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- CCRI Manifiesto 2023
- CCRI Fuego Manifiesto 2021
- CCRI Manifiesto 2016
- CCRI Manifiesto
- LIBRO Anti-imperialismo en la Era de la Rivalidad de las Grandes Potencias
- LIBRO Anti-imperialismo en la Era de la Rivalidad de las Grandes Potencias 2
- Sobre el Autor
- LIBRO El marxismo y la tactica del Frente Unido hoy
- LIBRO El Partido Revolucionario
- Crisis del agua en Mexico
- Una aproximación marxista a las movilizaciones internacionales contra las restricciones sanitarias autoritarias
- N25 Contra la violencia, el feminicidio
- ¡Abajo el nuevo paquetazo impuesto por el gobierno ecuatoriano!
- Burbuja china, guerra comercial, ascenso obrero y crisis de la izquierda
- Torres Gemelas, Afganistan y derrota humillante del Aguila Imperial
- Colombia, la clase obrera y el pueblo debe echar a Ivan Duque
- Myanmar: ¡Las masas populares se vuelven contra el imperialismo chino!
- Afganistan: ¡Buen viaje, yanquis!
- América Latina: Por la organización independiente
- El Papel del Internacionalismo y el Programa en la Construccion del Partido Revolucionario
- Tactica de frente unico
- Seis puntos de una Plataforma para la Unidad Revolucionaria, hoy
- ¿Una nueva guerra entre Rusia y Ucrania?
- De la Gran Revolución Francesa de 1789 a la Comuna de Paris
- La Contrarrevolución del COVID-19: Qué es y Cómo Combatirla
- Chile: Basta de represion contra el pueblo mapuche
- Encuentro EE.UU.-China en Alaska: Continua la Guerra Fría Interimperialista
- Mujeres: levantemos un gran movimiento revolucionario mundial
- 8 de marzo de 2021: Nuestra más grandiosa generación de mujeres revolucionarias
- Myanmar: ¡Sangrienta represion militar contra las protestas masivas a favor de la democracia!
- Espana: ¡Libertad para Pablo Hasel!
- Un proceso revolucionario en Peru: elevar el nivel de las protestas para expulsar a todo el regimen del ‘93
- Estados Unidos: El pseudogolpe en el Capitolio
- Sahara Occidental: ¡Abajo la agresion de la monarquía marroqui
- ¡NI UNA ASESINADA NI DESAPARECIDA MAS! (Pronunciamiento Mujeres 25.11.2020)
- Significado y perspectivas del resultado electoral en Bolivia
- Nubes de guerra en el Mediterraneo oriental
- Levantamiento popular en el Líbano: "¡Renuncia o muere!"
- 100 anos de la Revolucion rusa
- COVID-19: La clase trabajadora y los pobres de Madrid protestan en contra de la politica del encierro
- Elecciones en Estados Unidos: ¡Ni Trump ni Biden!
- Armenia-Azerbaiyan: una nueva guerra en el sur del Caucaso
- Turquia y la creciente tension en el Mediterraneo Oriental
- PTS/FT y imperialismo chino_2
- PTS/FT y imperialismo chino
- La cuestion indígena en Mexico y America Latina
- ¡Grandes Tareas demandan grandes iniciativas!
- Por La Unidad Revolucionaria en un Mundo Lleno de Tensiones Explosivas
- COVID-19: Una cubierta para una gran ofensiva mundial contrarrevolucionaria
- ¡Un programa revolucionario de accion para luchar contra el COVID-19!
- ¡Alto al terrorismo de Estado de Israel contra Gaza!
- Formacion de un Comite de Enlace entre CEP y RCIT
- Declaracion Conjunta El Despertar del Proletariado en el Corazon de la Bestia Imperialista
- Declaracion Conjunta La contrarrevolucion COVID-19 y la traicion de la izquierda de la cuarentena
- Movimiento estudiantil y popular de 1968
- Mexico: Balance a 20 anos de iniciado el movimiento estudiantil de 1999 en la UNAM
- Armar a las masas populares o reformar a la policía
- ¡Luchando por la revolución socialista en Kenia y a nivel mundial!
- Brasil: El social-bonapartismo de la izquierda del encierro en practica
- Mexico: Apoyo Internacional para Susana Prieto Terrazas
- El levantamiento popular global contra el racismo y la violencia policial
- Mexico: ¡Alto al racismo, alto a la impunidad!
- ¡Libertad para Sebastian Romero ya!
- Se ha abierto una situacion prerrevolucionaria en los EE. UU.
- Estados Unidos: ¡Justicia para George Floyd!
- Conflicto fronterizo entre China e India: Abajo la guerra chovinista en ambos bandos!
- Mexico: ¡Toda la solidaridad con las y los trabajadores en huelga de NOTIMEX!
- La unica solucion para los trabajadores es prepararnos para la revolucion socialista
- Venezuela: un complot imperialista fallido
- Mexico: NO AL TREN MAYA!
- Economia política de la pandemia en Mexico
- Las mega obras de la 4T: acumulacion por despojo y subordinacion al imperialismo
- Programa de la ALS para enfrentar la crisis sistemica actual
- Mexico: Las y los trabajadores frente a la recesion economica y el gobierno de la 4T
- Mexico: El capitalismo como principal propagador del COVID-19 en Ciudad Juarez
- La crisis Covid-19 y los trabajadores del sector salud en Mexico
- Argentina: ¡No a la represion y la militarizacion al amparo de COVID-19!
- Campaña Por un 8M Clasista y Combativo
- Feminicidios: Ante la impunidad del Estado capitalista, ¡la organización revolucionaria de las mujeres y su clase trabajadora!
- Coronavirus: "No soy un virus" ... ¡pero seremos la cura!
- Caravana migrante: ¡Que pasen todos!
- Que revelo el reciente conato de guerra entre Estados Unidos e Iran
- La agresion estadounidense contra Iran y las tacticas revolucionarias
- Irak: abajo el imperialismo estadounidense
- La crisis de seguridad y violencia de la 4T
- A parar la explotacion y la violencia
- Feminicidios
- Iran: ¡Viva el levantamiento popular contra el regimen Mullah!
