RCIT in the year 2017

Greetings for the New Year of 2017: Advance the Unity of Authentic Revolutionaries!

Urgent Call for Unity and a Joint Struggle on a Revolutionary Platform

Austria: Successful Meeting in Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution

Let Us Turn the Trump Era into an Era of Consistent Revolutionary Struggle!

The Global Day of Action against Trump

Austria: Right-Wing Party Opens Parliamentary Inquiry against the RCIT Section

Stop Prosecution for Solidarity with Palestine and for Opposition against the Military Dictatorship in Egypt! List of Signatories

Austria: Press Conference on the Right-Wing Campaign against the Austrian Section of the RCIT and the Egyptian Community

Stop Prosecution for Solidarity with Palestine and for Opposition against the Military Dictatorship in Egypt!

Public Prosecution Department in Vienna Stops Investigation against Michael Pröbsting

RCIT Representatives Attend International Symposium for the Ahvaz People

Rally in Solidarity with the Ahvaz People

Freedom for the Chechen People! Down with Putin and Kadyrov!

International Women’s Day 2017: Sisters, Let Us Make the Imperialists Afraid Again!

Stalinists Attack Contingent of Austrian Section of RCIT at Pro-Refugee Demonstration

Report: Rally against the US Bombing of Raqqa (Syria)

Report: Rally against Assad's Genocidal Attack on Idlib (Syria)

Press Conference on Assad's Chemical Weapons Attack and the US Air Strike

Austria: Multi-National May Day Rally for International Solidarity

Revolutionary Statement for May Day 2017

Austria: Rally in Solidarity with the Rohingya

RCIT at a Public Meeting in Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution

Front in Defense of the Palestinian People organizes protest in São Paulo


Front in Defense of the Palestinian People organizes protest in São Paulo



Report from Corrente Comunista Revolucionária-CCR, section in Brazil of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency-RCIT, December 11, 2017, www.elmundosocialista.blogspot.com.br and www.thecommunists.net


Around 200 protesters were present, on the last Sunday, December 10, 2017, in the main avenue of São Paulo, convened by the Frente em Defesa do Povo Palestino (Front in Defense of the Palestinian People (see on facebook). The demonstration was also attended by Brazilian citizens and various groups, mainly from the left, in defense of Palestine and against the unilateral decision of the Trump government to unilaterally declare Jerusalem as Israel's capital. The CCR, the Brazilian section of RCIT, was present.


The condemnation of the USA and Israel was unanimous among those present. There was some disagreement among Palestinian militants present on the characterization situation in Syria, a few were in favor of the dictator Bashar Al-Assad but were promptly rejected by the majority. All in all the protest was vivid and militant.


We from the RCIT have a clear position against the Russian imperialism, against the dictator Assad and also against western imperialism (USA und EU) and its role in the region. Further, we support the resistance of the Palestinian people against the declaration of Trump. We say clearly: Jerusalem was, is and will be the capital of Palestine!


In short, the day of the demonstration was a victory of mobilization and is expected the continuation of a struggle that should not stop. Viva Palestina! Down with the Apartheid State Israel! Down with imperialism!


For further informations read our latest document:




RCIT at a Public Meeting in Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution



Victory to the Resistance against the Dictatorship of Assad!


Report (with Pictures and Video) from the RKO BEFREIUNG (Austrian Section of the RCIT), 6th November 2017, www.thecommunists.net




The Syrian Community and the RKO BEFREIUNG (Austrian section of the RCIT) organized a public meeting on 3 November about the current situation in Syria and perspectives for the future. The RCIT stands in unconditional solidarity with the Syrian revolutionaries who are fighting both – the brutal dictatorship of Bashar Al-Assad and the imperialists.


Comrade Marek Hangler, spokesperson of the RKO BEFREIUNG, facilitated the meeting together with Badran Farwati (spokesperson of the Austrian Coordination Council for Support of the Syrian Revolution). Speakers on the platform, representing different political views, included Alessandra Rametta Mayerhofer (former war reporter, currently journalist at the TV station OKTO), Stefan Beig (former journalist of the newspaper Wiener Zeitung), Bassam Alaissami (Syrian human rights lawyer) and Michael Pröbsting, the International Secretary of the RCIT.


