A Servant of Imperialism Replaces the Master

The paper of the Stalinist CPUSA calls for supporting Western Great Powers in creating a global alliance against Russia


By Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 24 March 2022, www.thecommunists.net




We have repeatedly pointed out in recent past that historic events like the current Ukraine War – in combination with the escalating tensions between the US, EU and Russia – inevitable throw large sectors of the reformist and centrist left in crisis and confusion. In particular, we have drawn attention to the deep divisions which these events have provoked within the Stalinist milieu. [1]


For us, it is clear that the current conflict has a dual character. Hence, the RCIT and other authentic socialists support the Ukrainian people and their resistance against the invasion of imperialist Russia. At the same time, we oppose both camps in the ongoing inter-imperialist rivalry between the Great Powers – Russia as well as NATO. We summarized our position in the following slogans: [2]


* Defend the Ukraine! Defeat Russian imperialism! International popular solidarity with the Ukrainian national resistance – independent of any imperialist influence!


* Down with all imperialist powers – NATO and EU as well as Russia! In all conflicts between these powers, revolutionaries fight against both camps!


In contrast, many Stalinist parties openly support the Ukraine’s invasion by Russian imperialism. Others – like the IU/PCE in Spain – participate in the government of a NATO member state and, together with their sister parties of the “Party of the European Left” (e.g. LINKE in Germany, PCF in France, SYRIZA in Greece) advocate the strengthening of EU imperialism as an independent Great Power. Many Stalinists promote bourgeois pacifism and the importance of global imperialist institutions like the United Nations. But nobody of these forces supports the legitimate resistance struggle of the Ukrainian people against Putin’s invasion.


We explained in our pamphlet “Servants of Two Masters” and other works that Stalinism basically represents a bourgeois current within the workers and popular movement. They serve one or the other faction of the ruling and one or the other Great Power. In the past decade we have seen a process where many Stalinist parties support – directly or indirectly – Chinese and Russian imperialism. At the same time, many Stalinists combine this with offering their service to a sector of the domestic bourgeoise. In the case of Europe, such a combination is often expressed in advocacy of an EU’s foreign policy independent of Washington. In the case of Latin America, South Africa, India and other countries of the Global South, this is often expressed in advocating a foreign policy of their respective countries which leans towards Beijing and Moscow. The RCIT characterizes such a policy as social-imperialism – combing “socialist” phrases with support for this or that imperialist power. [3]


It is not difficult to understand that such a policy of support for one or the other Great Power is subjugated to massive pressure in periods of war and accelerated inter-imperialist rivalry. [4] In such times, crisis, splits, and sudden U-turns are inevitable. The Communist Party of the USA (CPUSA) is a particular spectacular example for this.




From Supporting Russia’s “core strategic interests”…




Last year, the CPUSA initiated a joint statement – signed by many Stalinist parties around the world – which denounced NATO’s policy against China and Russia. “Both China and its strategic ally Russia, find themselves surrounded on all sides by hundreds of US and NATO military bases. Despite promises to not expand in to Eastern Europe, NATO has continuously expanded closer and closer to Russia’s borders and is aiding anti-Russian, fascist forces in Ukraine while using economic sanctions to punish the people of Russia. The world cannot be allowed to descend into another anti-communist Cold War.[5]


Only a few weeks ago, the CPUSA – in accordance with many other Stalinist parties – publicly stated its support for Putin’s foreign policy in relation to the Ukraine and NATO and called for negotiations between Washington and Moscow. “Indications are that Russia’s bottom line in this conflict is stopping Ukraine from joining NATO, and it wants promises that the United States will never place offensive military weapons on its borders, particularly in Ukraine. Stationing such weapons there would cut off any possibility of diplomacy and likely leave the Russians feeling they have no choice but to intervene. If we were not dealing in the U.S. with a foreign policy establishment dominated by the Pentagon and the dangerous military-industrial complex, there would be more than enough grounds for pursuing diplomacy rather than war.[6]


Peoples World, the publication of the CPUSA, also called for a diplomatic solution between the Great Powers based on mutual recognition of “core strategic interests”. “A deeper look at history and recent events reveals that it is the West, by pursuing a long-term policy of NATO aggression, that bears responsibility for the crisis now gripping eastern Europe. It is helpful to understand that all countries, the U.S. included, have core strategic interests that, if violated, can force them into taking military action and going to war. To understand the Russian view of NATO’s possible expansion and placement of weapons or troops in Ukraine—which multiple U.S. administrations, including the current one, have threatened—a simple thought experiment is useful. Since the declaration of the Monroe Doctrine, the U.S. has declared the entirety of the Western Hemisphere as a core strategic interest. It would never tolerate Russian or Chinese weapons being placed in countries directly on its border, such as Canada or Mexico. But a situation just like that is what Russia’s leaders fear. Russia cannot tolerate NATO weaponry (like the U.S.-managed nuclear weapons NATO has in Germany) to be stationed right along its borders in Ukraine. Missiles that can reach Moscow in five minutes or less are a definite no-no.[7]




… to calling for peace and UN negotiations as well as for the dissolution of NATO …




But this was a long time ago – two months! When Putin invaded the Ukraine, the CPUSA initially took a bourgeois-pacifist and neutral position. In a joint statement with other Stalinist parties, they criticized the Russian attack (of course, without expressing support for the legitimate resistance struggle of the Ukrainian people), said that the “United Nations Security Council should be working for a ceasefire and peace”, and expressed support for the so-called Minsk II treaty.


At the same time, the CPUSA and their friends called “for united action by all progressive and peace forces in campaigning for the disbandment of NATO.” Their joint statement “condemns the political and military manoeuvers of the USA, NATO and the European Union since the Euromaidan coup of 2014 after which reactionary forces took power in Kyiv with the open support of the Western imperialist powers.” It also “reiterates opposition to NATO's eastward expansion, its military build-up in Eastern Europe and the encirclement of the Russian Federation.[8]


But, again, these words were also issued a long time ago – three and a half weeks! A lot has changed since then. Most importantly, for understanding the U-turn of the Stalinist CPUSA, the tensions between NATO and Russian imperialism have dramatically accelerated in the past weeks. Against this background, the ruling class in the U.S. and other Western imperialist powers are mobilizing and uniting their forces to wage a Cold War based on militarism and anti-Russian chauvinism. As a result, the imperialist establishment and its public opinion puts huge pressure on all forces of the bourgeois society – including the labor bureaucracy and aristocracy.


Robert Reich, a former US secretary of labor under the Clinton Administration and a well-placed insider in the American imperialist establishment, expressed this shift quiet accurately in an article published today. According to his assessment, we are at “the beginning of a new era in Washington”. “Yet ever since the runup to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, I’ve noticed something in Washington that I haven’t seen in three decades – a quiet understanding that we’re on the brink of a new cold war, potentially even a hot one. Which requires that we join together in order to survive.


