Continuity and Changes in the Super-Exploitation of the Semi-Colonial World by Monopoly Capital

Consequences for the Marxist Theory of Imperialism



Written by Michael Pröbsting

(International Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency)


Published in 2013



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List of Tables

List of Figures

List of Abbreviations






1. Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism


“…as precise and full a Definition of Imperialism as possible”


Trotsky’s View of Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism


The Division of the World into Oppressing and Oppressed Nations


The Semi-Colonial Countries: a modified Form of Imperialist Subjugation or Independent Capitalist States?


The Role of the Superstructure and its Relationship with the Economic Basis


Imperialism and the Semi-Colonial State



2. Monopolism and the increasing Role of Monopolies in the World Economy 


Imperialism as Policy or as Monopolism based on Economic Laws?


Monopolism and Monopoly Profit


The ever-increasing Grip of Monopolies in the World Economy



3. The Decline of Capitalism since the 1970s



4. Capitalist Value Production and the Working Class Move to the South


The Marxist Classics on the Industrialization of the South


Value and Price on the World Market: The Grand Distortion of the Value Creation in the South


The increasing Importance of the Proletariat in the South and the Emerging Imperialist Countries



5. Rising Exploitation, Super-Exploitation and the Lowering the Value of Labour Force


Marx and the Depressing the Wages below the Value of the Labor Force


Impoverishment and Précarisation of the World Working Class in the past Decades


The Rise in the Rate of Exploitation



6. Marxist Theory and Imperialist Super-Exploitation of the Semi-Colonial Countries 


Unequal Exchange


Capital Export


Migration and Super-Exploitation


Centrist Objections


The Role of the Foreign Market



7. Various Forms of Imperialist Super-Exploitation of the Semi-Colonial Countries and their Development in the past Decades (Part 1)


An Overview on the Financial Net Transfer


Importance of Raw Materials and Food


The Role of Imperialist Capital Export to the Semi-Colonial World


Excurse: Capital Export and Capital Export is not the same



8. Various Forms of Imperialist Super-Exploitation of the Semi-Colonial Countries and their Development in the past Decades (Part 2)


i) Extra Profits via Capital Export as Productive Investment


Underestimation of surplus value and extra-profits extracted from the South


ii) Extra profits via Capital Export as Money Capital (Loans, Currency Reserves, Speculation, etc.)


Losses from Currency Exchange


Capital Flight


iii) Value Transfer from the Semi-Colonial South to the Imperialist North: Unequal Exchange


iv) Value Transfer from the Semi-Colonial South to the Imperialist North: Migration


Dramatic effects for semi-colonies: Brain Drain and Remittances


Direct and Indirect Exploitation of Migrants


Attempt for Total Calculation of Imperialist Plundering


Excurse: The Role of the Plundering of the Colonies for the Formation of


Capitalism in Western Europe in the 16th to 18th Century



9. Revisionist Critiques of the Leninist Theory of Imperialism


The Essence of Centrism


Denial of Concept of Semi-Colonies


Did Lenin and Trotsky know of Semi-Colonies?


When did the Epoch of Imperialism begin?


“Sometimes the Creation of ‚Independent’ States leads to a Strengthening of Imperialism.” (Lenin)


Backward Countries without Industry and Proletariat?


The CWI and the “imperialist” Argentina


The Example of Argentina


The SWP/IST and the Debt Dependency


Is there still a National Question of the Semi-Colonial Countries?


The new Theory of “Sub-Imperialism”


The Example of Turkey


“Sub-Imperialism” or Advanced Semi-Colonies?


Rejection of Concept of Labor Aristocracy


LFI: A formal Defense of Lenin’s Theory which disembowels its revolutionary Content



10. China‘s Transformation into an Imperialist Power


What are the Criteria for an Imperialist State?


China’s race to a World Major Economy


China’s Monopolies


Exploitation and Super-Exploitation of the Working Class


Capital Export as Bond and Loan Capital


Capital Export as Foreign Direct Investment


A Note on Hong Kong’s Role in Foreign Direct Investment


Where is China investing abroad?


Super-exploitation of the semi-colonies


China’s Military Forces


The Struggle for Control over the South China (or East) Sea


Where should the Working Class stand in possible Wars involving US and Chinese Imperialism and South-East Asian Nations?


Why did China’s Rulers succeed in becoming imperialist where others failed?



11. The Theory of Permanent Revolution and its Program for the Working Class Struggle



12. The Struggle against Imperialist Aggressions and Wars:


The Programme of the early Communist International and the Fourth International


i) Reactionary Wars and Conflicts between Imperialist States


ii) Just Wars and Resistance of the Oppressed


For the Destruction of the Apartheid State Israel!