- Gobierno Israelí juega con fuego
- PRT (Costa Rica) y RCIT: ¡Por la Unidad Revolucionaria!
- Nos estamos acercando a un nuevo “momento 68”
- El pueblo chileno se levanta
- Mexico: accion internacionalista en solidaridad con las protestas populares en Chile
- Siria: el regimen de Assad y el YPG kurdo logran un acuerdo reaccionario
- Estado espanol: ¡Libertad a los presos políticos catalanes!
- ¡Todos con el pueblo catalan!
- Cataluna: ¡Libertad para los Presos Politics!
- Ecuador: ¡Por una insurreccion popular para derribar el regimen de Lenin Moreno
- ¡No a la invasion turca en el noreste de Siria!
- Siria: el imperialismo estadounidense abandona a los kurdos ... una vez mas
- Ecuador: ¡Por una huelga general indefinida contra el paquete de austeridad neoliberal
- ¿Qué va a pasar con Morena?
- La CNTE en el periodo obradorista
- Latinoamérica en la encrucijada
- Radiografía de la crisis de las Batas Blancas
- China: ¡Viva el levantamiento popular en Hong Kong!
- India: ¡En defensa del pueblo de Cachemira contra el ataque de Modi "al estilo israelí"
- Algunas reflexiones sobre la escisión en el “Partido Obrero” argentino
- Crisis inmobiliaria y urbana en la CDMX
- Declaracion conjunta RCIT y UIT-CI: Alto a la nueva agresion de Israel en Gaza
- ¡Intento de golpe de estado en Venezuela: ¡A derrotar a Guaido y Trump!
- Encuentro de Pueblos con el Congreso Nacional Indígena y el Concejo Indígena de Gobierno
- Argelia y Sudan: dos victorias importantes y una advertencia
- Argelia: Bouteflika se retira! Ahora vamos a derrotar su sistema!
- Argelia: ¡Victoria de la insurgencia popular contra Bouteflika y su sistema!
- Solidaridad internacionalista al pueblo venezolano contra el intervencionismo imperialista
- Mexico: El EZLN frente al gobierno Obradorista
- Mexico: Difundamos la tormenta obrera del norte hacia todo el país
- EDITORIAL (Lucha Socialista No. 21)
- Mexico: Alto a la militarizacion
- Mexico: No a la Guardia Nacional
- Mexico: Pronunciamiento en apoyo a la huelga del SITUAM
- Mexico: Ni huachicol ni privatización en PEMEX
- Todo el apoyo al pueblo venezolano contra el imperialismo
- Mexico: Contra el huachicol
- Francia: ¡Defender el movimiento de los “Chalecos Amarillos” contra la represion del Estado!
- Centroamerica / Mexico / EEUU: ¡Solidaridad con la Caravana de Migrantes!
- Brasil: Defensores de Bolsonaro agreden y asesinan a poblacion opositora
- Siria: ¡Por un frente unido de amplio rechazo al acuerdo de rendicion de Sochi
- Mexico: 50 anos del 68
- Mexico: 1er Encuentro en defensa del Agua, la Tierra y la Libertad
- El Acuerdo Estados Unidos-Mexico-Canada
- Lucha Socialista #20 EDITORIAL
- Mexico: ¡Tierra sí, Aviones no! ¡Sumemos esfuerzos para echar abajo el NAICM!
- Mexico: Campana contra la construccion del NAICM
- Conmemoracion de los 50 anos del movimiento estudiantil y popular de 1968
- Mexico Levantemos un gran movimiento estudiantil y juvenil a nivel nacional
- Apoyando al planton magisterial en visperas de las elecciones de julio
- Expectativas sobre MORENA
- Lucha Socialista #19 EDITORIAL
- Campana #SomosClaseObrera
- Los retos de la CNTE ante el gobierno electo de AMLO
- Nicaragua: Solidaridad internacional con el levantamiento popular
- Haití: ¡El derrocamiento popular derroca al gobierno pro-FMI!
- Guerra comercial global - no al patrioterismo de gran potencia en Occidente y Oriente!
- Ante el triunfo electoral de AMLO
- Campaña: ¡Ningún Partido del Régimen Nos Representa!
- Viva Nicaragua Insurrecta
- Escenarios de la situacion política en Mexico
- Balance de la campana y perspectivas del Concejo Indígena de Gobierno
- Editorial de la “Lucha Socialista”#18
- ¿Cual es la situacion actual del movimiento social ante las siguientes elecciones?
- Protesta contra la tortura brutal del hijo de un líder socialista en Mexico
- Israel es un Estado terrorista
- Belicismo en Medio Oriente: ¡Abajo todos los poderes imperialistas y la dictadura capitalista!
- Francia: El gobierno de Macron se desmorona gracias a la organizacion obrera
- Brasil: ¡el autoritarismo del regimen de excepcion crece!
- Llamado a la clase obrera mexicana en el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores
- CCRI Carta Abierta
- Lo que representa la CCRI
- CI Historia 1933-53
- Este 8/M: ¡Juntas por un trabajo digno y justicia para las víctimas de feminicidio y desaparicion!
- Siria: ¡No al ataque de Turquia en Afrin!
- Avion de combate israelí derribado sobre Siria
- ¡A organizarnos y movilizarnos contra la Ley de Seguridad Interior!
- EDITORIAL Prensa #17
- Mexico La Derechizacion de Morena
- ¡Larga vida al alzamiento popular en Iran!
- Cataluna: ¡La eleccion bajo la sombra de la tirania madrilena!
- Saludo de la ALS en el V Aniversario de la Coordinadora Regional de Seguridad y Justica - Policía Ciudadana y Popular
- Jerusalen es la capital de Palestina
- Zimbabue: ¡Abajo el golpe militar! ¡No al regimen dinastico de Mugabe!
- ¡Unifiquemos todas las luchas contra el feminicidio, la violencia y desaparicion de mujeres
- La renegociacion del TLCAN
- Vecinos de Naucalpan y ALS organizados para el apoyo a los damnificados del 19-sep
- Sin DACA no hay paraiso
- ¡Larga vida a la Republica Catalana!
