against the counter-revolution being waged against the people by our regimes. We organized a Meeting of African Revolutionary and Progressive Organisations on 9th May 2020, via Zoom Read the full report here
March 2020
We, as the Agrupación de Lucha Socialista (ALS, the RCIT Section in
Mexico) set ourselves the goal to organize a campaign for a “proletarian and militant 8th March” to honour the international women's day. Traditionally
we march on this day together with urban and rural women workers, young women and with families of victims of feminicide. This year, in 2020, we participated in a mass mobilisation which was
bigger than it has been for many years. Read the full report here
February 2020
Palestine (Austria):
About 100 people, mostly Palestinian and other Arab migrants, assembled in front of the U.S. embassy in Vienna (Austria). They denounced the so-called “Peace”
Plan of the Trump Administration which in reality is not the “Deal of the Century” but rather the “Steal of the Century”. The single speech at the rally was made by Michael Pröbsting,
International Secretary of the RCIT. Our comrade emphasized the RCIT’s support for the liberation struggle of the Palestinian people. Full Report (+video) here
Iraq (Austria):
About 100 migrants from Iraq and other Arab countries assembled on the 2nd February 2020 in the centre of Vienna (Austria). They called for support with the popular uprising in Iraq where people, many of them youth, are demanding the downfall of the corrupt regime. The rally was addressed by several male and female speakers from Iraq as well as by Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT. Our comrade emphasized once more the RCIT’s support for the popular uprising. Full Report (+video) here
January 2020
Syria (Austria):
About 70 Syrian migrants held a rally in the centre of Vienna (Austria) on the 26th January 2020 to show their support with the Syrian people in Idlib. We
demonstrated at a time when the butchers Assad and Putin are launching decisive attacks against the last liberated territory in the Northwest of Syria. Hundreds of thousands of people have been
forced to flee in recent weeks. A delegation of the Chechen migrant community also participated in the rally. Read report (+video) here
Egypt (Austria):
The Egyptian migrant community organized a rally in the centre of Vienna to commemorate the 9th anniversary of the Egypt Revolution. As a result of a heroic popular uprising, the Egyptian workers and poor toppled the regime of the dictator Mubarak on 25 January 2011. This revolution won important democratic rights. However, these gains were crushed two and a half years later when General Sisi launched a bloody military coup on 3 July 2013. Since then, the regime has killed thousands of people and threw more than 60.000 people into prison. Read the full report (+video) here
Syria (Austria):
About 100 Syrian migrants held a rally on the 4th January 2020 in front of the Russian Embassy in Vienna (Austria) to demonstrate their solidarity with the
Syrian people in Idlib. This is a particularly burning issue since the butchers Assad and Putin resumed their military offensive against the last liberated territory in the Northwest of Syria.
Nearly ¼ of a million people had to flee in recent weeks. The rally was addressed by Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT. Read
the full report (+video) here
November 2019
Iraq (Austria):
About 100 migrants from Iraq and other Arab countries assembled in front of the Iranian embassy in Vienna (Austria). They denounced the brutal crackdown of the
mass protests in Iraq in which pro-Iranian militias play a central role. They called for solidarity with the popular uprising in Iraq which is fighting for freedom and social justice. The rally
was addressed by several male and female speakers from Iraq as well as by Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT. Full Report (+videos) here.
