RCIT Activities in 2024 (July-November)

London: Pro-Palestine Youth Stops Traffic (16.11.2024)

London: Pro-Palestine March against Israel’s War Mania (2.11.2024)

Austria: Rally in Solidarity with the French pro-Palestinian solidarity activist Elias d'Imzalene (23.10.2024)

Austria: Manifestación en solidaridad con el activista solidario francés pro palestino Elias d'Imzalene (23.10.2024)

Autriche : Manifestation en solidarité avec le militant pro-palestinien français Elias d'Imzalene (23.10.2024)

Wien: Kundgebung in Solidarität mit dem französischen pro-Palästinaaktivisten Elias d'Imzalene (23.10.2024)

UK: Report from the PSC Trade Union Conference on Building Solidarity with Palestine (19.10.2024)

South Korea: National Day of Action on the 1st Anniversary of the Gaza War (05.10.2024)

London: Pro-Palestine March against Israel’s Wars in Gaza and Lebanon (05.10.2024)

Anti-Lebanon War Protest in Tel Aviv (24.9.2024)

Austria: Funeral of Palestinian Prisoner Imad Imran (Tawfik Chaovali) (23.09.2024)

Wien: Begräbnis des palästinensischen Gefangenen Imad Imran (Tawfik Chaovali) (23.09.2024)

Liverpool (UK): National March for Palestine at the Labour Party Conference (21.09.2024)

Protest against pro-Israeli War Criminals Conference in the Austrian Parliament (10.09.2024)

فيينا: احتجاج ضد مؤتمر جرائم الحرب المؤيدة لإسرائيل في البرلمان النمساوي (10.09.2024)

Wien: Protest gegen pro-israelische Kriegsverbrecherkonferenz im österreichischen Parlament (10.09.2024)

Protesta contra la Conferencia sobre criminales de guerra proisraelíes en el Parlamento austríaco (10.09.2024)

Argentina: Convergencia Socialista Agitates against the Government's Austerity Measures (08.09.2024)

Argentina: Convergencia Socialista agitando contra el ajuste del gobierno (08.09.2024)

UK: Demonstration to End the Genocide in Gaza (07.09.2024)

South Korea: Rally in Protest against the Gaza Massacre (24.8.2024)

South Korea: Rally in Solidarity with the Liberation Struggle in Burma/Myanmar (25.8.2024)

Interview about the Trial against Michael Pröbsting on the Arabic News Channel INFOGRAT

مقابلة حول محاكمة مايكل بروبستينج على قناة الأخبار العربية INFOGRAT

Interview zum Prozess gegen Michael Pröbsting im arabischen Nachrichtensender INFOGRAT

Entrevista sobre el proceso contra Michael Pröbsting en el canal de noticias árabe INFOGRAT

Entrevista sobre o processo contra Michael Pröbsting no canal de notícias árabe INFOGRAT

Scandalous Verdict against Pro-Palestine Activist Michael Pröbsting (Report from 2nd Trial on 21 August)

Skandalurteil gegen Palästina-Aktivist Michael Pröbsting: Kabinettsjustiz droht (Bericht vom 2.Prozess am 21. August)

Escandaloso veredicto contra el luchador pro-Palestina Michael Pröbsting

Veredito escandaloso contra o ativista pró-Palestina Michael Pröbsting

Verdict scandaleux contre l'activiste pro-palestinien Michael Pröbsting

Scandaloso verdetto contro l'attivista filo-palestinese Michael Pröbsting

Media Review about the 2nd Trial against Michael Pröbsting on 21 August

Austria: Rally in Solidarity with the Palestinian People (18.8.2024)

Wien: Kundgebung in Solidarität mit dem palästinensischen Volk (18.8.2024)

Austria: Rally against imperialist Russia (19.8.2024)

Wien: Kundgebung gegen das imperialistische Russland (19.8.2024)

Israel / Occupied Palestine: Anti-War Protest in Haifa (10.8.2024)

London: Pro-Palestine Demonstration Calls for an Arms Embargo to Israel (3.8.2024)

Argentina: Rally in Solidarity with the Workers and People of Venezuela (2.8.2024)

Argentina: Acto de solidaridad con los trabajadores y el pueblo de Venezuela (2.8.2024)

베네수엘라 노동자·민중에 연대하는 최초 집회 (2.8.2024)

RCIT Greetings to the 26th Annual National Congress of the PSM (Malaysia)

South Korea: Solidarity with the Popular Resistance in Burma/Myanmar (28.7.2024)


London: Pro-Palestine Youth Stops Traffic

By Laurence Humphries, RCIT Britain, 16th November 2024




At about 1.30pm on the 16th November a group called Youth Demand stopped traffic on the Euston Road in London for over half an hour. They protested against Israel’s genocide and called the Starmer Government to stop arming Israel. The young activists held posters saying, “We are all Palestinians” and “End the Slaughter Now”. The police arrived later but there was no action by them.