A lively political discussion was held on the general development of the Arab revolutions and the specific situation of the Syrian people. Comrade Pröbsting emphasized the importance of international solidarity of workers and all the oppressed. He analyzed the experiences of Syrian revolutionaries after more than 6 years of heroic struggle for liberation and freedom. He also warned against the treacherous policies of various leaders of the resistance who are open to collaborate with imperialist Great Powers.


We in the Austrian section of the RCIT have been collaborating in practice with the Syrian community in Austria since the beginning of the Syrian revolution in 2011. We are in complete solidarity with the Syrian revolutionaries in their struggle for freedom and peace. We combine the support for the Syrian revolution with a perspective of socialist revolution.


We look forward to future collaboration with our Syrian brothers and sisters.


Victory to the Syrian Revolution! Long live international solidarity!




To view pictures of the meeting as well as the speech of comrade Pröbsting (in German language with Arabic translation) click the following link:


Pictures and Video of Michael Pröbsting’s Speech: https://www.rkob.net/wer-wir-sind-1/rkob-aktiv-bei/syria-veranstaltung-3-nov/ (scroll down to the end of the article)


Michael Pröbsting’s Speech can also be viewed below or at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkIJpXiM80M&feature=youtu.be


The whole meeting (two hours) can be viewed on the Facebook site of the Austrian Coordination Council for Support of the Syrian Revolution:


https://www.facebook.com/CoSupportSyria/videos/1747020352037610/ (Part 1)


https://www.facebook.com/CoSupportSyria/videos/1747104105362568/ (Part 2)


For the RCIT’s analysis of the Syrian Revolution, we refer readers to our numerous articles and documents which can be accessed at a special section on our website: https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/africa-and-middle-east/collection-of-articles-on-the-syrian-revolution/




سوريا: الثورة السورية تصل مرحلة و نقطة تحول مصيرية

كلمة الأخ ميكائيل بروبستين التي ألقاها يوم 31.11.2017 


Austria: Rally in Solidarity with the Rohingya



Report from the RKOB (Austrian Section of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency), 10.9.2017, www.rkob.net



More than 100 people assembled on Friday, 8 September, in front of the United Nations' headquarter in Vienna in order to express their outrage against the ongoing massacre of the Rohingya people in Myanmar. (See pictures of the rally below). As it is well know, hundreds of thousands of Muslim Rohingya are currently massacred, raped and murdered by the regime of Myanmar.


Militants of the RCIT section in Austria participated in the rally to show their solidarity with the resistance of the Rohingya people. Marek Hangler, a spokesperson of the section, called for international solidarity with the Rohingya people. He warned in his speech against any illusions in the imperialist Great Powers or the United Nations and emphasized the need for an organized liberation struggle. (See the link to the speech of Marek Hangler below.)


* * * * *


On the RCIT stand in solidarity with the Rohingya people see also:


RCIT: Myanmar: Solidarity with the Uprising of the Rohingya Muslims! No to the Regime's Buddhist Chauvinism! For the Rohingya's Right of National Self-Determination! 27.08.2017, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/asia/solidarity-with-rohingya-muslims/


Michael Pröbsting: [VIDEO] Myanmar: Solidarity with the Rohingya Muslims! 04.09.2017, https://www.thecommunists.net/multimedia-1/solidarity-with-rohingyas/




Austria: Multi-National May Day Rally for International Solidarity



Report (with Pictures and Videos) by the Austrian Section of the RCIT, 03.05.2017, www.rkob.net


Like every year, the Austrian Section of the RCIT takes advantage of May Day to spread the ideas of revolutionary Marxism and to demonstrate the spirit of international working class solidarity in words and deeds. Before noon, we intervened in the May Day demonstration of the social democratic party in Vienna. The Austrian section built a large book stall where we displayed newspapers, theoretical journals, pamphlets and books in German and English, as well as in several languages spoken by migrants in Austria. We were able to sell quite a few publications and had fruitful discussions with a number of people who showed interest in our work.


While the social democratic party is still able to mobilize thousands of people, it’s remarkable that its contingents hardly contain any migrants. Furthermore, the average age of these contingents is very high and labor aristocrats and better-off workers in the public sector are vastly overrepresented in them. Nevertheless, it’s incumbent upon true revolutionaries to try and win over whatever proletarian sectors still exist in the party so that they will break with the extreme right-wing leadership of the party, headed by former manager Christian Kern, a leadership which pursues an agenda of neo-liberal austerity, militarism and racist Islamophobia.