October 2019
Iraq (Austria):
About 100 migrants – mostly from Iraq but also from Syria – demonstrated in front of the U.S. embassy in Vienna (Austria)
on the 25th October 2019. They expressed their support for the popular uprising which is going on now for weeks. Demonstrators demanded the expulsion of the American as well as of the Iranian
troops from Iraqi soil. They also denounced the brutal suppression of the popular upsurge. Comrades of the RCIT participated at the rally. Read report (+videos) here
Iraq (Austria):
About 300 Iraqi migrants held a rally on the 8 October 2019 in front of the United Nations headquarter in Vienna (Austria) to demonstrate their support for the
popular uprising in Iraq. The rally was characterized by a very lively and militant spirit with people expressing their outrage against the brutal repression of the Iraqi security forces which
killed already more than 105 demonstrators in the last days. Participants also demanded an end of the influence of foreign powers. Read the full report (+videos) here
Kashmir (Austria):
About 100 migrants from Pakistan and Kashmir held a rally in Vienna (Austria) to demonstrate their support for the liberation struggle of the people in
Kashmir. The rally was organized, again, by the Pakistani Community Forum in Austria – a federation of numerous migrant NGO’s. Our comrade Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the
RCIT was asked to give two speeches (in German & in English). Read Report (+Videos)
September 2019
Austria: Between 30,000 (police) and 80,000 people (organizers) demonstrated in Vienna on 27 September as part of the global week of action against climate change. Most of the participants were school students, including many from primary schools. The demonstration had a very strong spontaneous character, reflecting that this is a highly impressive youth movement! As we elaborated in the RCIT statement (see the link below) the movement is both broad and heterogeneous. Read the full report (+videos)
August 2019
Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe’s main opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change Alliance, organised a national demonstration in Harare on 16 August. It started in the late hours of the morning, and saw quite a significant handful number of participants. Shamefully, the government not only suppressed the demonstration but also slandered the participants. Government Spokesperson Ndavaningi Nick Mangwana denounced the demonstration as “August 16 Protests Were Acts of Insurgency and Banditry”. See Report
Kashmir: About 700 migrants from Pakistan and Kashmir participated in a major event organized by the Pakistani Community Forum Austria in Vienna on 31 August. The public meeting naturally focused on the horrible situation in Kashmir where the people are suffering since 5 August under a barbarous state of emergency imposed by the Indian government led by the right-wing extremist chauvinist Modi.
(Read a full report with pictures and videos here)
India: More than 100 migrants from Pakistan and Kashmir held a rally in the center of Vienna (Austria) to demonstrate their solidarity with people in Kashmir. The rally was also addressed by a number of representatives of the migrant community as well as by our comrade Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT. He called for an international solidarity movement with the liberation struggle of the Kashmiri people. (Read a full report with pictures and videos here)
Chechnya: About 50 migrants from Chechnya held a rally in Vienna (Austria) in front of the Russian embassy. They protested against the killing of the Chechen liberation fighter Zelimkhan Khangoshvili. Khangoshvili was assassinated in Berlin on 23 August by an agent of the Russian security service. The rally was led by Iskhanov Huseyn, the spokesperson of the Chechen migrant community in Austria.
(Read a full report with pictures and videos here)
Kenya: On Tuesday, 13th August 2019, comrades and intellectuals gathered to have a symposium on the situation in the Sudan and Algeria. The event was organized by the International League of People's Struggles (ILPS) Kenya Chapter, the Revolutionary Socialist League (RSL) and many others. The theme of the symposium was 'Struggle for participatory democracy in Africa'. (Read a full report with pictures here)
Egypt: The Egyptian migrant community organized a rally in the centre of Vienna to commemorate the 6th anniversary of the Rabaa massacre by the Egypt army. Activists of the Austrian section of the RCIT participated in the rally. Our comrade Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT, delivered a speech in which he sharply denounced the military regime and the support for the regime by the imperialist Great Powers.
(Read a full report with pictures and videos here)
Kenya: On the 9th August 2019, the working class women in Kenya, led by the Revolutionary Socialist League, organised the Pan African Women's Day in Nairobi. The event was organized by the RSL in conjunction with the Social Justice Centers Working Group and the All African People's Revolutionary Party. The theme was 'Organise! Educate! Liberate!' The commemoration of the day was attended by 150-200 people.