London: Pro-Palestine March against Israel’s War Mania

By Laurence Humphries, RCIT Britain, 2nd November 2024




About 100,000 people marched from Whitehall in London to the US embassy. They protested against Israel’s genocide in Gaza, and demanded an end of the aggression against Lebanon and Iran. The March organised by the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, Friends of Al Asqa and the Stop the War Coalition.


Demonstrators, mostly migrants and people from the Global South, held placards and chanted slogans for “Free Palestine”, “Fight Israeli Apartheid”, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free”, and “Labour had blood on its hand”.


There were some trade union banners from UNISON, CWU, UCU, and NEU. These were mostly rank and file trade unionists. Supporters of the RCIT distributed leaflets which were often warmly received.


Austria: Rally in Solidarity with the French pro-Palestinian solidarity activist Elias d'Imzalene

Report (with Photos and Videos) from a Rally in Vienna on 23 October 2024, Austrian Section of the RCIT, www.thecommunists.net




A few dozen people assembled in front of the French embassy in Vienna on 23.10.2024 to show their support for French pro-Palestinian solidarity activist Elias d'Imzalene. Elias has been put on trial because of his call for an Intifada in France and is threatened with up to 15 years in prison.


The rally was organised by CAGE Austria and led by sister Nehal. It was addressed by several speakers from CAGE Austria as well as from Dar al Janub.


Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT, was also asked to speak at the rally. He stated our solidarity with Elias d'Imzalene and denounced the French imperialist state which has a long history of colonial oppression of Muslim and non-Muslim peoples. Michael referred to pro-Zionist repression in Austria and pointed to his own trial where he was sentenced to 6 months suspended prison sentence for alleged “support of terrorism” – in fact because he expressed his support for the Palestinian resistance in a video statement.




Austria: Manifestación en solidaridad con el activista solidario francés pro palestino Elias d'Imzalene

Informe (con fotos y vídeos) de una manifestación en Viena el 23 de octubre de 2024, Sección Austriaca de la CCRI, www.thecommunists.net




Decenas de personas se reunieron frente a la embajada de Francia en Viena el 23.10.2024 para mostrar su apoyo al activista solidario francés pro-palestino Elias d'Imzalene. Elias ha sido juzgado por su llamado a una Intifada en Francia y lo amenazan con hasta 15 años de prisión.


La manifestación fue organizada por CAGE Austria (Agrupación de jóvenes musulmanes) y dirigida por su hermana Nehal. En él intervinieron varios oradores de CAGE Austria y de Dar al Janub.


En la manifestación también se invitó a hablar a Michael Pröbsting, secretario internacional de la CCRI. Manifestó nuestra solidaridad con Elias d'Imzalene y denunció al estado imperialista francés que tiene una larga historia de opresión colonial de pueblos musulmanes y no musulmanes. Michael se refirió a la represión prosionista en Austria y señaló su propio juicio en el que fue sentenciado a 6 meses de prisión suspendida por supuesto “apoyo al terrorismo” – de hecho, porque expresó su apoyo a la resistencia palestina en una declaración en video.





Autriche : Manifestation en solidarité avec le militant pro-palestinien français Elias d'Imzalene

Compte-rendu (avec photos et vidéos) d'un rassemblement à Vienne le 23 octobre 2024, section autrichienne du CCRI/RCIT, www.thecommunists.net




Quelques dizaines de personnes se sont rassemblées devant l'ambassade de France à Vienne le 23 octobre 2024 pour manifester leur soutien au militant français pro-palestinien Elias d'Imzalene, jugé pour son appel à l'Intifada en France et menacé de 15 ans de prison.


Le rassemblement a été organisé par CAGE Autriche et dirigé par sœur Nehal. Plusieurs intervenants de CAGE Autriche et de Dar al Janub y ont pris la parole.


Michael Pröbsting, secrétaire international du CCRI, a également été invité à prendre la parole lors du rassemblement. Il a exprimé notre solidarité avec Elias d'Imzalene et a dénoncé l'État impérialiste français qui a une longue histoire d'oppression coloniale des peuples musulmans et non musulmans. Michael a fait référence à la répression pro-sioniste en Autriche et a évoqué son propre procès où il a été condamné à 6 mois de prison avec sursis pour « soutien au terrorisme » présumé – en fait parce qu'il a exprimé son soutien à la résistance palestinienne dans une déclaration vidéo.




Wien: Kundgebung in Solidarität mit dem französischen pro-Palästinaaktivisten Elias d'Imzalene