- Editorial (Prensa 16)
- Mexico: El feminicidio de Mara
- Mexico: Por la reconstruccion del pais con la movilizacion y organizacion popular
- Cataluna Liberacion Autoridades Detenidas
- Lucha Socialista#15
- Santiago Maldonado
- Asamblea Constituyente antidemocratica de Maduro
- Mexico: ejercito como salida
- Mexico: confluencia lucha obrera y popular
- Gobiernos reaccionarios
- Mexico: Balance de las elecciones intermedias
- Candidatura Indígena
- Corea del Norte
- Mexico feminicida
- Siria misseis de Trump
- CCRI 8 de marzo
- Naucalpan mujeres
- ALS 8 de marzo
- Solidaridad RKOB+KORAT
- Marcha contra Trump
- Contra el gasolinazo
- Contra el feminicidio
- Victoria de Trump
- Bolivia cooperativistas burgueses
- Mexico Defensa Educacion
- Mexico CARC-PC
- Ilusiones Reformistas Obrador
- Declaracion conjunta ALS-C9M
- Golpe a la educacion
- Pena Nieto
- Imperialista en Medio Oriente
- Mexico evaluacion punitiva
- ALS Declaracion Fundacional
- Derrotar el golpe Turquía
- Fusion ALS-RCIT
- Carta Abierta LIT
- Francia Declaracion
- Mensaje de Solidaridad
- Solidaridad con Nochixtlán
- Declaracion ALS
- Carta Abierta
- WSF Tunis Statement
- Revolucion Arabe
- Resumen Cuba Vendida
- Rusia y China
- Marxismo y migracion
- Solidaridad Proebsting
- Libertad Heriberto Magano
- Presos politicos en Mexico
- Imperialistas y Libia
- Terror Bruselas
- RCIT-ALS-Siria
- ALS 8 de Marzo
- ALS Acto Siria
- IEMS Entrevista
- Argentina Responder a TPR
- Libertad Milagro Salas
- Solidaridad IEMS
- Argentina Macri
- Contrarrevolucion imperialista & Siria
- Grandes Potencias & Siria
- Terror en París
- Paris Attacks
- Statement Gaza War
- Irak rebelion suní
- After Odessa-Pogrom Espagnol
- Panfleto#1 de RCIT
- MayDay Statement 2014 Espanol
- RCIT-CSR declaracion
- Fuerzas de derecha en Ucrania
- CSR declaracion de Venezuela
- Venezuela provocadores semi-fascistas!
- Programa de Accion para Venezuela
- Brasil: Declaracion de solidaridad desde RCIT Venezuela
- Carta abierta "¡Unidad Revolucionaria!"
- Mitin de protesta en Viena contra la invasión francesa en Mali
- ¡Abajo la Guerra colonial de Francia en Malí!
- فارسی
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- Shqip
- සිංහල
- Slovenský
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- український
- اردو
- 日本人
- 中文
- RCIT Manifesto
- RCIT Manifesto 2023
- RCIT Fire Manifesto 2021
- RCIT-Program 2016
- What We Stand For
- Worldwide
- Global
- Compilation of Documents on NATO-Russia Conflict
- Collection of Articles on Great Depression
- Collection of Articles on the 2019 Corona Virus
- Collection of Articles on the Global Trade War
- World Perspectives 2024-25
- U.S. Secretary of State Rubio Admits End of U.S. Hegemony
- China Surpasses U.S. and European Powers in Robot Density
- Lambertists Still Don't Understand the World Situation
- The IMT/RCI’s Theory of “Lesser-Evil” Imperialism: A Historical Analogy
- South Korea: Solution to Climate Crisis is Abolition of Capitalism and Socialist Revolution
- On the IMT/RCI’s “campaign to fight militarism and imperialism”
- IMT's Peaceful Road to Socialism
- Manifesto Ukraine War: A Turning Point of World Historic Significance
- Ukraine War and the Analogy with Serbia’s Role in WWI
- Ukraine War: An Action Program for Authentic Socialists
- Manifesto on First Anniversary of Ukraine War
- Western Imperialism and the Crisis of its Ideology of Justification
- Critique of IMT’s “Manifesto of the RCI”
- Russia Overtakes Japan to Become Fourth Largest Economy in the World
- The Global South in the Focus of Inter-Imperialist Rivalry
- The PO (Argentina) and the Ukraine War: Continuing the Debate
- Signposts for Unity and Demarcation
- Once More on PO (Argentina) and Ukraine War
- Ukraine War: Two Years after the Invasion
- Towards a Turning Point in the Ukraine War
- NATO Integration is Imperialist Trap for Ukraine
- RCIT Statement for Milano Conference February 2024
- Ukraine War: Reply to another ill-considered Polemic of PO (Argentina)
- A Disillusioned Diplomat on the Prospects for U.S. Imperialism
- Highest Number of Armed Conflicts in three Decades (IISS Study on Armed Conflicts)
- U.S. Prepares for Sell-Out of Ukraine
- BRICS+: An Imperialist-Led Alliance
- NATO Official Suggests Ukraine Should Trade Territory for Membership
- China, Philippines, US and the Conflict on the Ayungin Shoal
- Ukraine War: What Does the U.S. Offer in its Secret Negotiations with Russia?
- Wages, Productivity and the Rate of Exploitation: Some Concrete Examples
- NATO-Russia Cold War: Sabre-Rattling at the Polish-Belarusian Border
- Supporting Ukraine without Dual Tactic Leads to Social-Imperialism
- Platonic Supporters of the Ukraine
- What Are the Results of the NATO Vilnius Summit?
- Ukraine War: Secret Negotiations between U.S. and Russia Have Started
- Western Powers and Prigozhin Coup in Russia
- US-China Rivalry: The Xi-“Trotskyists”
- The Pro-Bourgeois Opportunism of LIS/MST
- Is Ukraine About to Become NATO’s “Israel” in Eastern Europe
- Ukraine War: The Inner Contradictions of the ‘Proxy War’ Theory
- U.S. "War on Terror": More than 4.5 Million Deaths
- Kissinger on Great Power Rivalry and Ukraine War
- Russian Missile Lands in Poland
- Ukraine War: “Wall Street Journal” Reveals Western Governments Eagerness to Negotiate a Ceasefire
- Inter-Imperialist Rivalry: China Is Cutting its U.S. Treasury Bond Holdings
- “Can China Replace the U.S. as Hegemon?” - A Misleading Question!