In the afternoon, the Austrian Section of the RCIT held its May Day rally close to the Syrian embassy. About 80 members and supporters, as well as Syrian, Egyptian, Iraqi, Ahwaz and Chechen activists, participated and listened to speeches by our 18 year old Syrian brother Yussef, our Iraqi brother Kamal al-Din, as well as to several RCIT speakers (Rahime Berisha, Marek Hangler, Johannes Moraga, Almedina Gunić and Michael Pröbsting).


In their speeches, the Austrian RCIT comrades stressed the need to fight against racism and the policy of austerity in Austria, as well as to continue support for the liberation struggles of all oppressed peoples against dictatorships and the imperialist Great Powers. We warned all those assembled about the attempts of the Great Powers to divide the oppressed and to buy-off their political leaders. And we vowed to continue our struggle until the working class defeats its enemies and takes power.




Pictures and videos of the speeches can be viewed here: https://www.rkob.net/wer-wir-sind-1/rkob-aktiv-bei/erster-mai-2017/ (Scroll down to the end of the article)





















Press Conference on Assad's Chemical Weapons Attack and the US Air Strike



Report (with video) on a press conference of the Syrian Community and the Austrian Section of the RCIT on 7 April 2017 in Vienna, www.thecommunists.net, www.rkob.net, 07.04.2017


Today the group "Free Syrians in Austria" and the Austrian Section of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) held a press conference in Vienna. The "Free Syrians in Austria" were represented by Dr. Haysam Hamoui and Mag. Badran Farwati while Michael Pröbsting spoke as the International Secretary of the RCIT. The moderator of the conference was Marek Hangler, spokesperson of the Austrian section of the RCIT.


The press conference was well attended by several representatives of Austrian, Syrian, Egyptian and Chechen media outlets.


All speakers denounced Assad's genocidal war against the Syrian people. They also stressed the necessity to continue the struggle for the overthrow of the Assad regime.


Michael Pröbsting emphasized the support by the RCIT for the Syrian Revolution since its beginning in 2011.


Faced with the endless terror by Assad's and Russia's air force the representatives of the "Free Syrians in Austria" stated their demand for a UN no-flight zone. While they are aware that Trump ordered the air strike not out of sympathy for the Syrian people but rather by geo-strategic calculations, they expressed satisfaction that Assad suffered a military strike.


In opposite to this view, Michael Pröbsting stated that the RCIT unconditionally opposes the US air strike – as we oppose the hundreds of Russian air strikes which have already killed thousands of people. Likewise, we reject any demand for a UN no-flight zone. Michael Pröbsting said that all Great Powers interference in Syria – be it by Russia or the US – must be condemned as it can do only harm to the Syrian people. The RCIT calls for an international movement of the working class in solidarity with the Syrian Revolution. If any state wants to support the liberation struggle of the Syrian people it should send modern weapons to the Syrian rebels so that they can defend themselves against Assad's murderous air force and modern tanks.




A video of the complete conference has been published by the Syrian-Palestinian journalist Ahmed Morad on his Facebook page "Be With Me A Reporter". It can be viewed here: https://www.facebook.com/BWMAR/videos/1305124079564387/


Another report has been published here: http://o-ton.at/component/mfoton/5968?view=content























Report: Rally against Assad's Genocidal Attack on Idlib (Syria)



Out on the Streets to Protest against the Chemical Weapons Massacre by the Assad Regime!

After the Call to “Ignite the Fronts” in Syria – Let us organize international solidarity!