(Read a full report with pictures here)
July 2019
Syria: About 50 Syrian migrants hold a rally in front of the United Nations headquarter in Vienna (Austria) to demonstrate their support for the Syrian people. The rally was also hold to draw attention to the ongoing hunger strikes of people around the globe in solidarity with the Syrian people. The rally was addressed by Michael Pröbsting who stressed the importance of building an international solidarity movement in support for the Syrian Revolution. (Read a full report with pictures and videos here)
Mexico: On Saturday, July 27 a rally was held in front of the US embassy. It was organized by the Solidarity Committee with Honduras and supported by various organizations. The Agrupación de Lucha Socialista (ALS), Section of the RCIT in Mexico, participated in the successfull rally. The dictatorship of Juan Orlando Hernández in Honduras was denounced while any kind of imperialist intervention was sharply opposed. (Read a full report in Spanish language here)
June 2019
Sudan: On the global day of action in solidarity with the popular uprising in Sudan, more than 150 people from the Sudanese migrant community assembled on 30 June in the centre of Vienna. They protested against the ongoing domination of the army command in Sudan. The Austrian section of the RCIT participated at the rally and Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT, addressed the demonstrators. (Read a full report with pictures and videos here)
Egypt: The Egyptian migrant community organized a rally in the centre of Vienna to commemorate the 6th anniversary of the military coup in Egypt. On 3 July 2013 General Sisi took power and created a military dictatorship which has massacred since then thousands of activists of the opposition. Activists of the Austrian section of the RCIT participated in the rally and Michael Pröbsting delivered a speech in which he denounced the military regime. (Read a full report with pictures and videos here)
Syria: About 400 Syrian migrants hold a rally in the center of Vienna (Austria) to express their support for the four million people in Idlib. The Syrian people are terrorized by the butchers Assad and Putin. Hundreds of civilians have been killed, more than 300,000 people have been forced to flee with nowhere to go. The rally was addressed by a Syrian speaker as well as by Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT. (Read a full report with pictures and videos here)
Sudan: Three dozen people, nearly all them from the Sudanese migrant community, assembled for a spontaneous rally on 5 June in front of the embassy of the United Arab Emirates. They protested against the bloody massacre in Sudan carried out by the army. Our comrade Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT, addressed the participants and warned against the consequences of this coup. (Read a full report with pictures and videos here)
May 2019
Syria: About 70 Syrian migrants and some Chechen solidarity activists assembled at the front of the UN headquarter in Vienna (Austria) for a spontaneous rally. The demonstrators reacted to the bloody assault of Assad’s army against Idlib – the last citadel of the Syrian Revolution. Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT emphasized in his speech the necessity to stand with the Syrian people in this difficult hour. (Read a full report with pictures and videos here)
International: The RCIT has initiated a joint May Day 2019 statement which has been translated into and published in eleven languages. Members and supporters of the RCIT were active on May Day in numerous countries. In Nigeria, comrades faced a brutal assault by the police. Here are a few reports with pictures and videos. We also publish a video statement with May Day greetings of Michael Pröbsting, the RCIT’s International Secretary. (Read a full report with pictures and videos here)
April 2019
Nigeria: On 16 April, residents of Mushin Constituency 2, Lagos state, took to the streets in order to protest against fraudulent electricity bills. They demonstrated in front of the headquarter of the electricity company responsible for the theft. Comrades of the Revolutionary Socialist Vanguard (sympathizing RCIT Section in Nigeria) joined and helped organizing the protest. Comrade Sanyaolu Juwon, a leader of the RSV, addressed the demonstrators. (Read a full report with pictures and video here)
Sudan: About 200 people, nearly all them from the Sudanese migrant community, held a rally in the centre of Vienna to show their support for the popular uprising against the capitalist dictatorship of Omar al-Bashir. The Austrian section of the RCIT participated with a delegation, and comrade Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT, gave a speech. He outlined key elements of our program for the popular insurrection in Sudan. (Read a full report with pictures and video here)
March 2019
China: The Austrian TV Channel OKTO organized a discussion on 25 March about the situation of the Muslim Uyghurs in China. They invited three representatives of the Uygur migrant community in Austria as well as Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT. The discussion centred about the suffering of the Uygur people under the hand of the Chinese Stalinist-capitalist dictatorship and possibilities for solidarity. A full report with pictures as well as the link to the video of the one-hour TV discussion can be read here.
