Дебаты о внешней политике Трампа и империализме США: Примечание редактора
Trump's clowning, the Russian-Ukrainian war and the new imperialist architecture
Клоунада Трампа, российско-украинская война и новая империалистическая архитектура
On Geriatric Clowns as a Reflection of Historical Necessity
О престарелых клоунах как отражении исторической необходимости
Our comrade Michael Pröbsting recently published an article about the 2nd Trump Administration (“The Dysfunctional Disruptor. Some notes on Trump’s threats against Canada, Greenland, and Panama”, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/north-america/the-dysfunctional-disruptor/).
In response, we received an article by a communist and anti-imperialist from Russia. While this comrade is not affiliated with the RCIT’s section in Russia (www.rcitrussia.org), he is a revolutionary defeatist who opposes Putin’s invasion and takes the side of Ukraine (see on this e.g. our report and the documents for the recent congress of Russian anti-war activists in exile, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/russian-anti-war-left-emigration-forum-2-3-11-2024/)
Below you can read the article of the Russian comrade and a response by Michael Pröbsting (both documents exist in English as well as Russian language).
Russian comrade: Trump's clowning, the Russian-Ukrainian war and the new imperialist architecture, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/north-america/debate-on-trump-s-foreign-policy-and-u-s-imperialism/#anker_2
Michael Pröbsting: On Geriatric Clowns as a Reflection of Historical Necessity, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/north-america/debate-on-trump-s-foreign-policy-and-u-s-imperialism/#anker_4
Примечание редактора:
Наш товарищ Михаэль Прёбстинг недавно опубликовал статью о второй администрации Трампа («Дисфункциональный разрушитель. Некоторые заметки об угрозах Трампа в отношении Канады, Гренландии и Панамы», https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/north-america/the-dysfunctional-disruptor/).
В ответ мы получили статью коммуниста и антиимпериалиста из России. Хотя этот товарищ не связан с отделением RCIT в России (www.rcitrussia.org), он революционный пораженец, который выступает против вторжения Путина и принимает сторону Украины (см. об этом, например, наш отчет и документы недавнего съезда российских антивоенных активистов в изгнании, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/russian-anti-war-left-emigration-forum-2-3-11-2024/)
Ниже вы можете прочитать статью российского товарища и ответ Михаэля Прёбстинга (оба документа на английском и русском языках).
российского товарища: Клоунада Трампа, российско-украинская война и новая империалистическая архитектура, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/north-america/debate-on-trump-s-foreign-policy-and-u-s-imperialism/#anker_3
Михаэля Прёбстинга: О престарелых клоунах как отражении исторической необходимости, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/north-america/debate-on-trump-s-foreign-policy-and-u-s-imperialism/#anker_5
By Active Reflection, 20 January 2025
I read Michael Pröbsting's interesting and descriptively generally correct article “The Dysfunctional Disruptor”.
It is very correct that the US is a declining hegemon, one might add a weakening imperialist. It is also fundamentally true that Trump's expansionist policies are weakening the Western imperialist alliance (and, I would add, weakening the old imperialist alliance in general, including Japan), killing the myth of “rules-based order.”
All this is absolutely true. But there is a need to go further here! Sure, Trump is doing clownish politics, one might say goofy. But are his policies a mistake for US imperialism? The fact is that not only the US is a hegemon in decline, but in general all the old imperialists, including the imperialist countries of the European Union, are imperialists which are increasingly becoming weaker. Their proportion of world GDP is falling precipitously. Their military and technological power and leadership is increasingly challenged by the rising imperialists (China, India, Brazil, etc.).
But the process consists not only in the weakening of the role of the old imperialists, the process consists in the unravelling of the old imperialist architecture, as previously mentioned here: https://vk.com/wall-38206840_1640.
After the Second World War, a system of “unipolar (in fact, one-and-a-half-polar) moment” began to emerge in the West, and after '91 it practically emerged for the whole world, which with a stretch can be called “unitary imperialism”.
It was characterized by:
1) Free export of capital and the absence of exclusive colonies (neocolonialism and semi-colonies developed instead).