Report (with pictures and video) on a rally in Vienna on the 05th April 2017 by the Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG (Austrian Section of the RCIT), www.thecommunists.net, www.rkob.net, 07.04.2017


Assad, once again, butchered the Syrian people. While in 2013 he told the world to destroy every chemical weapons he had, today the revolutionaries still have to suffer horrible massacres by the regime. From the very beginning of the Syrian Revolution we stood on the side of the fighting forces against the dictatorship. Given the urgent need of victory for the revolutionaries, our international tendency - the RCIT – has called upon all sincere progressive activists to answer our call to protest against the massacre in Idlib! (1)


The Austrian section of the RCIT joined a rally of the Syrian community in Vienna on 05th March. It was a spontaneous reaction of outcry against the counter-revolutionary attacks of Assad and Russia as well as the hypocrisy of the West. The spirited atmosphere with about 150 people participating showed that the activists for the Syrian Revolution are still ready to continue the struggle. Comrade Michael Pröbsting, the International Secretary of the RCIT, delivered a speech which was cheered by the crowd:


“Two days ago the American ambassador told before the UN literally: ‘The removal of Assad is no priority for us.’ The truth is: the Great Powers – Russia, USA and Europe – work together, for Assad and against the Syrian Revolution!“ emphasized comrade Michael. He stressed, that after the call to “ignite the fronts” in Syria, the resistance movements now needs international solidarity more than ever. In Europe, we need to organize movements to support the Syrian Revolution and to end the reactionary policy of the Great Powers.


After this massacre, we need to unite more than ever against the Assad regime and the reactionary Great Powers! The workers and peasants can only win when they independently organize themselves to overthrow Assad! Victory to the Syrian Revolution!


(1) Out on the Streets to Protest against the Chemical Weapons Massacre by the Assad Regime! 5th April 2017 www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/africa-and-middle-east/cw-massacre-in-idlib/




View pictures of the rally below


A video of the speech of Michael Pröbsting can be viewed below or here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRu-Ubdz7MQ


The Austrian state TV published a brief report about the rally which can be viewed here: http://tvthek.orf.at/profile/ZIB-Magazin/5521881/ZIB-Magazin/13925250/Verursacher-des-Giftgasangriffs-unklar/14023284 (Minute 1:50-2:21)


Another video report about the rally has been published by the Syrian-Palestinian journalist Ahmed Morad on his Facebook page "Be With Me A Reporter": https://www.facebook.com/BWMAR/videos/1303271016416360/


Reports and excerpts of an interview with Michael Pröbsting have been published by several Turkish media outlets: http://www.yenisafak.com/dunya/idlibdeki-katliam-viyanada-protesto-edildi-2639121; http://www.aksam.com.tr/dunya/idlibdeki-katliam-viyanada-protesto-edildi/haber-611909; http://www.yenihaberden.com/avusturyada-idlib-protestosu-281093h.htm;


Report: Rally against the US Bombing of Raqqa (Syria)



For the Revival of the Syrian Revolution!

Down with the Dictatorship of Assad and the Imperialist Aggression!

Report (with pictures and video) on a rally in Vienna on the 30th March 2017 by the Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG (Austrian Section of the RCIT), www.thecommunists.net, www.rkob.net, 01.04.2017


Since the beginning of the Arab Revolution in 2011 we have seen a number of heroic uprisings and resistance struggles against dictatorships and their imperialist allies in the Arab world. The political situation in Syria and the perspectives of the Syrian Revolution are one of the crucial issues for the whole strategy of the Arab Revolution. Every honest revolutionary has to support the heroic resistance of the Syrian people, especially after the fall of Aleppo and the massive counter-revolutionary mobilization of the imperialists and their lackeys. The RCIT stands with the Syrian people against the Assad dictatorship since the very beginning of the uprisings and has participated in numerous solidarity activities.

The Austrian section of the RCIT supported a rally of the Syrian community in Vienna on 30 March. This rally was organized in protest against the massacre of civilians in Raqqa by the US air force. We participated in the protest which took place in front of the US Embassy. Michael Pröbsting, the RCIT's International Secretary, gave a vivid speech which was also translated into Arab by a Syrian brother.

“American and Russian bombs are killing hundreds and thousands of people in Syria as well as in Iraq. We say: Stop the bombing! Stop the terror against the Syrian people!“ said comrade Pröbsting. He also put emphasis on the necessity of international solidarity organized by the oppressed themselves. This is very important as an alternative to the so-called humanitarian aid by the imperialists who are in reality just trying to get economic, military and political control over the region.

Hama, Aleppo, and Damascus – the Syrian people continue their resistance and we continue our solidarity with our Syrian brothers and sisters. Long live the Syrian Revolution! Ling Live International Solidarity!