Reich states his hopes that the imperialist West, and particularly the U.S., can be brought together like in “the good old days” of the Cold War against the USSR. “Putin has brought a fractured Nato together. Maybe he’s bringing America back together too. It’s the thinnest of silver linings to the human disaster he’s creating, but perhaps he’ll have the same effect on the US as the old Soviet Union did on America’s sense of who we are. [9]




… to call for a global alliance against Russia since Putin has become the “main danger to global peace and international law




It is this massive shift within the ruling class which explains why John Bachtell – a leading figure of the CPUSA – announced a dramatic shift of the party’s long-standing positions. John Bachtell served as national chair of the CPUSA from 2014 to 2019 and is currently president of the publishing house of the party’s paper People's World. In his article he identifies Putin as the “main danger to global peace and international law”. [10]


Consequently, Bachtell calls to rally behind the banner of “Western democracies” and to form a “global alliance” against “Russian imperialism” (you never heard such a characterization of Russia before)! [11] Tellingly, the CPUSA paper calls for the creation of a global alliance similar to the “WWII anti-fascist alliance”. In short, the CPUSA adapts Washington’s Cold War rhetoric by calling Putin the new Hitler and advocating support for American and European imperialism (like the Stalinists did in WWII).


By invading Ukraine and seeking to redraw internationally recognized borders violently based on Great Russian chauvinism, the Putin regime has emerged as the main danger to global peace and international law at this moment. Global collective unity is required on the order of the WWII anti-fascist alliance to end the invasion and in solidarity with the Russian people to oust Putin from power.


It is evident that such a call means nothing but support for the Biden Administration and the EU governments which are working towards the creation of such a Western alliance against Russia.


It his article, the CPUSA leader points to the global shift which we mentioned above in order to justify their U-turn from supporting Putin to supporting “Western democracies”. “The invasion may signal a tectonic shift in international affairs, an era of greater instability and fracturing, and a growing world war danger.


In typical Stalinist-reformist fashion, such support for Western Great Powers is combined with advocating the bourgeois-pacifist utopia of a “new global democratic order”. Translated in the language of real world, this means nothing but an imperialist world order with capitalist states respecting each other and willing to demilitarize themselves. ”The world must chart a way forward that rejects war and seeks a new global democratic order. One that strengthens international law respects national sovereignty and self-determination, non-interference in internal affairs, equality of nations, democratic and human rights, demilitarization, and dissolving military alliances.


It is worth noting that only a few years ago, John Bachtell, as the CPUSA’s Chairman, wrote a most shameless eulogy to the ruling party of the Stalinist-capitalist in China: “The CPC is a deeply revolutionary party, creatively applying Marxism to the Chinese reality. Their approach is pragmatic, fact based, self-critical, and self-reforming. Far from building a capitalist economy, the CPC is charting a path in the context of China’s realities, guiding the country to achieve a modern socialist society under extraordinary difficult conditions and not without many problems, mistakes and shortcomings, one with ‘Chinese characteristics.’” [12]


In summary, what we see is a dramatic shift in the policy of a Stalinist party. From a force openly advocating support for Putin’s foreign policy the CPUSA transformed within a few weeks into a force advocating support for U.S. imperialism and its Cold War against Russia. In other words, these pro-Russian social-imperialists have become pro-US social-imperialists. They replaced their master but continue to serve imperialist powers.


The RCIT and all consistent Marxists oppose any support for imperialist Great Powers. The U.S., China, the EU, Russia, Japan, or smaller imperialist states – all these powers are enemies of the international working class and the oppressed peoples! It is impermissible for socialists to view Moscow, Beijing, Washington, Brussels or Tokyo as a “lesser evil”. The task of revolutionaries is to unite the workers and oppressed in the struggle against all these powers and to work towards defeating them so that humanity can face a socialist future without exploitation and oppression!




[1] See on this e.g. a pamphlet by Michael Pröbsting: Putin’s Poodles (Apologies to All Dogs). The pro-Russian Stalinist parties and their arguments in the current NATO-Russia Conflict, 9 February 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/nato-russia-conflict-stalinism-as-putin-s-poodles/; by the same author: A Progressive Step Towards Anti-Imperialism. Some Stalinist parties refuse to support Russian or EU imperialism in the current NATO-Russia conflict, 17 February 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/kke-and-nato-russia-conflict/; NATO-Russia Conflict: The “Party of the European Left” as Government Adviser for EU Imperialism. Ex-Stalinist LINKE (Germany), PCF (France), IU & PCE (Spain), SYRIZA (Greece) etc. urge governments that “Europe must develop an independent geopolitical attitude”, 30 January 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/nato-russia-conflict-the-party-of-the-european-left-as-government-adviser-for-eu-imperialism/

[2] We refer readers to a special page on our website where more than 40 RCIT documents on the current NATO-Russia conflict and the Ukraine War are compiled: https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/compilation-of-documents-on-nato-russia-conflict/. The most important documents are: RCIT Manifesto: Ukraine War: A Turning Point of World Historic Significance. Socialists must combine the revolutionary defense of the Ukraine against Putin’s invasion with the internationalist struggle against Russian as well as NATO and EU imperialism, 1 March 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/manifesto-ukraine-war-a-turning-point-of-world-historic-significance/; RCIT: Ukraine War: An Action Program for Authentic Socialists, 1 March 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/ukraine-war-an-action-program-for-authentic-socialists/; Medina Gunić: A new turning point in Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine, 25 February 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/a-new-turning-point-in-russia-s-invasion-of-the-ukraine/; RCIT: Down with Putin’s Imperialist War against the Ukraine! Neither Russia nor NATO - against all imperialist powers! For an independent popular struggle to defend the Ukraine! For a workers government to defeat the Russian invaders! No to imperialist sanctions! For an independent socialist Ukraine! 24 February 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/down-with-putin-s-imperialist-war-against-the-ukraine/

[3] Michael Pröbsting: Servants of Two Masters. Stalinism and the New Cold War between Imperialist Great Powers in East and West, 10 July 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/servants-of-two-masters-stalinism-and-new-cold-war/

[4] The RCIT has dealt on numerous occasions with the inter-imperialist rivalry of the Great Powers. See e.g. RCIT: World Perspectives 2021-22: Entering a Pre-Revolutionary Global Situation, 22 August 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/world-perspectives-2021-22/; see also our book by Michael Pröbsting: Anti-Imperialism in the Age of Great Power Rivalry. The Factors behind the Accelerating Rivalry between the U.S., China, Russia, EU and Japan. A Critique of the Left’s Analysis and an Outline of the Marxist Perspective, RCIT Books, Vienna 2019, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/anti-imperialism-in-the-age-of-great-power-rivalry/; see also the following two pamphlets by the same author: “A Really Good Quarrel”. US-China Alaska Meeting: The Inter-Imperialist Cold War Continues, 23 March 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/us-china-alaska-meeting-shows-continuation-of-inter-imperialist-cold-war/; Servants of Two Masters. Stalinism and the New Cold War between Imperialist Great Powers in East and West, 10 July 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/servants-of-two-masters-stalinism-and-new-cold-war/; for more works on this issue see these sub-pages: https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/china-russia-as-imperialist-powers/ and https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/collection-of-articles-on-the-global-trade-war/.

