Public Meeting in Berlin: Debate about the Class Character of China (18.01.2025)
Öffentliche Veranstaltung in Berlin: Debatte über den Klassencharakter Chinas (18.01.2025)
Encuentro público en Berlín: Debate sobre el carácter de clase de China (18.01.2025)
Announcement of Online Forum about the Syrian Democratic Revolution on 25 January
London: Police Brutally Attacks March in Solidarity with Palestine (18.01.2025)
Vienna: Rally against the Targeted Destruction of the Health Sector in Gaza by Israel (11.01.2025)
Public Debate: What is the Class Character of China?
Diskussionsveranstaltung: Was ist der Klassencharakter von China?
Austria: 30.000 Syrians Demonstrate and Celebrate the Downfall of Assad (08.12.2024)
Österreich: 30.000 Syrer demonstrierten und jubeln über den Sturz Assads (08.12.2024)
النمسا: تظاهر 30 ألف سوري وهتفوا بسقوط الأسد
Austria: 30.000 sirios se manifiestan y celebran la caída de Assad (08.12.2024)
Report (with photos and videos) by the RCIT Media Team, 22 January 2025,
On 18 January, a highly interesting debate took place in Berlin about the class character of China. About 70 people participated in the meeting, which was addressed by three speakers at the platform, representing different positions.
Philipp Clyde, representing the Spartakist-Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands (German section of International Communist League [Fourth Internationalist]), argued that China is still a deformed workers state. He emphasised that China’s state apparatus would still be the same as the one which carried out the social revolution in 1949 under Stalinist leadership. (An extended version of the Spartacists’ position can be read here:
Jan Weil, representing the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (which plays a leading role in the international alliance ICOR), argued that China (and Russia) has become capitalist and imperialist. However, the MLPD also believes that a number of other countries like Argentina, Brazil, India, Mexico, Indonesia, Türkiye, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Iran have also become imperialist. (An extended version of the MLPDs’ position can be read here:
Michael Pröbsting, the International Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), defended our analysis that China has become capitalist in the 1990s and later even transformed into an emerging imperialist power. At the same time, Michael explained that while Russia has also become an imperialist power, the above-mentioned countries which the MLPD calls “imperialist” are in fact advanced capitalist semi-colonies. (Our extensive reply to the critique of the Spartacists can be read here:; for an elaboration of our analysis of new imperialist powers we refer e.g. to our book “Anti-Imperialism in the Age of Great Power Rivalry”,
The meeting was (very well) organised by the German Spartacists. It was chaired by comrade Renate Dahlhaus who ran the meeting in a highly democratic way with 23 different participants speaking. Despite the very controversial positions, the debate took place in a constructive and comradely tone.
Our comrade Michael speaks at minute 36:55, 1:23:17, 1:52:05 and 2:13:50
Bericht (mit Fotos und Videos) des RCIT-Medienteams, 22. Januar 2025,
Am 18. Januar fand in Berlin eine hochinteressante Diskussion über den Klassencharakter Chinas statt. Etwa 70 Personen nahmen an der Veranstaltung teil, bei der drei Redner auf dem Podium sprachen, die unterschiedliche Positionen vertraten.