To view pictures and videos of the rally and the speech of Michael Pröbsting, scroll down to the end of the German language report: https://www.rkob.net/wer-wir-sind-1/rkob-aktiv-bei/kundgebung-syrien-30-maerz


Another video report about the rally (including an interview with Michael Pröbsting in English language) has been published by the Syrian journalist Ahmed Morad on his Facebook page "Be With Me A Reporter": https://www.facebook.com/BWMAR/videos/1296317033778425/ (the interview can be viewed from minute 13.30-17:37)



















Stalinists Attack Contingent of Austrian Section of RCIT at Pro-Refugee Demonstration



Report of the Austrian Section of the RCIT, 21.03.2017, www.rkob.net


As part of the international day of action in solidarity with refugees, a demonstration was held on 18 March in Vienna despite rain and strong wind. The Austrian section of the RCIT participated in the demonstration together with Syrian, Egyptian, Iraqi, Aswazi and Palestinian migrants and refugees. Our joint contingent was not only well-spirited and militant but also by far the most multi-national at the demonstration.


Unfortunately, the stewardship of the demonstration was dominated by Austrian Stalinists and centrists. The chief steward, Selma Schacht (who is also the deputy chairperson of the ultra-Stalinist "Party of Labor" – a sister group of the Greek KKE), mobilized her stewards in order to prevent our contingent from joining the demonstration. Some stewards from the Austrian section of the Cliffite IST also participated in this attempt. When this failed, Selma Schacht attacked us and tried to take away our front banner which proclaimed the slogans "Open Borders and "Let them Stay!".


Through the disciplined handling of the situation by our own stewards and our entire contingent, we succeeded in joining the demonstration despite this aggression. However, only minutes later our contingent faced an attack by the police who tried to grab a young Syrian refugee marching with us. When we challenged the cops, their commander replied that they had been called by the organizers of the demonstration! While we succeeded in preventing the police from grabbing our young Syrian brother, this incident demonstrates how Stalinists are not ashamed to call the police against refugees when they don’t like their political views. (See pictures and videos on these incidents by visiting the link cited below.)


This physical attack is only the most recent example of the increasing political differences between us and the Stalinists, differences which have accelerated since the beginning of the Arab Revolution and, in particular, with the escalation of the civil war in Syria. The ultra-Stalinist "Party of Labor" takes the side of the genocidal regime of Bashar al-Assad while the RCIT – as well as most Syrian and Arab people – support the popular uprising.


However, this reactionary provocation by the Stalinists will certainly not stop our work in solidarity with the Arab Revolution and for the right of refugees to come to Europe!


To view pictures and videos of the demonstration and the joint contingent of the RCIT’s Austrian branch and migrant organizations, click the following link: https://www.rkob.net/wer-wir-sind-1/rkob-aktiv-bei/int-aktionstag-18-maerz/ (Scroll down to the end of the article)


Another video report about the demonstration as well as about our contingent has been published by the Egyptian journalist Camira Hamdi Marouf: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJ9CJi2B19Y&feature=youtu.be (a view of our contingent can be seen from minute 9.40-10:20)


The daily Austrian newspaper "Kronen Zeitung" has published a short video on the demonstration which briefly shows our contingent (go to minute 1:02-1:11): http://www.krone.at/videos/links-demo-fuer-proletarische-revolution-in-wien-stau-inklusive-video-559958















International Women’s Day 2017: Sisters, Let Us Make the Imperialists Afraid Again!



International Women’s Day – After One Century: Turn 8 March into a Day of General Strike Actions!

Statement by the International Women’s Secretariat of the RCIT, www.thecommunists.net, 08.03.2017


The most important event in the history of the workers and oppressed was the first successful proletarian revolution in 1917. The Great Russian Revolution would not have been possible without the bold initiative of the women workers who – in the best sense of the word „impatiently“ – started the February Revolution, which was the prologue to Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917. The great heroines of the February Revolution turned International Women’s Day into a day of general strike, inflaming the country with the spirit of the revolution. On the eve of the International Women’s Day in 1917, this revolutionary spirit also spread to their class brothers. The vanguard role of women in revolutions had already been demonstrated long before during the French Revolution of 1789-94. Since the Women’s March to Versailles in 1789 (also known as The October March) we have repeatedly seen that, in the history of the oppressed, we as women, are the warrant for revolution.