Excursus: Capitalism as a unity of economic, political and ideological Spheres


iii) The Struggle for Class Independence and the Anti-imperialist United Front Tactic


iv) Liberation Struggles, Imperialist Interference and the Dual Military Tactics


The Public Opinion in the Imperialist World must not be the Starting Point for developing a Position towards a War!


How to approach various Forms of imperialist Military Interventions?


Consequences for the Military Tactic 


The Marxist Classics on Contradictory Factors in Wars



13. Centrism’s Failure in the Struggle against Imperialist Wars


i) The Malvinas War in 1982


ii) The Gulf War in 1991


iii) The imperialist War on Terror since 2001


Social-Imperialist ex-Stalinists


The IST’s specific Form of Opportunism 


How to fight for anti-imperialist Position and how not to fight for it


IST policy: Give us some Posts and we stop fighting for our Principles


CWI and their Capitulation to Imperialism


Socialist Zionism a la CWI


Is Revolutionary Defeatism too much for the Working Class?


On the CWI’ and IMT’s Falsification of Lenin’s and Trotsky’s Method


CMR/IRMT: Rejection of Anti-Imperialism in ultra-left Clothes



14. Some final remarks on the Perspectives for Class Struggle


i) A world historic revolutionary period


ii) The present historic period and its consequences for the semi-colonial world


The Shift to the South


The shift to Asia


Increasing Migration and Internationalization of the working class in the North


Great Power Rivalry and increasing imperialist leverage and wars of aggression against semi-colonies


Tendency towards Colonialism or more room to maneuver for the semi-colonial bourgeoisie? 


Globalization, regionalization and protectionism


The Prospects of Revolution and the Crisis of Working Class Leadership



15. Summary



List of Tables

Table 1: National composition of Top 50 control-holders Shareholders


Table 2: Growth Rate of the worldwide GDP 1971-2010


Table 3: Growth Rate of Industrial Production in USA, Japan and EU-15, 1961-2010


Table 4: Growth Rate of Gross Fixed Capital Formation in USA, Japan and EU-15, 1961-2010


Table 5: Growth Rates of Fixed Capital Stock, 1960-2000


Table 6: Share of Imperialist and (Semi-)Colonial Countries in World Industrial Production 1948-1979


Table 7: Manufacturing Share by Region, 1985, 1990, 2000 and 2010 (in %)


Table 8: Share of Output by Sector in Developed and Developing Countries 1990–2005


Table 9: Share of Economic Sectors of GDP in various World Regions 2008


Table 10: Developing and Developed Countries’ Share of Global Manufacturing Value added by Industry Sector, 1995–2009


Table 11: Wage laborer as a Share of all Employed by Regions, 1996-2008


Table 12: Female Wage Laborer as a Share of all Female Employed by Regions, 2008


Table 13: Share of all Labor Force in Economic Sectors in Regions, 1950, 1977 and 2008 (in %)


Table 14: Share of all Labor Force in different Regions in the years, 1965, 1995 and 2008/09


Table 15: Growth of the Working Class in the Semi-Colonial World


Table 16: Distribution of Wage Laborers in different Regions, 1995 and 2008/09


Table 17: Distribution of Labor Force in Industry in different Regions 2008/09


Table 18: Share of Manufacturing Employment for Developing and Developed Countries, by Industry Sector, 1993–2008


Table 19: Changes of Labor’s Share of GDP in Rich and Poor countries, 1960-1993


Table 20: Wages Growth and GDP Growth, 2001-2007


Table 21: Share of Wages in Manufacturing, 1975-1992


Table 22: Net Transfers of Financial Resources to Developing Countries and former Stalinist Countries, 1995-2011


Table 23: Gross Value of Capital Invested Abroad in 1914 and 1938


Table 24: Distribution of US Private FDI, 1950-1975


Table 25: Distribution of Western German Private FDI, 1960-1975


Table 26: Geographical Distribution of Foreign Direct Investments of Western Europe, USA and Japan, 1975


Table 27: Gross Value of Foreign Capital in Developing Countries 1870-1998


Table 28: Geographical Distribution of Inward FDI Stock, 1967-1997


Table 29: FDI Stock, by Region and Economy, 1990-2011


Table 30: FDI Stock, by Region and Economy, 1980-2011 (share of global FDI stock)


Table 31: FDI Inflows as a Percentage of Capital Formation, 1980-1990


Table 32: FDI Inflows as a Percentage of Capital Formation, 1990-2010


Table 33: FDI Outflows as a percentage of Capital Formation, 1990-2010


Table 34: Company Acquisitions and Creation by Foreign Capital in the US, 1983-1989


Table 35: Profit rates of Direct Investment of US corporations in Imperialist and Semi-Colonial Countries, 1951-1970


Table 36: Extra profits of US Monopolies in Semi-Colonies, 1970 and 1975


Table 37: Profits on US Direct Investment Overseas, 2006-2009


Table 38: Annually Repatriated Profits and Annual Growth of Foreign Investment by US Monopolies, 1950-1966