- Marcon and his Plans for Europe as a “Third Superpower”
- “Ukraine is a Proxy of the West?” – Facts versus Myths
- New Study on Excess Mortality in Period of COVID-19 Pandemic
- About the Government Bailout of Insolvent Banks in USA and Switzerland
- Opportunist ISA and Iraq War
- On the Arrest Warrant for Russian President Putin Issued by the ICC
- The Black Sea Drone Incident Is Very Telling
- Banks and Stock Markets Teeter on the Brink
- Russia: Medvedev’s “Anti-Colonialism for Idiots”
- Ukraine War: Beating the Dummy
- “Multi-Polar World Order” is Multi-Imperialism
- How to Support Ukraine’s Liberation War without Taking Side in the Inter-Imperialist Rivalry
- Bernie Sanders Too (U.S. & Chinese Balloon)
- U.S.-China Rivalry: Air Cowboys
- Western corporations continue to make business with Russia
- The Chinese Balloon and America’s “Socialists”
- Action Program against the Food and Energy Crisis
- Strategy for Popular Uprising against Food and Energy Crisis
- Chip Sanctions: Another Step towards War between U.S. and China
- Russia: A Mirror of the Future
- Report from Socialist Soldier in Ukrainian Army
- Ukraine War: Once More on Military Aid and Inter-Imperialist Rivalry (RSOP/DC/SRS, FT & LIT)
- Henry Kissinger’s Desperate Call for Imperialist Peace
- Russian State and Oligarchs Assets into Ukrainian Hands
- Bourgeois Mainstream Press Reports: “Police Seize on COVID-19 Tech to Expand Global Surveillance”
- COVID Counterrevolution & Children’s Health
- Open Letter to LIT-CI on China Anti-Lockdown Protests
- Ukraine War: Liberation of Kherson & Danger of Great Power Deal
- China Protests and Lockdown Left
- CWI, Anti-Imperialism, and the “Right to Resist”
- Missile Incident in Poland
- IMT & slogan of “Arms for the Ukraine”
- Stalinism, 22.IMCWP & Great Power Rivalry
- Protests in Iran and Ukraine War: The ISA’s Double Standard
- IMT, Russian Imperialism & Ukraine War
- Zelensky: A Nuclear Nitwit?
- World Situation Notes (10-2022)
- Threats of Nuclear War between Great Powers
- Fundamental Meaning of Ukraine War
- Putin Announces Colonial Annexation of Ukrainian Territories
- Brief notes on current world situation
- Shall Socialists Call for “Nuclear Disarmament”?
- Revolutionary Tactics in the Struggle against Putin’s Mobilisation
- IMT in Face of Putin’s Mobilisation
- Russian Empire Escalates its Colonial War against the Ukraine
- Ukraine War: A Mistaken Polemic
- The Ukraine War after the Liberation of the Kharkiv Region
- NATO Leader Warns of “Civil Unrest” in Europe
- Acknowledgement of a Putinist
- The G-7 Oil Price Cap: A New Stage in the Great Power Rivalry
- Putin’s “Civilizing Mission”
- World is Facing an Unprecedented Rise in Civil Unrest
- World Economy: “The Next Decade Will Be Very Painful”
- World Situation will change soon enough
- Taiwan: Pelosi Visit Might Provoke War between the U.S. and China
- The Marxist Slogan “The Main Enemy Is At Home” and its Social-Imperialist Distortion
- Western Boycott of Western Sanctions?
- Ukraine War: Reply to Russian Stalinists
- World Economy: It’s Official – the Recession has Begun
- Ukraine War: Mr. Woods Warns Authentic Socialists
- A Confirmation, Unfortunately
- ISA: A Kautsky-Type of International
- Russia and the Theory of “Lesser-Evil” Imperialism
- Ukraine War: Revolutionary Defensism and Non-Revolutionary Defensism
- Ukraine War: Outcome of Stalino-“Trotskyist” Conference
- Borrell: “We are not winning”
- Lukyanov An Unexpected Admission
- Stalino-“Trotskyist” Chamber of Horrors
- ISA Boycotts the Ukrainian Resistance
- Ukraine War: Closet Putinistas (Reply to PO Argentina)
- Ukraine War: Supporting Western Sanctions Is Impermissible for Socialists
- An IMF Study on the Global Class Struggle
- “Athens Declaration” on Ukraine War
- Ukraine War Murray Smith is Crossing the Line
- The Patrushev Interview
- G-20: Inter-Imperialist Rivalry on the Diplomatic Terrain
- Down with Putin’s Imperialist War against the Ukraine!
- A new turning point in Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine
- The Current NATO-Russia Conflict and the Anti-Imperialist Tasks of Revolutionaries
- Neither NATO nor Russia! Down with all Imperialist Warmongers!
- COVID Counterrevolution: They Declare Victory…and Retreat
- The Dangerously Irrational Mass Vaccination Campaign for Children
- “Green Pass” & Compulsory Vaccinations: A New Stage in the COVID Counterrevolution
- On Some Ideological Features of the COVID Counterrevolution
- Putin’s Recognition of Donbass “Republic"
- LIT-CI “Would Undoubtedly Defend Russia”
- PTS-FT & Workers Sanctions against Ukraine
- Ukraine War & Second Sino-Japanese War: A Historical Analogy
- Ukraine War: Dockworkers Boycott Imperialist Russia
- Can Socialists Support Imperialist Sanctions?
- The IMT and the Ukraine War: A Shameful Betrayal
- The Ukraine and the looming Russian Invasion
- Platform of Socialists in Russia & Ukraine on NATO-Russia Conflict
- Significance of Putin-Xi Meeting
- Is this the Beginning of the War in the Ukraine
- KKE and NATO-Russia Conflict
- 1914 or 1939?