[5] Joint Statement (initiated by the CPUSA): The Communist and Workers’ Parties Condemn NATO’s Cold War Rhetoric, 29.6.2021, http://www.solidnet.org/article/CP-USA-JOINT-STATEMENT-THE-COMMUNIST-AND-WORKERS-PARTIES-CONDEMN-NATOS-COLD-WAR-RHETORIC/

[6] John Wojcik: Who is invading whom? U.S. forces already in Eastern Europe, CPUSA, January 25, 2022, https://peoplesworld.org/article/who-is-invading-whom-u-s-forces-already-in-eastern-europe/

[7] John Wojcik: The West, not Russia, is responsible for the war danger in Ukraine, CPUSA, January 21, 2022, https://peoplesworld.org/article/the-west-not-russia-is-responsible-for-the-war-danger-in-ukraine/

[8] For Peace and a Just Solution to the Conflict in Ukraine, Joint statement by Communist and workers parties, 28.2.2022, http://www.solidnet.org/article/CP-of-Britain-FOR-PEACE-AND-A-JUST-SOLUTION-TO-THE-CONFLICT-IN-UKRAINE-Joint-statement-by-Communist-and-workers-parties/

[9] Robert Reich: It’s the beginning of a new era in Washington – and Putin is responsible, 24 Mar 2022 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/mar/24/democrats-republicans-russia-ukraine-invasion-putin

[10] John Bachtell: Putin regime emerges as the main danger to global peace and security, 23 March 2022, https://peoplesworld.org/article/putin-regime-emerges-as-the-main-danger-to-global-peace-and-security/

[11] The RCIT has published numerous documents about capitalism in Russia and its rise to an imperialist power. See on this e.g. several pamphlets by Michael Pröbsting: The Peculiar Features of Russian Imperialism. A Study of Russia’s Monopolies, Capital Export and Super-Exploitation in the Light of Marxist Theory, 10 August 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/the-peculiar-features-of-russian-imperialism/; by the same author: Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism and the Rise of Russia as a Great Power. On the Understanding and Misunderstanding of Today’s Inter-Imperialist Rivalry in the Light of Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism. Another Reply to Our Critics Who Deny Russia’s Imperialist Character, August 2014, http://www.thecommunists.net/theory/imperialism-theory-and-russia/; Russia as a Great Imperialist Power. The formation of Russian Monopoly Capital and its Empire – A Reply to our Critics, 18 March 2014, in: Revolutionary Communism No. 21, http://www.thecommunists.net/theory/imperialist-russia/; Russian Imperialism and Its Monopolies, in: New Politics Vol. XVIII No. 4, Whole Number 72, Winter 2022, https://newpol.org/issue_post/russian-imperialism-and-its-monopolies/. See various other RCIT documents on this issue at a special sub-page on the RCIT’s website: https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/china-russia-as-imperialist-powers/.

[12] John Bachtell: A new era for building socialism with ‘Chinese characteristics’, June 14, 2018, http://www.cpusa.org/article/a-new-era-for-building-socialism-with-chinese-characteristics/


Um Servo do Imperialismo Substitui o Mestre


O documento do estalinista PCUSA chama pelo apoio às Grandes Potências Ocidentais na criação de uma aliança global contra a Rússia


Por Michael Pröbsting, Secretário Internacional da Corrente Comunista Revolucionária Internacional (CCRI/RCIT), 24 de março de 2022, www.thecommunists.net




Temos repetidamente apontado no passado recente que eventos históricos como a atual Guerra da Ucrânia - em combinação com as crescentes tensões entre os EUA, UE e Rússia - inevitavelmente jogam grandes setores da esquerda reformista e centrista em crise e confusão. Em particular, chamamos a atenção para as profundas divisões que estes eventos provocaram dentro do meio estalinista. [1]


Para nós, é claro que o conflito atual tem um caráter duplo. Portanto, a CCRI e outros socialistas autênticos apoiam o povo ucraniano e sua resistência contra a invasão da Rússia imperialista. Ao mesmo tempo, nos opomos a ambos os campos na rivalidade inter-imperialista em curso entre as Grandes Potências - a Rússia, bem como a OTAN. Resumimos nossa posição nos seguintes slogans: [2]


* Defender a Ucrânia! Derrotar o imperialismo russo! Solidariedade popular internacional com a resistência nacional ucraniana - independente de qualquer influência imperialista!


* Abaixo todas as potências imperialistas - a OTAN e a UE, assim como a Rússia! Em todos os conflitos entre essas potências, os revolucionários lutam contra os dois campos!


Em contraste, muitos partidos estalinistas apoiam abertamente a invasão da Ucrânia pelo imperialismo russo. Outros - como a IU/PCE na Espanha - participam do governo de um Estado membro da OTAN e, juntamente com seus partidos irmãos do "Partido da Esquerda Europeia" (por exemplo, LINKE na Alemanha, PCF na França, SYRIZA na Grécia) defendem o fortalecimento do imperialismo da UE como uma Grande Potência independente. Muitos estalinistas promovem o pacifismo burguês e a importância de instituições imperialistas globais como as Nações Unidas. Mas ninguém dessas forças apoia a legítima luta de resistência do povo ucraniano contra a invasão de Putin.


Explicamos em nosso folheto "Servos de Dois Mestres" e outras obras que o estalinismo representa basicamente uma corrente burguesa dentro do movimento operário e popular. Eles servem a uma ou outra facção do governo e a uma ou outra Grande Potência. Na última década vimos um processo no qual muitos partidos estalinistas apoiam - direta ou indiretamente - o imperialismo chinês e russo. Ao mesmo tempo, muitos estalinistas combinam isso com a oferta de seus serviços a um setor da burguesia nacional. No caso da Europa, tal combinação é frequentemente expressa na defesa de uma política externa da UE independente de Washington. No caso da América Latina, África do Sul, Índia e outros países do Sul Global, isto é frequentemente expresso na defesa de uma política externa de seus respectivos países que se inclina para Pequim e Moscou. A CCRI caracteriza tal política como social imperialismo - combinando frases "socialistas" com apoio a esta ou aquela potência imperialista. [3]


Não é difícil entender que tal política de apoio a uma ou outra Grande Potência esteja subjugada a uma pressão maciça em períodos de guerra e a uma rivalidade inter-imperialista acelerada. [4] Nestes tempos, crises, cisões e reviravoltas repentinas são inevitáveis. O Partido Comunista dos EUA (PCUSA) é um exemplo particularmente fortíssimo disto.




Do apoio aos "interesses estratégicos centrais" da Rússia...