Table 39: International Banking Capital in relation to World Output, Trade and Investment, 1964-1991


Table 40: Long-Term Real Interest Rates in Imperialist and Semi-Colonial Countries


Table 41: Increase of Debts in Regions, 1980-2002


Table 42: Gross Debt, Deposits and Net Debt, 1995


Table 43: Stock of foreign-born Labor Force in OECD countries, 1999-2008


Table 44: Distribution of National Income between the North and the South, 1850 and 1960


Table 45: Per Capita GDP in North and South, 1820 and 1998


Table 46: Industrialization in Latin American countries, 1929-1957


Table 47: Per Capita GDP and Interregional Spreads, 1870-1998


Table 48: Turkey’s FDI Stock, 1990-2011


Table 49: Wage Inequality in OECD Countries, 1970-2008


Table 50: Share of low-skilled Workers, 1995


Table 51: Unskilled and Skilled Workers, 2001


Table 52: List of the Top 10 Countries of the Global 500 companies


Table 53: Rural-to-Urban Migrants as a Proportion of Total Workforce


Table 54: Annual Increase in Labor Disputes in China, 1995-2006


Table 55: FDI Outward Stock by Country, 2011


Table 56: FDI flows from selected countries, 2006-2011


Table 57: Destinations of China’s Capital Export from 2005 to mid-2012


Table 58: China’s Non-Bond Investment by Type 2005-2010


Table 59: The 10 largest Military Spender, 2011


Table 60: The 10 largest Exporter of Major Arms, 2010



List of Figures

Figure 1: Global FDI flows to GDP


Figure 2: Transnational Corporations share of world GDP, 2010


Figure 3: Internationalization Statistics of the 100 largest non-financial TNCs worldwide & from Developing and Transition Economies, 2010


Figure 4: U.S. Parent Companies Account for Employment, Output, Capital, Investment, Exports and Research and Development, 2006


Figure 5: Rate of Profit in the US Productive Sectors, 1948-2010


Figure 6: Rate of Profit of US Corporations, 1947-2009


Figure 7: Average Rate of Profit and Organic Composition in the US Productive Sectors, 1948-2009


Figure 8: Manufacturing Capacity Utilization in USA


Figure 9: Financial Profits as a Percentage of Total Profits in USA


Figure 10: Share of Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate in USA


Figure 11: U.S. Balance Of Payments, 1946–2008


Figure 12: Developing Economies’ Share in World Manufacturing Value Added and GDP, 1990–2010


Figure 13: Developed and Developing Countries’ Share of World Manufactured Exports, 1992–2009


Figure 14: Manufactured Exports Markets by Region, 2005 and 2009


Figure 15: Distribution of the Global Labor Force by Regions, 1965–2025


Figure 16: Developing Countries’ Share in World Manufacturing Employment, 1980–2008


Figure 17: Global Industrial Labor Force in Developed and Developing Countries, 1950–2005


Figure 18: Share of Manufacturing Employment in Developing Countries, 1998–2008


Figure 19: Employment Status in Turkey, 1988-2006 in Total Employment, 1970-2007


Figure 21: Informal Employment and Economic Development


Figure 22: Labor Share in OECD Countries, 1960-2000


Figure 23: Labor Income Shares in OECD Countries, 1980-2007


Figure 24: Share of Compensation of Employees in National Income, Selected Country Groups, 1980-2008


Figure 25: Wage Share of Value Added in Manufacturing Industry in South Korea, Mexico and Turkey, 1970-2003


Figure 26: Wage Share in Manufacturing Industry in Turkey, 1970-2005


Figure 27: Chinese Manufacturing Labour’s Share, 2002-2008


Figure 28: Trends in Wage Shares in Regions, 1983-2009


Figure 29: Rates of Surplus Value in Developed, Developing and Transition Economies, 1994-2008


Figure 30: Latin America: Net Transfer of Resources, 1950-2002


Figure 31: Net Financial Transfer from Semi-Colonies to Metropolises, 1980-1990


Figure 32: Costs of the Global Market to Developing Countries, 1990


Figure 33: Net Transfers of Financial Resources to Developing Economies and Economies in Transition, 1999-2011


Figure 34: EU Agricultural Imports by Origin, 1999-2010


Figure 35: FDI Inflows, World and Group of Economies, 1980-2010


Figure 36: Greenfield Investments by the largest 100 TNCs, 2007–2010


Figure 37: Geographical Differences between Hourly Wages in Manufacturing, 2008


Figure 38: Hourly Compensation Costs of Manufacturing Employees, selected Countries and Regions, 2005


Figure 39: Operating Profits derived from Operations in Developing and Transition Economies, selected top 100 TNCs, 2010