- Critical remarks on LIT-CI statement on the current NATO-Russia conflict
- Bernie Sanders and the NATO-Russia conflict
- NATO-Russia Conflict: “Trotskyists” in the Camp of Russian Imperialism
- NATO-Russia Conflict: The “Party of the European Left” as Government Adviser for EU Imperialism
- NATO-Russia Conflict: The Anglo-Saxon ‘Marxist’ Tendency
- COVID-19: Excess Mortality and Mass Vaccination in Europe
- 'Omicron' is Pretext for Another Attack of COVID Counterrevolution
- World Economy: The Second Slump Has Begun
- COVID: The Global Elite is Worried!
- Leading UK Epidemiologist Against Lockdown Policy
- COVID: “Health Pass and Surveillance Technologies Will Stay for Many Years”
- Great Power Rivalry: A Remarkable Admission by a leading U.S. General
- COVID and the Lockdown Left: Calling for a “Strong State”
- COVID-19: Another Shameful Advocacy of Reactionary Lockdown Policy by “Socialists”
- 'Omicron' Panic Spread by Bourgeoisie
- Dark Winter: Listen to the Billionaire!
- Capitalist Energy Crunch: Towards Dark Winter
- Why Do Some Socialists Refuse to Support the Mass Struggle against the “Green Pass”?
- The Coming Inter-Imperialist War on Taiwan
- War and Intifada in Palestine: A Turning Point in the World Situation
- The Meaning of the AUKUS Pact
- World Economy: Heading towards a Second Slump?
- Lambertists Defend Imperialist China
- Afghanistan, Health Pass and the End of Bourgeois Democracy
- “Maritime Freedom” – A Keyword of the U.S./NATO Warmongers
- COVID-19: The Capitalist Anti-Pandemic Policy Kills More People than the Pandemic Itself
- Russia-UK, Next Time We Will Bomb the Target
- Examples of Pro-Russian Social-Imperialism
- Russia Fires Warning Shots against UK Warship in Black Sea
- Imperialist Patriotism in UK on Skirmish in Black Sea
- Mass Vaccination Can Make You Rich
- Interesting Assessments of the Global Class Struggle by a Bourgeois Think Tank
- “The U.S. is Back”? Dream on, Mr. Biden!
- A Japanese Monopoly Capitalist Praises China’s Ruling “Communist” Party
- COVID-19: The Demystification of the so-called “deadly virus”
- The IMT and its Art to Conceal
- Afghanistan: Good Riddance, Yankees!
- “ZeroCOVID” Left Calls for the Authoritarian State – A Practical Example
- Stalinist and “Trotskyist” Supporters of Chinese Imperialism under the Fig-Leaf of “Anti-Imperialism”
- Joint call by friends of Chinese imperialism and the daydreamers
- Mr. and Mrs. Lockdown Left: We Told You So!
- US-China Alaska Meeting Shows Continuation of Inter-Imperialist Cold War
- COVID-19: An Opportunity Too Good to Be Missed by the Lords of Wealth and Money (Part 2)
- COVID-19: A Market of up to 23 Billion US-Dollar
- RCIT on COVID-19: One Year Ago
- The Moral Imperiative of Imperialist Killings
- COVID-19: Sweden's Total Mortality in 2020 Compared with Past Years
- COVID-19: A Comparison of Historical Data
- COVID-19: An Opportunity to Good to Be Missed by the Lords of Wealth and Money (Part 1)
- COVID-19: That Was A Damn Good Year for the Billionaires in West and East
- COVID-19 and Total Mortality in Europe
- COVID-19: Zero Socialism in the “ZeroCOVID“ campaign
- COVID-19: How Severe is the Pandemic in Sweden Really?
- COVID-19: The Fear of the Ruling Class “To Lose Control”
- How the Ruling Class Prepared for COVID-19
- COVID-19: Revealing Figures from Sweden
- Air Pollution Kills Half a Million Babies Every Year
- COVID-19: Watch Your Back, Lockdown Gangsters!
- Confirmation by the Class Enemy (IMF Report on Global Class Struggle and COVID-19 Crisis)
- COVID-19: The Great Barrington Declaration is indeed Great
- TikTok, Consulate Closures and the Cold War between the U.S. and China
- Some observations on the final unitary resolution of the FIT-U Latinamerica and U.S conference
- The Second Wave of the COVID-19 Counterrevolution
- Lockdown Left L5I says: “Cops Need to Enforce Laws”
- Joint Statement The COVID-19 Counterrevolution and the Betrayal of the Lockdown Left
- The Global Popular Uprising against Racism and Police Violence
- Only A Global Victory Over Racism Is Possible!
- COVID-19: A Cover for a Major Global Counterrevolutionary Offensive
- Open Letter: Act Now because History is Happening Now!
- COVID-19: U.S. and New Cold War
- Escalating Cold War between the Great Powers amid the COVID-19 Crisis
- Police and Surveillance State in Post-Lockdown Phase
- COVID-19: When Ultra-Leftism marries Social-Bonapartism
- For a people-based approach to the COVID-19 Crisis! Down with State Repression!
- COVID-19 Crisis: When Bourgeois Sources Reveal the Truth
- The Closedown Policy is killing
- How could WHO and World Bank exactly predict COVID-19
- COVID-19 crisis: 3.4 Trillion Reasons
- COVID-19 & Lockdown Left: PODEMOS and Stalinism in Spain
- COVID-19 and the cruel Double Standard of Imperialism
- Ex-IMF Advisor: “Corona Virus Crisis is also an Opportunity”
- No, most likely it is not COVID-19 that is going to kill you
- Confirmation of Revolutionary Character of Historic Period
- COVID-19 and Decay of Capitalism
- Corona Virus is not the Main Cause of Global Economic Slump
- 2019 Corona Virus: Oppose the Global Wave of Chauvinist Hysteria!
- 2019 Corona Virus: No to the Anti-Chinese Chauvinism in South Korea!