Philipp Clyde, Sprecher der Spartakist-Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands (Sektion der Internationalen Kommunistischen Liga [Vierte Internationalisten]), argumentierte, dass China immer noch ein deformierter Arbeiterstaat sei. Er betonte, dass Chinas Staatsapparat immer noch derselbe sei, der 1949 unter stalinistischer Führung die soziale Revolution durchführte. (Eine ausführlichere Version der Position der Spartakisten kann hier gelesen werden:
Jan Weil, Vertreter der Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands (die eine führende Rolle im internationalen Bündnis ICOR spielt), argumentierte, dass China (und Russland) kapitalistisch und imperialistisch geworden seien. Die MLPD glaubt jedoch auch, dass eine Reihe anderer Länder wie Argentinien, Brasilien, Indien, Mexiko, Indonesien, die Türkei, der Iran, Saudi-Arabien, Katar, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate und der Iran ebenfalls imperialistisch geworden seien. (Eine ausführliche Version der Position der MLPD kann hier gelesen werden:
Michael Pröbsting, der Internationale Sekretär der Revolutionär-Kommunistischen Internationalen Tendenz (RCIT), verteidigte unsere Analyse, dass China in den 1990er Jahren kapitalistisch wurde und sich später sogar in eine aufstrebende imperialistische Macht verwandelt hat. Gleichzeitig erklärte Michael, dass Russland zwar ebenfalls eine imperialistische Macht geworden sei, die oben genannten Länder, die die MLPD als „imperialistisch“ bezeichnet, in Wirklichkeit jedoch fortgeschrittene kapitalistische Halbkolonien sind. (Unsere ausführliche Antwort auf die Kritik der Spartakisten kann hier gelesen werden:; für eine Ausarbeitung unserer Analyse neuer imperialistischer Mächte verweisen wir beispielsweise auf unser Buch „Anti-Imperialismus im Zeitalter der Rivalität der Großmächte“,
Das Treffen wurde (sehr gut) von den deutschen Spartakisten organisiert. Diskussionsleiterin war Genossin Renate Dahlhaus, die das Treffen auf höchst demokratische Weise leitete, wobei 23 verschiedene Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer zu Wort kamen. Trotz der sehr kontroversen Positionen verlief die Debatte in einem konstruktiven und kameradschaftlichen Ton.
Unser Genosse Michael spricht jeweils ab Minute 36:55, 1:23:17, 1:52:05 und 2:13:50
Informe (con fotografías y vídeos) del equipo de prensa de la CCRI, 22 de enero de 2025,
El 18 de enero tuvo lugar en Berlín un debate muy interesante sobre el carácter de clase de China. Alrededor de 70 personas participaron en el encuentro, en el que intervinieron tres ponentes en la plataforma, representando diferentes posiciones.
Philipp Clyde, en representación del Spartakist-Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands (sección alemana de la Liga Comunista Internacional [Cuarta Internacional]), argumentó que China sigue siendo un estado obrero deformado. Hizo hincapié en que el aparato estatal de China sigue siendo el mismo que llevó a cabo la revolución social en 1949 bajo el liderazgo estalinista. (Puede leerse una versión ampliada de la posición de los espartaquistas aquí:
Jan Weil, en representación del Partido Marxista-Leninista de Alemania (que desempeña un papel destacado en la alianza internacional ICOR), argumentó que China (y Rusia) se han vuelto capitalistas e imperialistas. Sin embargo, el PMLA también cree que otros países como Argentina, Brasil, India, México, Indonesia, Turquía, Arabia Saudita, Qatar, los Emiratos Árabes Unidos e Irán también se han vuelto imperialistas. (Puede leerse una versión ampliada de la posición del PMLA aquí:
Michael Pröbsting, secretario internacional de la Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional ( CCRI), defendió nuestro análisis de que China se volvió capitalista en la década de 1990 y luego incluso se transformó en una potencia imperialista emergente. Al mismo tiempo, Michael explicó que si bien Rusia también se ha convertido en una potencia imperialista, los países antes mencionados que el PMLA llama “imperialistas” son en realidad semicolonias capitalistas avanzadas. (Nuestra extensa respuesta a la crítica de los espartaquistas se puede leer aquí:; para una elaboración de nuestro análisis de las nuevas potencias imperialistas nos remitimos, por ejemplo, a nuestro libro “Antiimperialismo en la era de la rivalidad entre las grandes potencias”.
La reunión fue (muy bien) organizada por los espartaquistas alemanes. Fue presidida por la camarada Renate Dahlhaus, quien dirigió la reunión de manera muy democrática con 23 participantes diferentes. A pesar de la posición tan controvertida, el debate se desarrolló en un tono constructivo y de camaradería.