2) Transfer of part of the national sovereignty of the imperialists to the UN, WTO, international financial organizations.
3) Considerable moderation of inter-imperialist contradictions and joint suppression of oppressed peoples' protests (primarily those denounced as “struggle against international terrorism”).
At the same time, since this system was formed in the process and consequence of the collapse of the “Soviet camp”, it was the old imperialists who took the leading positions in it, and the organizations of their alliance, in fact, became international supranational organizations (for example, GATT turned into WTO).
As the economies of a number of countries grow and become rising imperialists while weakening the old imperialists, the dominant role of the old imperialists becomes increasingly vulnerable and contested.
At the same time, old supranational institutions are being eroded. The UN Security Council cannot stop wars. The WTO is being supplanted by regional customs organizations and weakened by mutual trade sanctions and counter-sanctions.
With the ever-increasing growth of the rising imperialists, their ever-increasing claims for influence in the world and even more so in the regions (even within NATO - Türkiye's independent policy), the prospect of the fall of the Western alliance's dominance is inevitable and obvious.
This is understood in the United States as well. Under such conditions, there can be two lines of behaviour. An attempt to unite the disintegrating Western Alliance, to keep its leadership in the world for as long as possible, and at the cost of wasting U.S. resources. Such a policy would soon lead to an inevitable global conflict and the collapse of the U.S. along with the entire Western bloc.
The other policy, which seems to be pursued, is shoving its allies down from the losing altitude of the balloon in order to stay afloat. In fact, the half-hearted role of the US in the Russian-Ukrainian war, I believe, is largely determined by this desire to shove the EU off the “falling balloon”. In order to isolate the EU from cheap resources of the Russian Federation, the US needed a long conflict. Both Russia's victory and Ukraine's victory would lead to the possibility of reconciliation between the EU and Russia, with continued supplies of cheap raw materials. That is why the supplies of aid to Ukraine and weapons were exactly such as to prevent annexation of Ukraine, but also to prevent it from defeating Russian imperialism.
Due to the loss of access to Russian resources, a number of industries in the EU became less competitive, some of them moved to the US, some of them lost market shares.
Reading about Trump the clown, I, as a Russian, think of the late Zhirinovsky (leader of one of the most reactionary parliamentary parties). He, too, was considered a clown by everyone when, long before Putin, he voiced Russia's seemingly marginal and ridiculous imperialist ambitions, including Ukraine. Smart people said then that what is on Zhirinovsky's tongue is on Putin's mind. As time has shown, this very line became foreign state policy. And it was not mere clowning, it was a real imperialist interest, presented in a clown wrapper, as long as it could not and did not want to be accepted by the masses, accepted in the world.
So it is with Trump - his policies are not stupidity, they are not a mistake. It is the flip side of US imperialist policy. And if all this is said seriously, or even half-seriously, then we are present at the final collapse of “unitary imperialism.” Instead of supporting its descending bloc, the U.S. has chosen to take as much from it as it can in order to preserve the role of a “great power” within the new architecture, to stand in line with countries such as China, by ruining and annexing their allies.
Apparently, with the collapse of the old imperialist architecture, we are returning to a system of sovereign imperialisms, which will have little or no restraint by any supranational institutions, and the role of military force and the formation of exclusive colonies, including at its expense, will increase dramatically. In this architecture, Trump (and then the Democrats) will be able to “pick up” the neighbouring territories, Putin - a part of the CIS, China - southeast Asia and, to a large extent, Africa (which it is already doing), etc.
And the more important thing now is how the Russian-Ukrainian war will end. Of course, the old architecture is already badly shaken and will not hold in any case. However, what the world will be like after its fall depends largely on this war. If Russia wins and annexes big part of Ukraine, it will prove Putin right that in the new “multipolar world”, force decides everything (or a lot). This will become a guide to action for other militarist imperialists. If Ukraine wins and gives Russian imperialism a kick in the teeth, others, including Trump, will think twice about getting involved in such ventures. This will preserve some democracy in international relations, and in the long run will reduce the opportunities for imperialist countries to bribe part of their population and form a labor aristocracy.