No ano passado, o PCUSA iniciou uma declaração conjunta - assinada por muitos partidos estalinistas em todo o mundo - que denunciava a política da OTAN contra a China e a Rússia. "Tanto a China quanto seu aliado estratégico Rússia, encontram-se cercados de todos os lados por centenas de bases militares dos EUA e da OTAN. Apesar das promessas de não se expandir para a Europa Oriental, a OTAN tem se expandido continuamente para mais perto das fronteiras da Rússia e está ajudando as forças anti-russas e fascistas na Ucrânia, enquanto usa sanções econômicas para punir o povo da Rússia. Não se pode permitir que o mundo desça para outra Guerra Fria anticomunista. “ [5]


Há apenas algumas semanas, o PCUSA - de acordo com muitos outros partidos estalinistas - declarou publicamente seu apoio à política externa de Putin em relação à Ucrânia e à OTAN e apelou para negociações entre Washington e Moscou. "Indicações são de que a linha de fundo da Rússia neste conflito está impedindo a Ucrânia de aderir à OTAN, e quer promessas de que os Estados Unidos nunca colocarão armas militares ofensivas em suas fronteiras, particularmente na Ucrânia". O posicionamento de tais armas ali cortaria qualquer possibilidade de diplomacia e provavelmente deixaria os russos sentindo que não têm outra escolha a não ser intervir". Se não estivéssemos lidando nos EUA com um estabelecimento de política externa dominado pelo Pentágono e pelo perigoso complexo militar-industrial, haveria motivos mais do que suficientes para buscar a diplomacia em vez da guerra. ” [6]


Peoples World, a publicação do PCUSA, também exigiu uma solução diplomática entre as Grandes Potências baseada no reconhecimento mútuo dos "interesses estratégicos centrais". "Um olhar mais profundo sobre a história e os acontecimentos recentes revela que é o Ocidente, ao buscar uma política de longo prazo de agressão da OTAN, que tem a responsabilidade pela crise que agora se abate sobre a Europa Oriental. É útil entender que todos os países, inclusive os EUA, têm interesses estratégicos centrais que, se violados, podem forçá-los a tomar medidas militares e ir para a guerra. Para entender a visão russa sobre a possível expansão e colocação de armas ou tropas da OTAN na Ucrânia - que várias administrações americanas, incluindo a atual, ameaçaram - uma simples experiência de pensamento é útil. Desde a declaração da Doutrina Monroe, os EUA têm declarado a totalidade do Hemisfério Ocidental como um interesse estratégico central. Nunca toleraria que armas russas ou chinesas fossem colocadas em países diretamente em sua fronteira, como o Canadá ou o México. Mas uma situação como essa é o que temem os líderes russos. A Rússia não pode tolerar que o armamento da OTAN (como as armas nucleares administradas pelos EUA que a OTAN tem na Alemanha) seja colocado ao longo de suas fronteiras na Ucrânia. Os mísseis que podem chegar a Moscou em cinco minutos ou menos são definitivamente um não-não. ” [7]




... para exigir a paz e as negociações da ONU, assim como a dissolução da OTAN ...




Mas isso foi há muito tempo - dois meses! Quando Putin invadiu a Ucrânia, o PCUSA inicialmente assumiu uma posição burguesa e neutra. Em uma declaração conjunta com outros partidos estalinistas, eles criticaram o ataque russo (naturalmente, sem expressar apoio à legítima luta de resistência do povo ucraniano), disseram que "o Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas deveria estar trabalhando por um cessar-fogo e paz", e expressaram apoio ao chamado tratado Minsk II.


Ao mesmo tempo, o PCUSA e seus amigos apelaram "para uma ação unida de todas as forças progressistas e de paz em campanha pela dissolução da OTAN". Sua declaração conjunta "condena as manobras políticas e militares dos EUA, da OTAN e da União Europeia desde o golpe da Euromaidan de 2014, após o qual forças reacionárias tomaram o poder em Kiev com o apoio aberto das potências imperialistas ocidentais". Também "reitera a oposição à expansão da OTAN para o leste, ao seu acúmulo militar na Europa Oriental e ao cerco da Federação Russa". [8]


Mas, mais uma vez, estas palavras também foram proferidas há muito tempo - três semanas e meia! Muita coisa mudou desde então. Mais importante ainda, para entender a reviravolta do PCUSA estalinista, as tensões entre a OTAN e o imperialismo russo se aceleraram dramaticamente nas últimas semanas. Neste contexto, a classe dominante nos Estados Unidos e outras potências imperialistas ocidentais estão mobilizando e unindo suas forças para travar uma Guerra Fria baseada no militarismo e no chauvinismo anti-russo. Como resultado, o establishment imperialista e sua opinião pública exercem enorme pressão sobre todas as forças da sociedade burguesa - incluindo a aristocracia e a burocracia trabalhista.


Robert Reich, um ex-secretário do trabalho dos EUA sob a administração Clinton e um membro bem colocado do establishment imperialista americano, expressou esta mudança com precisão em um artigo publicado hoje. De acordo com sua avaliação, estamos "no início de uma nova era em Washington". "No entanto, desde o período da invasão de Putin na Ucrânia, tenho notado algo em Washington que não vejo há três décadas - um entendimento silencioso de que estamos à beira de uma nova guerra fria, potencialmente até mesmo uma guerra quente". O que exige que nos unamos a fim de sobreviver.


Reich afirma suas esperanças de que o Ocidente imperialista, e particularmente os Estados Unidos, possa se reunir como nos "bons velhos tempos" da Guerra Fria contra a URSS. "Putin uniu uma Otan fraturada". Talvez ele também esteja reunindo a América de novo. É o caso dos males que vem para o bem com relação ao desastre humano que ele está criando, mas talvez ele tenha o mesmo efeito sobre os EUA que a velha União Soviética teve sobre o sentido da América de quem somos. ” [9]




... apelar para uma aliança global contra a Rússia a partir do omento que Putin se tornou o "principal perigo para a paz global e o direito internacional".




É esta mudança enorme dentro da classe dominante que explica por que John Bachtell - uma figura líder do PCUSA - anunciou uma mudança dramática das posições de longa data do partido. John Bachtell foi presidente nacional do PCUSA de 2014 a 2019 e atualmente é presidente da editora do jornal People's World do partido. Em seu artigo, ele identifica Putin como o "principal perigo para a paz global e o direito internacional". [10]


Consequentemente, Bachtell chama para se unir atrás da bandeira das "democracias ocidentais" e formar uma "aliança global" contra o "imperialismo russo" (você nunca ouviu tal caracterização da Rússia antes)! [11] Revelador, o documento do PCUSA pede a criação de uma aliança global semelhante à "aliança anti-fascista da Segunda Guerra Mundial". Em resumo, o PCUSA adapta a retórica da Guerra Fria de Washington chamando Putin de novo Hitler e defendendo o apoio ao imperialismo americano e europeu (como os estalinistas fizeram na Segunda Guerra Mundial).


"Ao invadir a Ucrânia e procurar redesenhar fronteiras internacionalmente reconhecidas, violentamente baseadas no grande chauvinismo russo, o regime de Putin surgiu como o principal perigo para a paz global e o direito internacional neste momento. A unidade coletiva global é necessária na diretriz da aliança antifascista da Segunda Guerra Mundial para acabar com a invasão e em solidariedade com o povo russo para expulsar Putin do poder.


É evidente que tal apelo não significa nada além de apoio à Administração Biden e aos governos da UE que estão trabalhando para a criação de tal aliança ocidental contra a Rússia.


Em seu artigo, o líder do PCUSA aponta para a mudança global que mencionamos acima para justificar sua reviravolta em deixar de apoiar Putin para apoiar as "democracias ocidentais". "A invasão pode sinalizar uma mudança tectônica nos assuntos internacionais, uma era de maior instabilidade e fratura, e um perigo crescente de guerra mundial".


De maneira típica estalinista-reformista, tal apoio às Grandes Potências Ocidentais é combinado com a defesa da utopia burguesa-pacifista de uma "nova ordem democrática global". Traduzido na linguagem do mundo real, isto não significa nada além de uma ordem mundial imperialista com estados capitalistas respeitando uns aos outros e dispostos a se desmilitarizarem. "O mundo deve traçar um caminho que rejeite a guerra e busque uma nova ordem democrática global". Uma que reforce o direito internacional respeite a soberania nacional e a autodeterminação, a não ingerência nos assuntos internos, a igualdade das nações, os direitos democráticos e humanos, a desmilitarização e a dissolução das alianças militares.


Vale notar que há apenas alguns anos, John Bachtell, como presidente do PCUSA, escreveu um elogio sem vergonha ao partido governante do capitalista estalinista na China: "O PCC é um partido profundamente revolucionário, aplicando criativamente o marxismo à realidade chinesa". Sua abordagem é pragmática, baseada em fatos, autocrítica e auto-reformista. Longe de construir uma economia capitalista, o PCC está traçando um caminho no contexto da realidade chinesa, guiando o país a alcançar uma sociedade socialista moderna sob condições extraordinariamente difíceis e não sem muitos problemas, erros e deficiências, uma sociedade com 'características chinesas'". [12]


Em resumo, o que vemos é uma mudança dramática na política de um partido estalinista. De uma força que defendia abertamente o apoio à política externa de Putin, o PCUSA transformou-se em poucas semanas em uma força que defende o apoio ao imperialismo dos EUA e sua Guerra Fria contra a Rússia. Em outras palavras, estes pró-imperialistas sociais-imperialistas russos se tornaram pró-imperialistas sociais-estadunidenses. Eles substituíram seu mestre, mas continuam a servir às potências imperialistas.


A CCRI e todos os marxistas consistentes se opõem a qualquer apoio às Grandes Potências imperialistas. Os EUA, China, UE, Rússia, Japão ou Estados imperialistas menores - todas essas potências são inimigas da classe trabalhadora internacional e dos povos oprimidos! É inadmissível que os socialistas encarem Moscou, Pequim, Washington, Bruxelas ou Tóquio como um "mal menor". A tarefa dos revolucionários é unir os trabalhadores e os oprimidos na luta contra todas estas potências e trabalhar para derrotá-los para que a humanidade possa enfrentar um futuro socialista sem exploração e opressão!






[1] Veja neste folheto, por exemplo, um folheto de Michael Pröbsting: Poodles de Putin (Desculpas a todos os cães). Os partidos stalinistas pró-russos e seus argumentos no atual Conflito OTAN-Rússia, 9 de fevereiro de 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/nato-russia-conflict-stalinism-as-putin-s-poodles/; pelo mesmo autor: A Progressive Step Towards Anti-Imperialism (Um Passo Progressivo em Direção ao Anti-Imperialismo). Alguns partidos estalinistas se recusam a apoiar o imperialismo russo ou da UE no atual conflito OTAN-Rússia, 17 de fevereiro de 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/kke-and-nato-russia-conflict/; OTAN-Rússia Conflicto: O "Partido da Esquerda Européia" como Conselheiro Governamental para o Imperialismo da UE. Ex-Stalinista LINKE (Alemanha), PCF (França), IU & PCE (Espanha), SYRIZA (Grécia) etc. incitam os governos que "a Europa deve desenvolver uma atitude geopolítica independente", 30 de janeiro de 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/nato-russia-conflict-the-party-of-the-european-left-as-government-adviser-for-eu-imperialism/


[2] Indicamos aos leitores uma página especial em nosso site onde são compilados mais de 40 documentos da CCRI/RCIT sobre o atual conflito OTAN-Rússia e a Guerra da Ucrânia: https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/compilation-of-documents-on-nato-russia-conflict/. Os documentos mais importantes são: Manifesto da RCIT: Guerra da Ucrânia: Um ponto de viragem da importância histórica mundial. Os socialistas devem combinar a defesa revolucionária da Ucrânia contra a invasão de Putin com a luta internacionalista contra o imperialismo russo, bem como da OTAN e da UE, 1 de março de 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/manifesto-ukraine-war-a-turning-point-of-world-historic-significance/; RCIT: Guerra da Ucrânia: um programa de ação para socialistas autênticos, 1 de março de 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/ukraine-war-an-action-program-for-authentic-socialists/; Medina Gunić: Um novo ponto de viragem na invasão russa da Ucrânia, 25 de fevereiro de 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/a-new-turning-point-in-russia-s-invasion-of-the-ukraine/; RCIT: Abaixo a Guerra Imperialista de Putin contra a Ucrânia! Nem a Rússia nem a OTAN - contra todas as potências imperialistas! Por uma luta popular independente para defender a Ucrânia! Por um governo operário para derrotar os invasores russos! Não às sanções imperialistas! Por uma Ucrânia socialista independente! 24 de fevereiro de 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/down-with-putin-s-imperialist-war-against-the-ukraine/


[3] Michael Pröbsting: Servindo a Dois Mestres. Estalinismo e a Nova Guerra Fria entre as Grandes Potências Imperialistas no Oriente e no Ocidente, 10 de julho de 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/servants-of-two-masters-stalinism-and-new-cold-war/


[4] O RCIT lidou em numerosas ocasiões com a rivalidade inter-imperialista das Grandes Potências. Ver, por exemplo, RCIT: Perspectivas Mundiais 2021-22: Entrando em uma situação global pré-revolucionária, 22 de agosto de 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/world-perspectives-2021-22/; ver também nosso livro de Michael Pröbsting: Anti-Imperialismo na Era da Rivalidade das Grandes Potências. Os Fatores por trás da Rivalidade Aceleradora entre os EUA, China, Rússia, UE e Japão. Uma crítica à análise da esquerda e um esboço da perspectiva marxista, RCIT Books, Vienna 2019, https://www.thecommunists.net/home/portugu%C3%AAs/livro-o-anti-imperialismo-na-era-da-rivalidade-das-grandes-potencias-conteudo/;


https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/anti-imperialism-in-the-age-of-great-power-rivalry/; veja também os dois panfletos seguintes do mesmo autor: "A Really Good Quarrel" (Uma briga muito boa). Reunião EUA-China Alasca: A Guerra Fria Interimperialista Continua, 23 de março de 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/us-china-alaska-meeting-shows-continuation-of-inter-imperialist-cold-war/; Servos de dois mestres. Stalinismo e a Nova Guerra Fria entre Grandes Potências Imperialistas no Oriente e no Ocidente, 10 de julho de 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/servants-of-two-masters-stalinism-and-new-cold-war/; para mais trabalhos sobre este assunto veja estas sub-páginas: https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/china-russia-as-imperialist-powers/ e https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/collection-of-articles-on-the-global-trade-war/.


[5] Declaração conjunta (iniciada pelo PCUSA): Os partidos comunista e dos trabalhadores condenam a Retórica da Guerra Fria da OTAN, 29.6.2021, http://www.solidnet.org/article/CP-USA-JOINT-STATEMENT-THE-COMMUNIST-AND-WORKERS-PARTIES-CONDEMN-NATOS-COLD-WAR-RHETORIC/


[6] John Wojcik: Quem está invadindo quem? Forças dos EUA já na Europa Oriental, PCUSA, 25 de janeiro de 2022, https://peoplesworld.org/article/who-is-invading-whom-u-s-forces-already-in-eastern-europe/


[7] John Wojcik: O Ocidente, não a Rússia, é responsável pelo perigo de guerra na Ucrânia, CPUSA, 21 de janeiro de 2022, https://peoplesworld.org/article/the-west-not-russia-is-responsible-for-the-war-danger-in-ukraine/


[8] Pela paz e uma solução justa para o conflito na Ucrânia, Declaração conjunta dos partidos comunista e operário, 28.2.2022, http://www.solidnet.org/article/CP-of-Britain-FOR-PEACE-AND-A-JUST-SOLUTION-TO-THE-CONFLICT-IN-UKRAINE-Joint-statement-by-Communist-and-workers-parties/


[9] Robert Reich: É o começo de uma nova era em Washington - e Putin é o responsável, 24 Mar 2022 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/mar/24/democrats-republicans-russia-ukraine-invasion-putin


[10] John Bachtell: O regime de Putin surge como o principal perigo para a paz e segurança global, 23 de março de 2022, https://peoplesworld.org/article/putin-regime-emerges-as-the-main-danger-to-global-peace-and-security/


[11] A CCRI/RCIT publicou numerosos documentos sobre o capitalismo na Rússia e sua ascensão a uma potência imperialista. Veja sobre isto, por exemplo, vários panfletos de Michael Pröbsting: As características peculiares do imperialismo russo. Um estudo sobre os monopólios, a exportação de capitais e a superexploração da Rússia à luz da teoria marxista, 10 de agosto de 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/the-peculiar-features-of-russian-imperialism/; do mesmo autor: Teoria do Imperialismo de Lenin e a Ascensão da Rússia como Grande Potência. Sobre o entendimento e a incompreensão da Rivalidade Inter-Imperialista de Hoje à Luz da Teoria do Imperialismo de Lênin. Outra resposta aos nossos críticos que negam o caráter imperialista da Rússia, agosto de 2014, http://www.thecommunists.net/theory/imperialism-theory-and-russia/; a Rússia como Grande Potência Imperialista. A formação do capital monopolista russo e seu império - uma resposta aos nossos críticos, 18 de março de 2014, in: Comunismo Revolucionário No. 21, http://www.thecommunists.net/theory/imperialist-russia/; Imperialismo Russo e seus Monopólios, em: Revolutionary Communism No. 21, http://www.thecommunists.net/theory/imperialist-russia/; O imperialismo russo e seus monopólios, em: New Politics Vol. XVIII Nº 4, Número Inteiro 72, Inverno de 2022, https://newpol.org/issue_post/russian-imperialism-and-its-monopolies/. Veja vários outros documentos da RCIT sobre este assunto em uma sub-página especial no site da RCIT: https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/china-russia-as-imperialist-powers/.


[12] John Bachtell: Uma nova era para construir o socialismo com "características chinesas", 14 de junho de 2018, http://www.cpusa.org/article/a-new-era-for-building-socialism-with-chinese-characteristics/






Прислуга империализма меняет своего хозяина


Газета сталинской КП США призывает поддержать западных империалистов в создании глобального альянса против России


Михаэль Прёбстинг, международный секретарь Революционного коммунистической интернациональной тенденции (РКИТ), 24 марта 2022 года, www.thecommunists.net




Революционеры неоднократно отмечали в последнее время, что исторические события подобные нынешней войне в Украине, а также усиление противоречий между США, ЕС и Россией, неизбежно ввергают в кризис и оставляют в состоянии растерянности значительные сектора реформистов и центристов среди левых. В частности, мы обращали внимание на глубокий раскол, который эти события вызвали в среде сталинистов. [1]


Для нас очевидно, что нынешний конфликт имеет двойственный характер. Поэтому РКИТ и другие подлинные социалисты поддерживают украинский народ и его сопротивление против вторжения империалистической России. В то же время мы выступаем против обоих лагерей в межимпериалистическом противостоянии - России и НАТО. РКИТ выражает свою позицию в следующих лозунгах: [2]


* Защитить Украину! Победить российский империализм! Международная народная солидарность с украинским национальным сопротивлением, независимой от любого империалистического влияния!


* Долой все империалистические державы - НАТО и ЕС, а также Россию! Во всех конфликтах между этими державами революционеры борются против обоих лагерей!


В отличие от них, многие партии сталинистов открыто поддерживают вторжение российского империализма в Украину. Другие, а именно IU/PCE в Испании, участвуют в правительстве страны-члена НАТО и вместе со своими братскими партиями из "Партии европейских левых" (например, LINKE в Германии, ФКП во Франции, СИРИЗА в Греции) выступают за укрепление империализма ЕС как независимой великой державы. Многие сталинисты пропагандируют буржуазный пацифизм и важность глобальных империалистических институтов, как ООН. Тем не менее, никто из этих сил не поддерживает справедливую борьбу украинского народа против вторжения Путина.


Мы объясняли в нашем памфлете "Слуги двух господ" и в ряде других работ, что сталинизм в основном представляет буржуазное течение внутри рабочего и движения народных масс. Сталинисты служат той или иной правящей фракции в стране или какой-либо империалистической силе. В последнее десятилетие мы наблюдаем процесс, когда многие партии сталинистов поддерживают, прямо или косвенно, китайский и российский империализм. В то же время многие сталинисты сочетают это с предложением своих услуг тому или иному сектору отечественной буржуазии. В случае Европы такое сочетание часто выражается в отстаивании независимой от Вашингтона внешней политики ЕС. В случае Латинской Америки, Южной Африки, Индии и других стран Мирового юга это часто выражается в отстаивании внешней политики своих стран, которая склоняется в сторону Пекина и Москвы. РКИТ называет такую политику социал-империализмом - сочетание "социалистических" фраз с поддержкой той или иной империалистической державы. [3]


Нетрудно понять то, что такая политика поддержки той или иной великой империалистической державы подчиняется массовому давлению в периоды войны и в моменты обострения межимпериалистического соперничества. [4] В такие времена неизбежны кризисы, расколы и внезапные развороты на 180 градусов. Коммунистическая партия США (КП США) является особенно ярким примером такого разворота.




От поддержки "основных стратегических интересов" России...