Nuestro camarada Michael habla al minuto 36:55, 1:23:17, 1:52:05 and 2:13:50
The Syrian Democratic Revolution: Two months after the Fall of Assad
A Marxmail online forum
Saturday January 25, 2025
7:30 AM in Sydney, Australia, 12:30 PM Pacific Standard Time USA, 3:30 PM Eastern Standard Time USA, 8:30 PM in London (GMT), 9:30 PM in Vienna, Austria (GMT +1)
Register Here
At the beginning of December, a local military offensive by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and others sparked a nationwide uprising in Syria. How did it happen? Where is the Syrian revolution going? What are its global implications? Please join us for this important discussion. We are happy to announce the following four excellent speakers.
Ramah Kudaimi is a Syrian-American activist in DC and former member of the National Committee of the War Resisters League
Chris Slee is a member of Socialist Alliance in Australia. He writes for Green Left and and has written pamphlets on Cuba, China and the Tamil struggle in Sri Lanka
Michael Pröbsting, the editor of and a longtime activist in solidarity work with the Syrian Revolution and the Palestinian liberation. He was recently sentenced by the Austrian government to 6 months probation for supporting the armed Palestinian resistance. He has published in academic journals and authored 10 books.
Michael Karadjis blogs at Active in progressive and socialist politics since high school. He has been involved in Palestine solidarity since the early 1980s, and Syria solidarity since 2011. He teaches Social Sciences and International Development at Western Sydney University and has written extensively on Balkan and Middle East issues for a number of publications.
QR Code for Registration
By Laurence Humphries, RCIT Britain, 18th January 2025
Today, a large national demonstration with tens of thousands of participants was met with repression by the police. The organisers of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) had already negotiated an agreement with the police in October last year. However, the Metropolitan Police reneged on their agreement and refused to let demonstrators assemble at the BBC in Portland Place. They threatened that they would arrest anyone who attended.
Faced with public pressure, the police finally allowed the PSC to meet at Whitehall for a standing demonstration. It was a very lively rally with people shouting for a free Palestine and against the terror state Israel.
Eventually, a delegation led by former Labour leader and now independent MP Jeremy Corbyn was let through by the police. This inspired many more people to break through the police’s barricade. The state forces tried to brutally repress this attempt to reclaim the right to demonstrate and arrested over 50 people including Chris Nineham, a well-known organiser from the Stop the War Coalition.
The Police once more showed that they are active defenders of Zionism It appears that the Chief Rabbi wrote to the Metropolitan Police to stop the march in spite of over 800 Jews publicly expressed their support for the demonstration. We are entering a period of great changes and the state under the Labour Government of Starmer is trying to repress fundamental democratic rights.
Comrades of the RCIT participated in the demonstration and sold our journals.
Report (with photos and videos) from a rally in Vienna on 11 January 2025, Austrian section of the RCIT,
More than 250 people gathered in Vienna's city centre on 11 January, despite freezing temperatures, to protest against the targeted destruction of the health sector in Gaza by the terrorist state of Israel.
The rally was organized by the Careworkers4Palestine initiative and the Association of Palestinian Doctors and Pharmacists and supported by PSÖ, Handala and PGÖ. A Palestinian doctor, a medical female student and solidarity activists spoke, including Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT.
In his speech, Michael pointed to the fate of Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya, a Palestinian paediatrician and director of the Kamal-Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza. Through his tireless and selfless commitment to the victims of Israeli bombing terror, he has become a symbol of the humanity and courage of the Palestinian resistance. The Israeli army has arrested him and is denying lawyers any access to him. He is most likely currently being tortured by the Israeli occupation forces and is threatened with murder, as has happened to numerous other Palestinian doctors and nurses. However, Michael also stressed that the Palestinian resistance to the occupation remains unbroken, as the numerous dead Israeli soldiers in Gaza testify.