Of course, I am talking about the Russian-Ukrainian war (since it involves the imperialist nation to which I belong), but other military conflicts between imperialists and non-imperialist nations will also have an impact on the formation of a new world architecture.
Active Reflection, January 20, 2025
Прочёл интересную и описательно в целом правильную статью Михаэля Прёбстинга «Дисфункциональный нарушитель».
Очень верно подмечено, что США – приходящий в упадок гегемон, можно было бы добавить – нисходящий империалист. Также принципиально верно, что экспансионистская политика Трампа ослабляет западный империалистический альянс (добавлю, ослабляет и альянс старых империалистов вообще, включая Японию), добивает миф о «порядке, основанном на правилах».
Всё это абсолютно верно. Но здесь нужно идти дальше! Конечно, Трамп ведёт клоунскую (по выражению Прёбстинга) политику, можно сказать, паясничает. Но является ли его политика ошибкой для империализма США? Дело в том, что не только США является гегемоном в упадке, но и вообще все старые империалисты, включая империалистические страны Евросоюза, являются нисходящими империалистами. Их доля в мировом ВВП стремительно падает. Их военная и технологическая мощь, лидерство всё больше оспаривается восходящими империалистами (Китай, Индия, Бразилия и т.д.).
Но процесс заключается не только в ослаблении роли старых империалистов, процесс заключается в расшатывании старой империалистической архитектуры, о чём ранее упоминалось здесь.
После Второй Мировой Войны начинает складываться на Западе, а после 91-го года практически сложилась и для всего мира система «однополярного (на деле полуторополярного) момента», которую с натяжкой можно назвать и «унитарным империализмом».
Она характеризовалась:
1) Свободным экспортом капитала и отсутствием эксклюзивных колоний (вместо них развился неоколониализм и полуколонии).
2) Передачей части национального суверенитета империалистов в ООН, ВТО, международные финансовые организации.
3) Значительным умерением межимпериалистических противоречий и совместным подавлением выступлений угнетённых народов (прежде всего обличаемых в «борьбу с международным терроризмом»).
При этом, поскольку эта система сформировалась в процессе и следствии краха «советского лагеря», именно старые империалисты заняли в ней ведущие позиции, а организации их альянса, по сути, стали международными наднациональными (например, ГАТТ превратился в ВТО).
С ростом экономик ряда стран и превращением их в восходящих империалистов при одновременном ослаблении старых империалистов, господствующая роль последних становится всё более уязвимой и оспариваемой. При этом происходит эрозия старых наднациональных институтов. Совбез ООН не может остановить войны. ВТО вытесняется региональными таможенными организациями и ослабляется взаимными торговыми санкциями и контр-санкциями.
В условиях постоянно продолжающегося роста восходящих империалистов, всё новых их претензий на влияние в мире и тем более в регионах (даже внутри НАТО – самостоятельная политика Турции), перспектива падения господства Западного альянса неизбежна и очевидна.
Это понимают и в США. В таких условиях может быть две линии поведения. Попытка сплотить расползающийся Западный альянс, удержать его лидерство в мире так долго, как это возможно, причём ценой в т.ч. трат ресурсов США. Такая политика вскорости привела бы к неизбежному глобальному конфликту и краху США вместе со всем Западным блоком.
Другая политика, которая судя по всему и проводится, – это спихивание своих союзников с теряющего высоту аэростата, чтобы самому остаться на плаву. Собственно половинчатая роль США в российско-украинской войне, как я полагаю, во многом определяется именно таким желанием спихнуть ЕС с «падающего воздушного шара». Для того, чтобы изолировать ЕС от дешёвых ресурсов из РФ, США был нужен именно длительный конфликт. И победа России, и победа Украины привели бы к возможности примирения ЕС и России, с продолжением поставок дешёвого сырья. Поэтому поставки помощи Украине, оружия были ровно такие, чтобы не дать аннексировать Украину, но и не дать ей сломить российский империализм.