- 2019 Corona Virus: The Hypocrisy of Anti-Chinese Chauvinism in the West
- Wuhan Virus
- 2019-nCoV and the Virus of Chauvinism
- A Temporary Truce … to Prepare for another War
- A Very Self-Confident Imperialist Great Power
- “Worse than World War I"
- Are Global Popular Uprisings Caused by “Foreign Conspiracies”
- Are We Nearing a New “68 Moment”?
- Another Great Recession of the Capitalist World Economy Has Begun
- The Gang Leaders of Western Counterrevolution Are Faltering
- Revolutionary Change to End Climate Change
- Global Trade War: “If That Takes a Decade, So Be It!”
- Point of No Return in U.S.-China Cold War
- China passes the US on Global Business Ranking for first time
- The CWI and the U.S.-China Cold War
- Act Two in the U.S.-China Cold War
- The Next Round of Escalation in the Global Trade War
- Climatic War: Socialist Green New Deal or Great New Disasters!
- The Global Super-Rich Get Even Richer
- Trump threatens to withdraw from INF Treaty
- Latin America
- Africa and Middle East
- Compilation of Articles on the Gaza Uprising 2023-25 (Part 3)
- Collection of Articles on the Syrian Revolution
- Compilation of Articles on the Gaza Uprising 2023-24 (Part 2)
- Compilation of Articles on the Gaza Uprising 2023
- Collection of Articles on 2nd Wave of Great Arab Revolution
- Collection of Articles on Fourth Gaza War
- Compilation of Articles on the Military Coup in Sudan
- Collection of Articles on the Coup in Niger
- War and Revolution in the Middle East
- Netanyahu/Trump Plan to Annihilate Gaza
- The Tasks and Dangers of the Syrian Revolution
- Joint Statement on Syrian Revolution
- Syria: The People Brought Down the Assad Tyranny!
- The Looming Great War in East Africa
- Israeli Anti-War Activists Call International Trade Unions to Boycott Arms Deliveries to Israel
- Gaza War and Consequences for World Situation
- Fifth Gaza War: Support the Heroic Palestinian Resistance
- On International Tactics in Solidarity with the Palestinian Liberation Struggle
- Liberation of Palestine and Arab Revolution
- Palestine: The Two-State Solution is No Solution at all!
- On Strategy and Tactics in the Struggle against the Zionist State (Reply to ICL)
- Is the Syrian Revolution an Instrument of “Global Imperialist War”? (Critique of PO-SEP-NAR-TIR)
- Interview with LIT-CI about the Syrian Revolution
- Ceasefire Agreement between Hamas and Israel is Strategic Defeat for Israel
- PCO Assad’s Best Friends Forever
- The Slanderers of the Syrian Revolution
- The Bystanders of the Syrian Revolution
- For a revolutionary transition in Syria
- Israel Declares War on the Syrian Revolution!
- Why socialists should support the Syrian Revolution
- Rebel Offensive in Syria: The Fear of the Regional Powers
- The Reactionary Role of the YPG/SDF in the Syrian Revolution
- Hamas Leader Supports Syrian Revolutionaries
- Some First Lessons from the Revival of the Syrian Revolution
- Syria: Notes on the Rebels’ Offensive (02.12.2024)
- The Ceasefire in Lebanon
- Syria: Long Live the New Offensive of the Rebels!
- Lebanon: Side with the Resistance, Defeat the Zionist Monster!
- Progressive Jews Say: “The State of Israel is currently perpetrating a Holocaust”
- Defend Lebanon and Gaza – Defeat Israel!
- Lebanon War: Some Lessons from the Setbacks of the Resistance
- ICC Issues Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant and Deif
- Iran Strikes Israel in Retaliation for its War Crimes
- The War on Lebanon Following the Killing of Nasrallah
- From Zionist War on Gaza to Israeli-American War against Arab Peoples
- In Gaza & Lebanon: Support the Resistance, Defeat Israel!
- Yahya Sinwar Necrology
- A Zionist Voice of Desperation
- Gaza War: Israel’s Army Has Already Lost the Equivalent of 12 Battalions
- Ismail Haniyeh – A Martyr of the Palestinian People
- Red Carpet for Mass Murders
- On ICJ Ruling about Israel’s Policy in West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem
- Gaza War: An Israeli-German “Investigation” about 7 October
- Houthis Hit Tel Aviv with Drone
- Haaretz Confirms Hannibal Doctrine on 7 October
- Kenya: Masses Set Parliament on Fire as Police Kills many Demonstrators!
- Cyprus, EU & looming War between Israel and Hezbollah
- UNSC Ceasefire Resolution on Gaza War is Chance &Trap
- Students around the World Rise Up in Solidarity with the Palestinian People!
- Political Groups in Israel are Calling for an Investigation of the Mass Graves in Gaza
- ICC Chief Prosecutor Seeks Arrest Warrants for Israeli and Palestinian Leaders
- Arab League Calls for “UN Peacekeepers” in West Bank and Gaza
- CWI and October War 1973
- Nakba Day 2024: The Struggle Continuous until All of Palestine is Free!
- Mass Graves Reveal Mass Murder by the Israeli Army
- Q&A Where Should Socialists Stand in Looming War between Israel and Iran?
- Israel’s Voice of Defeat
- Iran Retaliates against Israel’s Aggression
- EU and IMF Prop Up Egypt’s Dictatorship of General Sisi
- Statement on 13th Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution
- The Al-Rashid Street Massacre in Gaza
- Why Do Several Middle East Countries Refuse to Boycott Israel?
- After ICJ ruling, witch-hunt against UNRWA started
- On the ICJ Ruling on South Africa’s Genocide Case against Israel
- On the Hamas Statement
- IMT about the Houthis’ struggle against Israel and Western imperialism
- Iranian Missile Strikes in Syria, Iraq and Pakistan
- Imperialist EU to Send Warships to Red Sea to Fight the Houthis
- UN Security Council Legitimizes US-Led Naval Force in Red Sea to Attack the Houthis
- Regional Power Ethiopia Attempts to Expand its Domination in Somalia
- Gaza War and Arab World: A Massive Shift in Public Opinion
- U.S & Allies Send Naval Force to Red Sea to Support Terrorist Israel against Houthis
- Gaza War: The Houthis Have Opened the Second Front
- The Houthis and the Looming Imperialist Intervention in the Red Sea
- “Hamas is on the Verge of Dissolution “: The Delusional Israeli Government
- The Pro-Israel Extremists: An Isolated Minority within the UN General Assembly
- Workers in Europe Blockade Arms Factories Producing Weapons for Israel
- If I Would Pray
- How Long Do You Want to Wait, Arab Leaders?!