In this, the ninth year since the beginning of the historic period of capitalist decay in 2008, the inner-imperialist rivalries are accelerating while the workers and oppressed have risen up in numerous countries against the ruling class (in particular in the Arab world), but have also faced a number of counterrevolutionary defeats.

A vivid symbol for this contradictory development is rise to power of the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump. The new US administration led by Trump constitutes a severe threat of massive attacks not only against the working class and the oppressed in Northern America but throughout the entire world. We can see that this danger has already turned into a reality, for example, by the so-called Muslim Ban, a disgusting racist attack against migrants from several Muslim countries initiated by Trump. But we can also see the danger in the ongoing racist attacks against the Mexican people and the attempt, already started, to build a strong wall along the Mexican border as well as in the massively increased number of deportations. Yet another example is the renewed attacks against the heroic fighters on the ground at Standing Rock, North Dakota, ever since the Trump administration re-opened the road to massive destruction of the living conditions of Native Americans in this area by ruthless petroleum companies building a pipeline through this area.

However, all these attacks, and many others, are being undertaken by a government that is abhorred by billions of people in the world. Even moreso, the Trump administration provokes mass resistance because of its undisguised extreme chauvinism and super rich arrogance. It even provokes the shame of bourgeois imperialist forces who claim to defend democratic values, mainly the liberal sectors of the bourgeoisie of the United States, Canada and the European Union, while amusing and confusing the eastern imperialists like Russia, China and Japan. We don't take the democratic protest of the bourgeois liberals against the Trump government seriously, as they themselves have implemented such racist and imperialist policies in the past (and are still implementing them in Europe) against both the workers at home as well as against our oppressed brothers and sisters in the semi-colonial world. However, the Trump administration, while clearly a tremendous danger for the workers and oppressed and a catalyst for rivalries between the imperialist powers, at the same time also objectively (albeit unintentionally) constitutes a factor for the mobilization of the masses.

Women in particular were and still are a driving force in the mass mobilizations as we have seen during the inauguration of Trump on 20 January, when more than 5 million people, mainly women, marched world-wide against the new US government. There are already calls circulating for a women’s general strike on this years’ International Women’s Day (8 March) – something the world hasn’t witnessed for nearly a hundred years.

Less than a month ago there was a mass strike of migrant workers in the US on 16 February, the „Day Without Immigrants.“ Indeed, migrants have played a central role in reviving the militant May Day tradition in the US since 2006. In particular, Mexican brothers and sisters, along with migrants from other Latin American countries, brought the May Day tradition back to the US. It is the vital labor movement of Latin America which, through militant migrant protests, is enlightening the stiffened traditions of the US. Given Trump’s attacks on Mexico specifically and migrants in general, it’s no wonder that the new Trump Era provokes mass popular protests in Mexico and other countries of Latin America!

In October 2016 tens of thousands of women marched under the slogan of „Ni Una Menos“ (Not One Less) against femicide in Argentina. We have seen similar mass demonstrations in Mexico (Ni Una Muerta Más ), Bolivia, Chile, El Salvador, Paraguay and Uruguay. In the time of such important and impressive mass movements of women a US president who is known for boasting to „grab her by the pussy“ as well as for his racist slander against Mexican people, is an additional provocative factor.

Thousands have marched against the extremely racist Muslim Ban which was initiated by the Trump government – not only in the US but also in London. The politics of the Trump administration creates automatically a sharp demarcation line and provokes even those people to protest against the reactionary Muslim Ban who have not always been „comfortable“ with a multinational composition of the population respectively who have some issues with Muslim people as such. Even the deep popular mistrust – nurtured by the chauvinist propaganda of the imperialist forces against people of color and mainly Muslim people – is partly broken up amongst broader layers of the population.

However, at the same time we can see an increase of direct and violent attacks against migrants and Muslims as the right wing forces – and with them a relevant part of reactionary elements in the population – feel encouraged by Trump’s victory. Along the demarcation line it is the utmost duty of the working class and the oppressed – especially of its vanguard – to uphold the banner of class solidarity. In this it is the duty of us, women workers, urban and rural poor women, to be the role model for our class as we have been already in the past.