За счёт потери достулпа к российским ресурсам, ряд производств в ЕС стал менее конкурентоспособным, часть из них переехали в США, часть потеряли долю рынка.
Читая о клоуне-Трампе, мне, как россиянину, приходит в голову ассоциация с покойным Жириновским (вождь одной из наиболее реакционных парламентских партий). Его тоже все считали клоуном, когда он задолго до Путина озвучивал, казалось бы, маргинальные и нелепые империалистические амбиции России в т.ч. на Украину. Умные люди тогда говорили, что то, что у Жириновского на языке, – у Путина на уме. Как показало время, именно эта линия стала внешней государственной политикой. И она не была простой клоунадой, она была реальным империалистическим интересом, поданным в клоунской обёртке, покуда его не могли и не хотели принять массы, принять в мире.
Так и Трамп – его политика – это не глупость, это – не ошибка. Это оборотная сторона империалистической политики США. И если всё это говорится всерьёз или даже полувсерьёз, то мы присутствуем при окончательном крахе «унитарного империализма». Вместо поддержки своего нисходящего блока, США выбрали забрать от него столько, сколько получится, чтобы за счёт разорения, аннексии своих союзников суметь сохранить роль «великой державы» уже в рамках новой архитектуры, стоять в одном ряду с такими странами, как Китай.
Судя по всему, с крахом старой империалистической архитектуры мы возвращаемся к системе суверенных империализмов, которые не будут или почти не будут сдерживаться никакими надгосударственными институтами, а роль военной силы и формирования, в том числе за счёт неё, эксклюзивных колоний сильно возрастёт. В этой архитектуре Трамп (а потом и демократы) сможет “подобрать” близлежащие территории, Путин – часть СНГ, Китай – юго-восточную Азию и во многом Африку (что уже и делает) и т.д.
И тем важнее сейчас то, чем завершится российско-украинская война. Конечно, старая архитектура в любом случае уже сильно расшатана и не устоит. Однако то, каким будет мир после её падения, во многом зависит от этой войны. Если Россия победит и аннексирует большую часть Украины – это подтвердит правоту Путина, что в новом «многополярном мире», всё (или многое) решает сила. Это станет уже руководством к действию для других милитаристских империалистов. Если победит Украина, даст по зубам российскому империализму, то и другие, включая Трампа, дважды подумают, а стоит ли ввязываться в подобные авантюры. Это сохранит некоторую демократичность международных отношений, снизит в перспективе возможности империалистических стран для подкупа части своего населения и формирования рабочей аристократии.
Конечно, я говорю о российско-украинской войне (поскольку в неё вовлечена империалистическая нация, к которой я принадлежу), однако, и другие военные конфликты между империалистами и неимпериалистическими народами окажут влияние на формирование новой мировой архитектуры.
Reply to a Russian communist about Trump and his new foreign policy
By Michael Pröbsting, Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 31 January 2025, www.thecommunists.net
Recently we published an article about the new foreign policy of the 2nd Trump Administration. [1] In response, a Russian comrade sent us a critical article. This comrade is not affiliated with the RCIT’s section in that country, but we know him as a communist and as a steadfast opponent of Russian imperialism and supporter of the just cause of the Ukrainian people. [2]
In our brief article we pointed to the role of Trump’s threats resulting in undermining the unity of Western imperialism. The Russian comrade does not oppose this statement but adds that Trump’s turn in foreign policy is not a “mistake” but rather serves the interests of the U.S. as a declining imperialist hegemon in a period of collapse of the old Western-dominated world order.
While we do not share each formulation in his article, we basically agree with the comrades’ analysis of the end of the alliance of Western imperialism led by the U.S. – the comrade calls this the “final collapse of ‘unitary imperialism.’” – which characterised the period of Cold War and which dominated the globe after the collapse of the USSR in 1991. The comrade correctly points to the crumbling, or at least declining relevance, of various global imperialist institutions like the UN, the WTO, etc.
