Imperialism and War Today (New Book in Korean Language)
Argentina: Massive Protest against the Adjustment Plans of the Government (20.12.2023)
Masiva protesta contra el ajuste del gobierno en Argentina (20.12.2023)
Argentina: Cordoba Teachers Ace Adjustment (15.12.2023)
Argentina: Los docentes de Cordoba enfrentan el ajuste (15.12.2023)
Austria: Another Rally in Solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance (19.12.2023)
(19.12.2023) فيينا: مسيرة أخرى تضامنية مع المقاومة الفلسطينية
Austria: otra manifestación en solidaridad con la resistencia palestina (19.12.2023)
Wien: Eine weitere Kundgebung in Solidarität mit dem palästinensischen Widerstand (19.12.2023)
Mexico: The solidarity movement with Palestine is still alive
México: El movimiento de solidaridad con Palestina sigue vivo
Austria: Vocal Demonstration in Solidarity with Gaza (16.12.2023)
(16.12.2023) فيينا: مظاهرة صاخبة تضامناً مع غزة
Austria: Manifestación en solidaridad con Gaza (16.12.2023)
Wien: Lautstarke Demonstration in Solidarität mit Gaza (16.12.2023)
London: Mass Demonstration for Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza (9.12.2023)
Argentina: A Victory for Class Struggle Advocates in the Teachers Union
Argentina: Avance del clasismo en el sindicato docente
Austria: Demonstration against the Media Lies in the Gaza War (8.12.2023)
فيينا: مظاهرة ضد الأكاذيب الإعلامية في حرب غزة (8.12.2023)
Austria: Manifestación contra las mentiras mediáticas en la guerra de Gaza (08.12.2023)
Wien: Demonstration gegen die Lügen der Medien im Gaza-Krieg (8.12.2023)
Austria: Another March in Solidarity with the Palestinian People (02.12.2023)
(02.12.2023) فيينا: مظاهرة أخرى تضامناً مع الشعب الفلسطيني
Austria: Otra marcha en solidaridad con el pueblo palestino (02.12.2023)
Wien: Eine weitere Demonstration in Solidarität mit dem palästinensischen Volk (02.12.2023)
Austria: Demonstration in Support of the Palestinian People (26.11.2023)
(26.11.2023) النمسا: مظاهرة دعماً للشعب الفلسطيني
Austria: Manifestación en apoyo al pueblo palestino (26.11.2023)
Wien: Demonstration zur Unterstützung des palästinensischen Volkes (26.11.2023)
Syria: Rally against renewed Bombardment of Idlib by Assad and Putin (26.11.2023)
(26.11.2023) سوريا: مظاهرة ضد القصف المتجدد لإدلب من قبل الأسد وبوتين
Siria: Manifestación contra el nuevo bombardeo de Idlib por parte de Assad y Putin (26.11.2023)
Syrien: Kundgebung gegen das neuerliche Bombardement von Idlib durch Assad und Putin (26.11.2023)
Mexico: Solidarity action with Palestine. "Israel is a genocidal State!"
México: Acción de solidaridad con Palestina ¡Israel, Estado genocida!
The Korean section of the RCIT has published a new book titled Imperialism and War Today. The book has 235 pages and includes both articles written by our Korean comrades as well as translations of other RCIT documents.
Below you can read the contents of the book in English and Korean language. We also attach a picture of the book’s cover as well as a PDF of the book.
You can order the book from our comrades here:
Contents (English)
Part I. Gaza War 2023: Victory for the Palestinian liberation struggle! Defeat for Israel!
1.1 “It is time to expel the occupiers!” - Let us support the heroic Palestinian resistance! Defeat Israel!
1.2 Regarding the tactics raised in international solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle
1.3 Ukraine Zelensky supports Zionist oppressors
1.4 Regarding anti-Israel protests at Russian airports
1.5 The travesty that both sides in the current Gaza war are in an imperialist war.
1.6 Some on the left shamelessly support “Israel’s right to self-determination”
Part 2. Modern imperialism and "multipolar world order"
2.1 Modern imperialism and the theory of “multipolar world order”
2.2 “Multipolar world order”: fair imperialism? Reformed imperialism?