It is time to revive our own heroic tradition and to stand together with all oppressed. It is time to stop the imperialist beast, to revive the Arab revolutions, to turn the spontaneous solidarity with people of color and Muslim people into an organized joint struggle, to fight for a proletarian leadership of the emerging new Women’s movement as well as to broaden it by including our sisters in the semi-colonial countries who should play a leading role in an international, revolutionary Women’s movement. It is time to turn the 8th March into a day not only replete with the spirit of the heroic past, but rather with the spirit of a revolutionary present and future. Let us turn the 8th March into a day of general strike action! Let us make imperialists worldwide afraid again!


For a more extensive analysis of the women’s liberation struggle we refer readers to the following document: https://www.thecommunists.net/oppressed/resolution-womens-liberation/





















Freedom for the Chechen People! Down with Putin and Kadyrov!



Report (with Pictures and Videos) from the RKO BEFREIUNG (Austrian Section of the RCIT), 26 February 2017, www.rkob.net


The Chechen migrant community in Austria organized a rally on 23 February in commemoration of the mass deportation of the Chechen people by the regime of Stalin in 1944. As a result of this genocidal act, up to half of the Chechen people lost their lives.


About 100 people participated in the rally. Many activists reported the fears which many Chechen migrants feel when they consider participating in public political events, given the constant threat of repression against their relatives at home by the terrorist thugs of the regime of Ramsam Kadyrov, the local Chechen marionette of Russia’s Putin regime.


Michael Pröbsting, the International Secretary of the RCIT, was asked to address the rally as one of the speakers. In his speech, comrade Pröbsting expressed the RCIT’s unambiguous solidarity with the Chechen people and their liberation struggle against the oppression of imperialist Russia.


Two days later the Chechen migrant community held a conference in a Viennese hotel which was again dedicated to the memory of victims of the mass deportations of 1944. About 150 people participated in this conference.


Here, too, the Austrian section of the RCIT was invited to participate and comrade Pröbsting was once again asked to deliver a speech. In his address, he expressed the outrage of the RCIT, as a revolutionary socialist organization, over the brutal oppression of the Chechen and other peoples by the dictatorship of Stalin, as well as that of many communists who opposed Stalinism. He said that, today, the Chechens are facing imperialist oppression by the Putin regime. And, rather than being “terrorism” the resistance of the Chechen people to this oppression is just!




To view the speeches of comrade Pröbsting (in German) as well as some photographs of the rally and conference, click the following link:




You can read a summary of the RCIT’s position on the Chechen liberation struggle in Chapter III of our book Building the Revolutionary Party in Theory and Practice -- Looking Back and Ahead after 25 Years of Organized Struggle for Bolshevism. (Go to the subchapter „1994 until Today: The Uprising of the Chechen People against the Russian Occupation“): https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/rcit-party-building/rcit-party-building-iii/






















Rally in Solidarity with the Ahvaz People



Down with the reactionary dictatorship in Iran! No to imperialist interference!

Report (with Pictures and Video) from the RKO BEFREIUNG (Austrian Section of the RCIT), 19th February 2017, www.rkob.net


The Ahvaz Community organized on 17 February a rally in front of the United Nations office in Vienna (Austria). About 150 people protested against the discrimination of the Arabic speaking Ahvaz people. The Austrian section of the RCIT was invited to participate in the rally.


Michael Pröbsting, the International Secretary of the RCIT, addressed the rally as one of the speakers. He highlighted the importance of international solidarity of workers and oppressed with the national liberation struggle of the Ahvaz people. He also attacked the Iranian dictatorship and warned against the policies of any of the imperialist Great Powers. Comrade Pröbsting also gave interviews to the representatives of the media.


Freedom, Peace, Equality for the Arab people of the Ahvaz! Long live international solidarity!




To view the speech of comrade Pröbsting (in German) as well as some pictures of the rally click the following link:




To view an Arab-language report on the TV Channel Al-Akbarya about the rally with excerpts of an interview with comrade Pröbsting click the following links:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-ShdFjZOHY&app=desktop (starting at minute 1:00)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zv9C3b9qRU&feature=youtu.be (starting at minute 1:31)


A report about a recently held international symposium including a speech by comrade Pröbsting (in English) can be viewed here:




To read the RCIT’s analysis of the Iranian regime, click here:

