Artificial Intelligence: A Leviathan Monster Serving the Ruling Class. Theses on Artificial Intelligence and its application in the period of capitalist decay. A first approach from a Marxist viewpoint

Resolution of the RCIT


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Video Statement of Medina Avdagić on AI and its Military Use!


Artificial Intelligence and the Marxist Understanding of Productive Forces. On the contradictory development of productive forces in the period of capitalist decay and their dialectical relationship with the relations of productions

Pamphlet (+4 Figures & 3 Tables) by Michael Pröbsting, RCIT


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Artificial Intelligence and the Militarization of Health

Article by Medina Avdagić, RCIT


Inteligência Artificial e a Militarização da Saúde

Artigo de Medina Avdagić, (CCRI/RCIT)


Why ChatGPT and similar technologies are more dangerous than you might think. How socialists should approach deep-learning A.I.

Article by Medina Avdagić, RCIT


Por qué ChatGPT y tecnologías similares son más peligrosas de lo que piensas. Cómo los socialistas deberían abordar el aprendizaje profundo de la IA Artículo de Medina Avdagić, CCRI/RCIT

El papel de las nuevas tecnologías en el desarrollo de la consciencia obrera

Por Claudio Colombo (Convergencia Socialista)

La relación entre el freno del desarrollo de la Inteligencia Artificial y ley de la baja tendencial de la tasa de la ganancia Por Damián Quevedo y Juan Giglio (CS Argentina)