В прошлом году КП США инициировала совместное заявление, которое было подписано многими партиями сталинистов по всему миру. В этом заявлении осуждалась политика НАТО в отношении Китая и России. "И Китай, а также его стратегический союзник Россия оказались окружены со всех сторон сотнями военных баз США и НАТО. Несмотря на обещания не расширяться в Восточную Европу, НАТО постоянно приближается к границам России и оказывает свою поддержку антироссийским, фашистским силам в Украине, использует экономические санкции для наказания народа России. Нельзя допустить, чтобы мир погрузился в очередную антикоммунистическую Холодную войну". [5]


Всего несколько недель назад КП США со многими другими сталинистскими партиями публично заявила о своей поддержке внешней политики Путина в отношении Украины и НАТО и призвала к переговорам между Вашингтоном и Москвой. "Есть основания полагать, что для России в этом конфликте главное не допустить вступления Украины в НАТО. России нужны обещания, что Соединенные Штаты никогда не разместят наступательное военное оружие на ее границах, особенно в Украине. Размещение у границ России такого оружия пресечет любую возможность дипломатических переговоров и, вероятнее всего, заставит россиян почувствовать то, что у них нет иного выбора, кроме как вмешаться. Если бы мы не имели дело в США с внешнеполитическим истеблишментом, где доминирует Пентагон и опасный военно-промышленный комплекс, у нас было бы более чем достаточно оснований для того, чтобы прибегнуть к дипломатии, а не к войне." [6]


Peoples World, издание КП США, также призывало к дипломатическому решению противоречий между великими империалистическими державами на основе взаимного признания "основных стратегических интересов". "Более глубокий взгляд на историю и последние события показывает то, что именно Запад проводил долгосрочную политику агрессии НАТО и поэтому несет ответственность за кризис, охвативший сейчас Восточную Европу. Необходимо понимать, что у всех стран, включая США, есть основные стратегические интересы, нарушение которых может заставить их предпринять военные действия и вступить в войну. Для того, чтобы понять взгляд России на возможное расширение НАТО и размещение вооружений или войск на Украине ( это то чем угрожали многие американские администрации, включая нынешнюю) полезно провести простой мысленный эксперимент. С момента провозглашения доктрины Монро США объявили все западное полушарие своим основным стратегическим интересом. США никогда бы не допустили размещения российского или китайского оружия в странах, расположенных непосредственно на их границе, а именно в Канаде или Мексике. Тем не менее, именно такой ситуации опасаются российские лидеры. Россия не может допустить того, чтобы оружие НАТО (например, ядерное оружие, находящееся в Германии под управлением США) было размещено прямо у ее границ в Украине. Ракеты, которые могут достичь Москвы за пять минут или меньше - это явное „нет-нет“". [7]




...призывая к миру и переговорам в ООН, а также к роспуску НАТО...




Однако это было давно, точнее два месяца назад! Когда Путин вторгся в Украину, КП США сначала заняла буржуазно-пацифистскую и нейтральную позицию. В совместном заявлении с другими партиями сталинистов они критиковали нападение России (разумеется, не показывая поддержки законной борьбе сопротивления украинского народа). КП США заявили, что "Совет Безопасности ООН должен работать над прекращением огня и миром", и выразили поддержку так называемому договору Минск-2.


В то же время, КП США со своими друзьями призвали "к единым действиям всех прогрессивных сил и сил всего мира в кампании за роспуск НАТО". Совместное заявление также "осуждает политические и военные маневры США, НАТО и Европейского Союза после евромайдановского переворота 2014 года, после которого к власти в Киеве пришли реакционные силы при открытой поддержке западных империалистических держав". В добавок это заявление говорит "вновь заявляет о своей оппозиции расширению НАТО на восток, наращиванию военного присутствия в Восточной Европе и окружению Российской Федерации." [8]


Тем не менее снова эти слова были сказаны очень давно - три с половиной недели назад! За эти несколько недель пор многое изменилось. Самое важное для понимания разворота сталинистской КП США является то, что за последние недели напряженность между НАТО и российским империализмом резко усилилась. На этом фоне правящий класс США и других западных империалистических держав мобилизует и объединяет свои силы для ведения холодной войны, основанной на милитаризме и антироссийском шовинизме. В результате империалистический истеблишмент и его общественное мнение оказывают огромное давление на все силы буржуазного общества - включая рабочую бюрократию и аристократию.


Роберт Райх, бывший министр труда США при администрации Клинтона и высокопоставленный инсайдер в американском империалистическом истеблишменте, достаточно выразил этот сдвиг в опубликованной сегодня статье. Согласно его оценке, мы находимся в "начале новой эры в Вашингтоне". "Однако с момента начала вторжения Путина в Украину я заметил то, что в Вашингтоне нечто такое, чего не наблюдал уже три десятилетия, а именно спокойное понимание того, что мы стоим на пороге новой Золодной войны, возможно, даже горячей. И это требует, чтобы мы объединились, чтобы выжить".


Райх выражает надежду, что империалистический Запад, в частности США, можно объединить, как в "старые добрые времена" холодной войны против СССР. "Путин собрал вместе раздробленное НАТО. Таким образом, он собирает вместе и Америку. Это тончайшая серебряная нить в той человеческой катастрофе, которую он создает, однако, возможно, он окажет на США такое же влияние, какое старый Советский Союз оказал на американское чувство того, кто мы есть". [9]




... призвать к созданию глобального альянса против России, поскольку Путин стал "главной опасностью для глобального мира и международного права".




Именно этот глобальный сдвиг внутри правящего класса объясняет то, почему Джон Бахтелл (одна из ведущих фигур КП США) объявил о резком изменении давних позиций партии. Джон Бахтелл занимал пост национального председателя КП США с 2014 по 2019 год и в настоящее время является президентом издательства партийной газеты People's World. В своей статье он называет Путина "главной опасностью для глобального мира и международного права" [10]


Таким образом, Бахтелл призывает сплотиться под знаменем "западных демократий" и сформировать "глобальный альянс" против "российского империализма». Мы не слышали такой характеристики России от КП США! [11] Показательно, что в документе КП США содержится призыв к созданию глобального альянса, подобного "антифашистскому альянсу Второй мировой войны". Таким образом, КП США использует риторику Вашингтона времен холодной войны, одновременно называя Путина новым Гитлером и выступая за поддержку американского и европейского империализма (как это делали сталинисты во Второй мировой войне).


"После вторжении в Украину с попыткой насильственно изменения международно признанных границ на основе великорусского шовинизма режим Путина стал главной опасностью для глобального мира и международного права в данный момент. Необходимо глобальное коллективное единство по образу антифашистского альянса Второй мировой войны, чтобы положить конец вторжению и в солидарности с российским народом отстранить Путина от власти."


Очевидно, что такой призыв означает поддержку администрации Байдена и правительств ЕС, которые работают над созданием такого западного альянса против России.


В своей статье лидер КП США указывает на глобальный сдвиг, о котором мы говорили выше для того, чтобы оправдать свой разворот от поддержки Путина к поддержке "западных демократий". "Вторжение может означать тектонический сдвиг в международных отношениях. Это может означать эпоху большей нестабильности и раскола, а также растущую опасность мировой войны".


В типичной сталинистско-реформистской манере такая поддержка западных великих империалистических держав сочетается с пропагандой буржуазно-пацифистской утопии "нового глобального демократического порядка". В переводе на язык реальной политики это означает не что иное, как империалистический мировой порядок, при котором капиталистические государства уважают друг друга и готовы к демилитаризации. "Мир должен наметить путь вперед. Путь, который отвергает войну и стремится к новому глобальному демократическому порядку. Такой порядок укрепляет международное право, уважает национальный суверенитет и самоопределение, невмешательство во внутренние дела, равенство наций, демократические права и права человека, демилитаризацию и роспуск военных союзов."