Figure 40: Share of Imported Inputs in Manufacturing, 1970-2000


Figure 41: Production Costs of an Apple iPhone assembled in China


Figure 42: US and oversee Employees in 1955 and in 2012


Figure 43: External Debt Service-to-Export Ratio, 2005-2010


Figure 44: Illicit Financial Flows from India, 1948-2008


Figure 45: World Imports as Share of World GDP, 1965-2007


Figure 46: World Exports as Share of World GDP, 1965-2007


Figure 47: Regions Share in World Exports, 1948-2007


Figure 48: World Manufactured Exports, by Region, 1995–2009


Figure 49: Development of Terms of Trade 1880-2000


Figure 50: Development of Terms of Trade for Non-Oil Producing Developing Countries, 1957-2000


Figure 51: Migrants as a percentage of the Population, 1960-2005


Figure 52: The share of Migrants in the population, 1960 and 2005


Figure 53: Wages in Imperialist and Semi-Colonial Countries, 1988-92


Figure 54: Turkey’s Rising Dependence on Short-Term Foreign Debt


Figure 55: Real Annual Family Income Growth by Quintile, 1947-1979 and 1979-2010


Figure 56: Changes in US Male Full-Time Workers Wages according to their different Education Levels, 1963-2008


Figure 57: Increase of Wage Inequality in OECD countries, 1980-2005


Figure 58: US Male Wage Inequality, 1937-2005


Figure 59: Share of Global Economic Output, 1981-2011


Figure 60: China’s Economic Performance


Figure 61: Share of global Manufacturing Exports; USA and Britain 1906-29 and China 2000-09 (in %)


Figure 62: Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Imperialist Countries, Semi-Colonial Countries and China, 1960-2011


Figure 63: International Comparison of Ownership Structure of the Banking Sector (2005) and Financial System Structure (2009)


Figure 64: Rate of Profit in the Chinese Manufacturing, 1978-2004


Figure 65: Size of State-Owned Enterprises and Rate of Return in Private and State Enterprises in China, 1998-2010


Figure 66: Share of Informal Employment in Urban Labor Market amongst Migrant and Local Workers in China, 2001-2010


Figure 67: Government Expenditures for Education, Health, Environmental and Social Protection, 2007-2009


Figure 68: Inequality in Real Wages in Special Economic Zones and All Other Cities between top and bottom layer of Workers, 1988-2001


Figure 69: Inequality in Nominal Wages in Special Economic Zones and All Other Cities, 1988-2001


Figure 70: Workers Protests in State and Private Enterprises, 2000-2010


Figure 71: China’s Foreign Exchange Reserves and its US Securities Holdings, 2002-2011


Figure 72: China as the world second biggest Net Capital Exporter, 2011


Figure 73: China’s Outward Investment, 2005 – mid 2012


Figure 74: Composition of China’s Foreign Investments, 2009‐2011


Figure 75: Foreign Assets of China’s main non‐banking SOEs, 2010


Figure 76: China’s Trade with Africa, 1995-2010


Figure 77: China’s Trade with East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, 1990 and 2010


Figure 78: China’s First and Second Island Chains in the Pacific Sea


Figure 79: Sovereignty Claims in the South China Sea



List of Abbreviations

Comintern: Communist International


CMR: Committee for Marxist Revival


CWI: Committee for a Workers International


ECLAC/CEPAL: United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean


ELP: European Left Party


EU: European Union


FDI: Foreign Direct Investment


FLTI: Fracción Leninista Trotskista Internacional


GDP: Gross Domestic Product


ILO: International Labour Organization


IMF: International Monetary Fund


IMT: International Marxist Tendency


IST: International Socialist Tendency


IRMT: Iranian Revolutionary Marxists’ Tendency


LCFI: Liaison Committee for the Fourth International


LFI: League for the Fifth International


LINKE: Left Party in Germany


LRCI: League for a Revolutionary Communist International


LCW: Collected Works of Lenin


LW: Lenin Werke (Collected Works of V. I. Lenin in German language)


MECW: Collected Works of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels


MEW: Marx Engels Werke (Collected Works of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in German language)


NPA: Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste


OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development


p.a.: per annum (per year)


PCF: Parti Communiste Français


PPP: Purchasing Power Parity


RCIT: Revolutionary Communist International Tendency


RKOB: Revolutionäre Kommunistische Organisation zur Befreiung


Schriften: Trotzki Schriften (Trotsky Writings in German language)


SWP: Socialist Workers Party


TNC: Transnational Corporation


UN: United Nations


UNCTAD: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development


UNDP: United Nations Development Programme


UNIDO: United Nations Industrial Development Organization


UN-DESA: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs


US: United States of America


WTO: World Trade Organization





Many works of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Illich Lenin, Leon Trotsky and Rosa Luxemburg are available in the internet at




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