Fundamentally, this process is the result of the decay of capitalism in the 21st century, in general, and of Western imperialism, in particular. Such decline of the old imperialists has been accompanied with the rise of China and, to a lesser degree, Russia as new Great Powers. I will not elaborate on this contradictory process – a key feature of the current historic period – at this place as we have published a number of works on this issue. [3]
In our view the comrade makes an important mistake in suggesting that not only China and Russia are new imperialist powers but also India and Brazil (and maybe also other countries of the Global South like Türkiye?). We think that this is factually wrong as these states are not dominating but primarily dominated countries. True, they do play a certain role in their region, but their global economic and political positions are basically one of subordination and subjugation by imperialism. As we did discuss this issue in other works, we will not further elaborate on it. [4]
However, this issue is not at the centre of this discussion. The question which the Russian comrade raises is if Trump’s new foreign policy is “dysfunctional” or if it rather serves the interests of U.S. imperialism. I will be brief in my response as we elaborated about the causes, inner contradictions and consequences of the 2nd Trump Administration in more detail in a new RCIT document. [5]
Basically, both formulations are correct. This sounds contradictory and it is – however, it is a dialectical contradiction. The decline of American and, more generally, Western imperialism, which takes place against the background of a capitalist system in decay, has made the “cake” smaller and smaller. The Western powers can only withstand the Eastern rivals if they join forces. However, as the period of the Biden Administration, where the Western powers took a joint stance against China and Russia, has shown, even if they deploy such non-military tools like sanctions, they can not stop the rise of their Eastern rivals. In such a situation, it is no surprise that, at some point, each power adapts more and more the leitmotiv “everyone for himself”.
On the other hand, there can be also no doubt that Trump’s foreign policy of basically attacking all powers – friend and foe – at the same time is dysfunctional. There is literally no bourgeois Think Tank in the U.S. which has advised such a foreign policy (not even the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation which is close to Trump), and this is no accident as it is simply stupid. However, even in this case, there still exists a certain inner logic as Trump must appear as a “strong” president in foreign policy in order to boost his domestic prestige and to justify armament and militarisation.
In the end, it is highly symbolic that the biggest imperialist power has been ruled since 2016 by two geriatric clowns who symbolise the decay of the former hegemon. When Hegel said that accidents are a form of necessity, we can likewise add that geriatric clowns are a reflection of historical logic.
[1] Michael Pröbsting: The Dysfunctional Disruptor. Some notes on Trump’s threats against Canada, Greenland, and Panama, 10 January 2025, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/north-america/the-dysfunctional-disruptor/
[2] See on this e.g. our report and the documents for the recent congress of Russian anti-war activists in exile, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/russian-anti-war-left-emigration-forum-2-3-11-2024/
[3] See on this e.g. Michael Pröbsting: Anti-Imperialism in the Age of Great Power Rivalry. The Factors behind the Accelerating Rivalry between the U.S., China, Russia, EU and Japan. A Critique of the Left’s Analysis and an Outline of the Marxist Perspective, RCIT Books, Vienna 2019, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/anti-imperialism-in-the-age-of-great-power-rivalry/; by the same author: Imperialism, Great Power rivalry and revolutionary strategy in the twenty-first century, LINKS - International Journal of Socialist Renewal, 1 September, 2023, https://links.org.au/imperialism-great-power-rivalry-and-revolutionary-strategy-twenty-first-century
[4] See on this e.g. Michael Pröbsting: The Great Robbery of the South. Continuity and Changes in the Super-Exploitation of the Semi-Colonial World by Monopoly Capital Consequences for the Marxist Theory of Imperialism, RCIT Books, 2013, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/great-robbery-of-the-south/; by the same author: Is Türkiye a (Sub-)Imperialist Power? 25 September 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/is-tuerkiye-a-sub-imperialist-power/; Is India a New Emerging Great Power? in: Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory (Volume 48, Issue 1, 2020) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03017605.2019.1706783; https://doi.org/10.1080/03017605.2019.1706783
[5] See RCIT: Trump’s 2nd Presidency: Its Causes, Inner Contradictions, and Consequences for World Politics, 31.01.2025, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/north-america/trump-s-2nd-presidency-its-causes-inner-contradictions-and-consequences-for-world-politics/