2.3 Russia: Imperialist Power or Semi-Peripheral State?
2.4 Ukraine: A Capitalist Semi-Colony
Part III. War and the tasks of the revolutionary working class
3.1 Defend North Korea against imperialist US./Japan/S.Korea!
3.2 G7 Western imperialists, including Yoon Suk Yeol, demand for "nuclear disarmament" against North Korea – On the mistakes of some left-wing organizations calling for North Korea to give up its nuclear armament and "nuclear disarmament".)
3.3 Marxist Tactics in Wars with Contradictory Character
오늘날의 제국주의와 전쟁
노동자혁명당 준비모임
차 례
1부. 가자 전쟁: 팔레스타인 해방투쟁에 승리를! 이스라엘에 패배를!
1.1 [긴급성명] “점령자들을 쫓아내야 할 때다!”- 영웅적인 팔레스타인 저항을 지지하자! 이스라엘에게 패배를!
1.2 팔레스타인 해방투쟁과의 국제연대에서 제기되는 전술에 대하여
1.3 우크라이나 젤렌스키가 시온주의 압제자를 응원하다
1.4 러시아 공항 반이스라엘 시위에 대하여
1.5 현 가자 전쟁에서 양측 모두가 제국주의 전쟁이라는 희화적 논리
1.6 후안무치하게도 좌파 일각에서 “이스라엘의 자결권”을 지지하다
2부. 오늘날의 제국주의와 “다극 세계질서”
2.1 현대 제국주의와 “다극 세계질서”론
2.2 “다극 세계질서”: 공정 제국주의? 개량 제국주의?
2.3 러시아: 제국주의 열강인가, 반주변부 국가인가?
2.4 우크라이나 사회성격: 자본주의 반식민지 사회구성체
3부. 전쟁과 노동자계급의 임무
제국주의 미/일/한에 대항하여 북한을 방어하자!
3.2 윤석열을 위시한 G7 서방 제국주의자들의 대북 "핵군축" 요구 - "북한의 핵무장 포기"와 "군축"을 요구하는 운동진영 일각의 오류에 대하여
3.3 모순적 성격을 가진 전쟁에서 맑스주의 전술
By Convergencia Socialista (Argentine section of the RCIT), 21.12.2023,
On the anniversary of the “Argentinazo”, when in December 2001 the masses in Argentina forced five consecutive presidents to resign, a massive protest took place in the afternoon, led by the Trotskyist left. This demonstration was of utmost political importance since it was the first protest against the new government's adjustment plan.
The mobilization was also a challenge to the repressive measures that the government announced, which aims to prohibit protests.
After the mobilization of the left, the president announced a decree that represents a huge attack on the rights of the working class- it contains more than 30 articles that further “liberalise” the market and will produce a leap forward in the inflation process, pushing the majority of the population to poverty.
The response of the mass movement was to take to the streets in the main cities of the country on that same night and to march to the parliament house, banging pots, closely resembling the scenes from the 2001 rebellion.
This seems to be the beginning of a process of resistance against the ultra-liberal policy of the Argentine government, the preamble to great battles.
Por Convergencia Socialista (sección argentina de la CCRI), 21.12.2023,
En el aniversario del “argentinazo”, cuando en diciembre del 2001 las masas en Argentina hicieron renunciar a cinco presidentes consecutivos, se llevó adelante una masiva protesta, por la tarde, encabezada por la izquierda trotskista. Esta manifestación fue de suma importancia política, ya que fue la primera contra el plan de ajuste del nuevo gobierno.
La movilización también fue un desafío a las medidas represivas que el gobierno anunció, que tenían como objetivo prohibir las protestas.
Luego de la movilización de la izquierda, el presidente anunció un decreto que significa un ataque enorme a los derechos de la clase obrera, pero que también contiene más de 30 artículos que liberan aún más el mercado y producirán un salto adelante en el proceso de inflación, llevando a la mayoría de la población a la pobreza.
La respuesta del movimiento de masas fue salir a las calles en las principales ciudades del país, esa misma noche y movilizarse al edificio del parlamento, golpeando ollas, en una imagen que se asemejó mucho a la rebelión del 2001.
Este parece ser el comienzo de un proceso de resistencia a la política ultraliberal del gobierno argentino, el preámbulo de grandes batallas.