Syria: About 200 Syrian migrants as well as a number of solidarity activists assembled in the centre of Vienna at the 8th anniversary of the Syrian Revolution. They expressed their unbroken support for the ongoing liberation struggle against the criminal regime of Assad and its Russian imperialist master. The rally was addressed by speakers from the Syrian, Egypt and Sudanese community, as well as by our comrade Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT. (Read a full report with pictures and video here)
January 2019
Egypt: The Egyptian migrant community organized a rally in the centre of Vienna to commemorate the 8th anniversary of the Egypt Revolution. On 25 January 2011 Egyptian workers and poor toppled the regime of the dictator Mubarak. Activists of the Austrian section of the RCIT attended the rally and our comrade Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT, addressed those gathered. (Read a full report with pictures and video here)
Sudan: Nearly 100 people, most of them from the Sudanese migrant community, assembled in the centre of Vienna to protest against the brutal dictatorship of Omar al-Bashir. The organizers of the Sudanese community invited the Austrian section of the RCIT to the rally. We participated with a delegation, and our comrade Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT, addressed the rally and emphasized our solidarity with the popular uprising (Read a full report with pictures and video here)
Britain: 5,000 people demonstrated against the Theresa May Government against Austerity, Brexit and Homelessness. The main slogan was for a General Election Now and to elect a Labour government under Jeremy Corbyn. There were placards like “Britain is broken”, “General election now – Tories out”, “May must go”, and “Kick out the Tories”. There were also banners from the Trade Unions including UNITE, National Education Union, UNISON, RMT, CWU and several Labour Party branches. (Read a full report here)
December 2018
Egypt: The Austrian section of the RCIT participated in two protest rallies on 16 and 17 December against the visit of Killer-General Sisi in Vienna. General Sisi is the butcher of the Egypt people. The strong presence of the police was remarkable and demonstrated that the authorities were determined to avoid any embarrassment for the Egyptian dictator. Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT, addressed both rallies. He was also interviewed a Syrian media team. (Read a full report here)
Nigeria: The Alliance of Nigerian Students Against Neo-liberal Attacks (ANSA), in which Nigerian comrades of the RCIT play a leading role, continues its activities in solidarity with a strike of the university teachers organized by their trade union ASUU/COEASU. The teachers are waging a important struggle against the austerity policy of the government. On 3 December comrades organized a demonstration in Abeokuta, Ogun State. (Read a full report here)
November 2018
Nigeria: Nigerian comrades of the RCIT play a leading role in the Alliance of Nigerian Students Against Neo-liberal Attacks (ANSA). This is a militant movement which is currently campaigning in support of a strike of the university teachers organized by their trade union ASUU/COEASU. On 30 November comrades were at the Sabo Market in Ikorodu, Lagos to sensitize market men/women and students on the basic reasons why these Education Worker Unions- ASUU/COEASU are on strike. (Read a full report here)
Britain: British comrades of the RCIT participated on 17 November in a mass demonstration of 15-20.000 people against racism and fascism. The march was organised jointly by the TUC and Stand Up Against Racism and Fascism. It was called in response against the emergence of right wing forces in both the U.S. and in Europe. Some fascists as well as Zionists tried to provoke the demonstrators but without success. RCIT comrades sold a number of journals and bulletin. (Read a full report here)
October 2018
Mexico: The Mexican comrades of the RCIT are strongly involved in the popular campaign against the construction of the new international airport in Mexico City. They have formed, together with the comrades of the Colectivo Acción y Resistencia (CAR), brigades of youth, students and workers. They recently made an activity in the subway informing the people about the consequences of the construction. They call for international support for this popular struggle.
September 2018
Syria: In face of the looming massacre in Idlib, the Syrian migrant community in Austria organized a rally in the centre of Vienna on 8 September 2018. They demonstarted their solidarity with the resistance of the Syrian people against the reactionary assault of Assad, Russia and Iran. The Austrian section of the RCIT participated in the rally and Michael Pröbsting, the International Secretary of the RCIT, addressed the rally with a speech. (Read a full report with pictures and video here)
August 2018
UK: On 1st August a demonstration took place against the Tory controlled Northamptonshire County Council, which has wilfully spent money recklessly on buildings and new office blocks while ignoring the concerns of local people. There was a lively protest of 200 people representing delegations from trade unions like Unite, CWU, GMB and Unison whose members face the sack. Comrades of the RCIT Britain participated in the rally. (Read a full report here)
Brazil: Dozens of people – most of the Latin American migrants – assembled in Vienna close to the Brazilian embassy. They condemned the institutional coup d'etat and demanded the liberation of the imprisoned former President Lula. Comrades of the Austrian section of the RCIT participated in the rally. Michael Pröbsting, the International Secretary of the RCIT, addressed the rally with a speech. (Read a full report with videos here)
Israel / Occupied Palestine: Tens