- Truce in Gaza War (23.11.2023)
- Nearly Half of U.S. Youth Think that Hamas’s October Attack was Justified by Grievances of Palestinians
- Houthis Seize Israeli Cargo Ship
- IMT and the Anti-Israel Riots in Dagestan
- Indian Trade Unions Join the Global Pro-Palestine Solidarity Movement
- Practical Examples of International Workers Solidarity with Gaza
- International Comparison Confirms: Israel is a Serial Killer of Children
- Gaza War: On the Anti-Israel Riots in Northern Caucasus
- Gaza War & Europe: A Reactionary Accidentally Confirms a Marxist Truth
- Meaning of UN Vote about Ceasefire in Gaza
- Gaza War: Some on the Left Support “Israels Right of Self-Determination”
- Is Hamas a Terrorist Organisation?
- The Al-Ahli Hospital Massacre in Gaza
- Austria: Tabloid Attacks RCIT for “Open Call for Violence against Israel”
- Ukraine’s Zelensky Cheers the Zionist Oppressor of the Palestinian People
- Syria: Full Solidarity with the Popular Protests against Al Assad (Joint Statement)
- On the Coup in Gabon
- Syria: The Revolutionary Offensive of the Masses Continues
- Niger: Mass Demonstrations against French Imperialism
- The Meaning of the Revival of the Syrian Revolution
- Syria: New Wave of Mass Protests against the Assad Regime
- Niger: Pacifism is an Impotent Instrument against Imperialist War
- US Sends Warships, Warplanes and 3,000 Marines to Persian Gulf
- The Looming War against Niger and its Global Meaning
- ECOWAS, France and U.S.: Hand Off Niger!
- Protesters Torch Swedish Embassy in Baghdad over Quran Burning
- Presidential Election in Türkiye: On Those Who Can Learn and Those Who Can't
- LIT-CI and the Presidential Election in Tuerkiye
- Sudan: Neither al-Burhan nor Hemedti
- On the 12th Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution
- The Renewal of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia
- Tunisia: Down with Dictator Kais Saied!
- The Dead-End Future of “Socialist Struggle” (ISA Israel)
- Iran, Turkiye, Syria: Hands Off the Kurdish People!
- General Sisi: Gatekeeper of Imperialist Fortress Europe
- Chad: Down with the Deby Junta!
- Nigeria: For Immediate Aid and Compensation to the Flood Victims
- Russia and China in Africa: The 2nd Coming of Colonialism?
- Nigeria: On “The Labour Files” Investigative Report by Al Jazeera
- Mass Protests against Reactionary Regime in Iran
- The Sociopolitical Crisis of Iraq
- Sierra Leone: Bio Must Go!
- Occupied Palestine: The Zionist apartheid state commits a new war crime
- Nigeria: Buhari Must Go!
- Nigeria: Justice For Awo-Omamma 14
- Nigeria: Halt the State Aggression in the East!
- Nigeria: June 12 and National Question
- Owo Massacre & Settler Colonialist Nigerian State
- Nigeria: Justice For Deborah!
- Nigeria: For Popular Militias and A General Strike to End Terrorism
- Nigeria: Form Armed Self Defence Militias in the North West and North East
- Why Are the Coups Happening in Africa
- Newest Joke: EU and General Sisi jointly fight against … “Terrorism”!
- The rebellion of the Bedouins in the Negev
- Sudan: The Popular Uprising Continues after the Resignation of Hamdok
- Nigeria: COVID Apartheid and 2nd Wave of COVID Counterrevolution
- Cholera not Omicron should be the major concern for Public Health in Nigeria
- Nigeria: Down With All Restrictions On Unvaccinated Workers!
- Egypt: General Sisi and his French Partner in Crime
- Sudan: Hamdok is a Puppet of General Burhan!
- No Tears for a Zionist Soldier Executed by Palestinians
- Britain Outlaws Hamas as a “Terrorist Organization”!
- South Africa: The Ruins of Neo-Apartheid
- Israel is lying once again, while preparing a war on Iran
- Sudan: The Next Steps in the Struggle against the Military Coup
- Stalinism and Military Coup in Sudan
- Israel and the Military Coup in Sudan
- We Can Hear the Drums of a New War in the Middle East!
- “Axis of Evil” behind Military Coup in Sudan
- Great Powers and Military Coup in Sudan
- Sudan: Down with the Military Coup!
- Joint Statement: Down with Military Coup in Sudan
- Nigeria: End SARS Memorial 2021
- Release All Palestinian Political Prisoners!
- Nigeria: Keep OAU Open! Justice For Aishat!
- Zionism and the Palestinian Refugees in the Diaspora
- Nigeria: On the State of the National Liberation Struggle in the South
- Occupied Palestine: Gilboa Prison Break and the Heroic Resistance of Jenin
- Occupied Palestine: Freedom Road
- Israeli Government is Afraid of Palestinian’s Resistance
- The Ramification of the Defeat of Western Imperialism on the Middle East
- Nigeria: Boko Haram vs Taliban
- Gaza: Israel Injured 41 Palestinians Demonstrating Against the Ongoing Criminal Siege
- War Drums in the Middle East, Once Again
- Defeat the Israeli Aggression against Iran!
- Israel: The Real Face of the Left-Wing Zionists
- Syria: Glory to the Dignified Uprising in Daraa!
- Israel: Are Current Green Taxes Proposals Progressive
- From NSO Group to Ben and Jerry
- Tunisia: Kais Saied’s Coup Aims at Return to Dictatorship!
- Nigeria: Free Sunday Igboho and Nnamdi Kanu
- Iran: Mass Struggles Shake the Regime!
- Hunger Revolt in South Africa
- The Zionist Myth of the Zionist Pioneers (Haluzim)
- Israel / Occupied Palestine: An Important First Test for the New Government
- Israel/Occupied Palestine: From the Power of Logic to the Logic of Power
- Nigeria: Free Nnamdi Kanu!
- Revealing Statistic about Who is Responsible for Killing Civilians in Syria
- New Stage of Arab Revolution
- Nigeria: Between Twitter and Crowwe
- Israel sends vaccines to Palestine
- Israel: The new Right-Wing Government
- Nigeria: June 12: A Face-off with State Bonapartism!
- France is forced to reduce its troops in Sahel
- Nigeria: The Official and Unofficial Faces of the Fulani Hegemon
- There are no left-wing and right-wing Zionist
- Nigeria: In Solidarity with Biafra Remembrance Day
- Down with Racist Zionism! Down with Anti-Semitism!
- The Fourth Gaza War Ended in a Historic Victory for the Palestinians!
- On the Coalitions Negotiations in Israel
- On the recent Blinken visit to the Middle East
- Anti-Netanyahu Protesters blame PM for Gaza Escalation
- Palestinians in All Parts of Historic Palestine Declare General Strike!
- The Zionist War Criminals and Their Friends
- Thousands of refugees try to reach the Spanish enclave on Moroccan land
- Occupied Palestine: The Racist Oppression of the Arabs in Lydda
- A Jewish Anti-Zionist in Israel Says: For Military Victory of Gaza against Zionist Apartheid!
- The Fourth Gaza War Has Begun
- Victory for the Palestinians! Time To Go Forward!
- Occupied Palestine: Stand with our Brothers and Sisters in Jerusalem!
- Occupied Palestine: Hands Off Sheikh Jarrah
- Israel, the Least Safe State for Jews!
- Not Just Pantami But The Whole Troupe of Pro-caliphate Fulani Hegemony Out!
- Assad’s “Socialist“ Friends
- Israel/Occupied Palestine: On Jewish Conversion
- Nigeria: More on the “Hijab” Crisis
- Nigeria: Support the Ongoing NARD Strike
- On the recent elections in Israel
- Nigeria: Is It Just An Hijab Controversy?
- Nigeria: On the Declaration of Yoruba Nation by Sunday Igboho
- On the 10th Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution: A Heroic People Which Refuses to Abandon the Field!
- Nigeria: For a People’s Militia to Defeat the Conquest of Northern Hegemony!
- Israel / Occupied Palestine: Vote for the Joint Arab List in Coming Elections (24.2.2021)
- End SARS: Where Petty Bourgeois Activists and Influencers Fail The Masses Must Continue
- Nigeria: For the Revolutionary Liberation of the Southern People! No to Ethnic Jingoism in the North!
- Nigeria: Down with the Race to Tribalist Wars
- Tunisia: Long Live the Uprising of the Workers and Youth!
- Uganda: Only a Mass Uprising can Defeat Musevenism
- Nigeria: Call for an Indefinite General Strike to Kick-Out APC/PDP
- Nigeria: Take the #BringBackOurBoys Campaign to the Streets!
- Nigeria: Bring Down the Buhari Regime through a Mass Uprising
- We Denounce the Assassination of Iranian Scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh by Israel!
- Western Sahara: Down with the Aggression of the Moroccan Monarchy!
- Saudi Arabia claims that Muslim Brotherhood is a “Terrorist Group”
- Ethiopia: Down with the Reactionary Civil War!
- What's behind the Israel-Sudan Normalization Deal?
- Nigeria: Defeat Police and Army on the streets!
- Report Africa, COVID-19 and the Crisis of Neoliberalism
- U.S. Imperialism Tries to Blackmail Kenya in Free Trade Agreement Negotiations
- Draconian Law Against the Right to Demonstrate in Israel
- Nigeria: Defeat Boko Haram & ISWAP
- What is behind a Second Lockdown in Israel
- After the Israel-UAE-Bahrain Deal: No to the “Normalization” with Israel!
- War Clouds in Eastern Mediterranean
- Nigeria: CAMA or SCAMMER
- Turkey and the Growing Tensions in Eastern Mediterranean
- Nigeria: Defend IPOB Against State Aggression!
- Joint Statement: No to Imperialist Sanctions after the Dismissal of the Authoritarian Keita Regime in Mali
- Stop Israel’s State Terrorism against Gaza!
- Middle East: Is a New Regional War in Preparation?
- Mali: The Imperialist Puppet Ruler Keita Has Fallen!
- RevolutionNow! Anti-government Protests 5.8.2020
- Idlib/Syria: For the Immediate Release of the Journalist Bilal Abdul Kareem!
- Nigeria: Fight All Forms of Price Increase for Petroleum Products
- Popular Uprising in Lebanon: “Resign or Hang!”
- Israel On the Anti-Netanyahu Demonstrations
- Report from Pan-African Women's Day 2020
- Greetings for Pan-African Women's Day 2020
- Bala Mubarak and the Rise of Nigerian State Bonapartism
- Kenya: Preparation for March on Katiba Day
- Idlib/Syria: Martyrdom Operation against Russian-Turkish Joint Patrol on M4
- On Important Features of the Current Political Scene in Nigeria
- Kenya: Report on the Saba Saba Peoples March 2020
- Occupied Palestine: Down with Israel's Annexation Plans!
- Kenya: Towards the Saba Saba People’s March
- Ajimobi’s Demise and the Crisis Ridden Nigerian Elite
- Egypt’s Dictator Sisi Threatens to Invade Libya
- Joint Platform YES to Jobs, Food and Health! NO to Lockdown, State Repression and Poverty
- Nigeria: Support the NARD strike!
- Demonstration against Police Brutality in Nairobi 8.6.2020
- On the Rise of Police Brutality in Kenya and Across the World
- Occupied Palestine: Is a New Intifada in the Making
- Forward with the Popular Uprising in Lebanon and Iraq
- On the 57th Annual Celebrations of African Liberation Day
- Nigeria: Slavery, Colonialism, Imperialism and COVID-19
- Down With The Iron Curtain Of Hunger in Nigeria
- Report on COVID-19 Crisis in Nigeria (13.4.2020)