Стоит отметить, что всего несколько лет назад Джон Бахтелл, будучи председателем КП США, написал самый бесстыдный панегирик правящей партии сталинистов-капиталистов в Китае: "КПК - это глубоко революционная партия, она творчески применяет марксизм к китайской действительности. Подход КПК прагматичен, основан на фактах, самокритичен и самореформируется. Не создавая капиталистическую экономику, КПК прокладывает свой путь в контексте китайских условий, направляет страну к достижению современного социалистического общества в необычайно трудных условиях и не без многих проблем, ошибок и недостатков - общества с "китайской спецификой"". [12]


В целом, мы видим резкий сдвиг в политике сталинистской партии. Из организации, которая открыто выступал за поддержку внешней политики Путина, КП США за несколько недель превратилась в силу, которое выступает за поддержку империализма США и их холодной войны против России. Иными словами, пророссийские социал-империалисты стали проамериканскими социал-империалистами. КП США сменили своего хозяина, но продолжают служить империалистическим державам.


РКИТ и все последовательные марксисты выступают против любой поддержки империалистических великих держав. США, Китай, ЕС, Россия, Япония или более мелкие империалистические государства — это все враги международного рабочего класса и угнетенных народов! Для социалистов недопустимо рассматривать Москву, Пекин, Вашингтон, Брюссель или Токио в качестве "меньшего зла". Задача революционеров состоит в объединение рабочих и угнетенных в борьбе против всех этих стран и в достижении их поражения для того, чтобы человечество могло встретить социалистическое будущее без эксплуатации и угнетения!




[1] See on this e.g. a pamphlet by Michael Pröbsting: Putin’s Poodles (Apologies to All Dogs). The pro-Russian Stalinist parties and their arguments in the current NATO-Russia Conflict, 9 February 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/nato-russia-conflict-stalinism-as-putin-s-poodles/; by the same author: A Progressive Step Towards Anti-Imperialism. Some Stalinist parties refuse to support Russian or EU imperialism in the current NATO-Russia conflict, 17 February 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/kke-and-nato-russia-conflict/; NATO-Russia Conflict: The “Party of the European Left” as Government Adviser for EU Imperialism. Ex-Stalinist LINKE (Germany), PCF (France), IU & PCE (Spain), SYRIZA (Greece) etc. urge governments that “Europe must develop an independent geopolitical attitude”, 30 January 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/nato-russia-conflict-the-party-of-the-european-left-as-government-adviser-for-eu-imperialism/


[2] We refer readers to a special page on our website where more than 40 RCIT documents on the current NATO-Russia conflict and the Ukraine War are compiled: https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/compilation-of-documents-on-nato-russia-conflict/. The most important documents are: RCIT Manifesto: Ukraine War: A Turning Point of World Historic Significance. Socialists must combine the revolutionary defense of the Ukraine against Putin’s invasion with the internationalist struggle against Russian as well as NATO and EU imperialism, 1 March 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/manifesto-ukraine-war-a-turning-point-of-world-historic-significance/; RCIT: Ukraine War: An Action Program for Authentic Socialists, 1 March 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/ukraine-war-an-action-program-for-authentic-socialists/; Medina Gunić: A new turning point in Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine, 25 February 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/a-new-turning-point-in-russia-s-invasion-of-the-ukraine/; RCIT: Down with Putin’s Imperialist War against the Ukraine! Neither Russia nor NATO - against all imperialist powers! For an independent popular struggle to defend the Ukraine! For a workers government to defeat the Russian invaders! No to imperialist sanctions! For an independent socialist Ukraine! 24 February 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/down-with-putin-s-imperialist-war-against-the-ukraine/


[3] Michael Pröbsting: Servants of Two Masters. Stalinism and the New Cold War between Imperialist Great Powers in East and West, 10 July 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/servants-of-two-masters-stalinism-and-new-cold-war/


[4] The RCIT has dealt on numerous occasions with the inter-imperialist rivalry of the Great Powers. See e.g. RCIT: World Perspectives 2021-22: Entering a Pre-Revolutionary Global Situation, 22 August 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/world-perspectives-2021-22/; see also our book by Michael Pröbsting: Anti-Imperialism in the Age of Great Power Rivalry. The Factors behind the Accelerating Rivalry between the U.S., China, Russia, EU and Japan. A Critique of the Left’s Analysis and an Outline of the Marxist Perspective, RCIT Books, Vienna 2019, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/anti-imperialism-in-the-age-of-great-power-rivalry/; see also the following two pamphlets by the same author: “A Really Good Quarrel”. US-China Alaska Meeting: The Inter-Imperialist Cold War Continues, 23 March 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/us-china-alaska-meeting-shows-continuation-of-inter-imperialist-cold-war/; Servants of Two Masters. Stalinism and the New Cold War between Imperialist Great Powers in East and West, 10 July 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/servants-of-two-masters-stalinism-and-new-cold-war/; for more works on this issue see these sub-pages: https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/china-russia-as-imperialist-powers/ and https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/collection-of-articles-on-the-global-trade-war/.


[5] Joint Statement (initiated by the CPUSA): The Communist and Workers’ Parties Condemn NATO’s Cold War Rhetoric, 29.6.2021, http://www.solidnet.org/article/CP-USA-JOINT-STATEMENT-THE-COMMUNIST-AND-WORKERS-PARTIES-CONDEMN-NATOS-COLD-WAR-RHETORIC/


[6] John Wojcik: Who is invading whom? U.S. forces already in Eastern Europe, CPUSA, January 25, 2022, https://peoplesworld.org/article/who-is-invading-whom-u-s-forces-already-in-eastern-europe/


[7] John Wojcik: The West, not Russia, is responsible for the war danger in Ukraine, CPUSA, January 21, 2022, https://peoplesworld.org/article/the-west-not-russia-is-responsible-for-the-war-danger-in-ukraine/


[8] For Peace and a Just Solution to the Conflict in Ukraine, Joint statement by Communist and workers parties, 28.2.2022, http://www.solidnet.org/article/CP-of-Britain-FOR-PEACE-AND-A-JUST-SOLUTION-TO-THE-CONFLICT-IN-UKRAINE-Joint-statement-by-Communist-and-workers-parties/


[9] Robert Reich: It’s the beginning of a new era in Washington – and Putin is responsible, 24 Mar 2022 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/mar/24/democrats-republicans-russia-ukraine-invasion-putin


[10] John Bachtell: Putin regime emerges as the main danger to global peace and security, 23 March 2022, https://peoplesworld.org/article/putin-regime-emerges-as-the-main-danger-to-global-peace-and-security/


[11] The RCIT has published numerous documents about capitalism in Russia and its rise to an imperialist power. See on this e.g. several pamphlets by Michael Pröbsting: The Peculiar Features of Russian Imperialism. A Study of Russia’s Monopolies, Capital Export and Super-Exploitation in the Light of Marxist Theory, 10 August 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/the-peculiar-features-of-russian-imperialism/; by the same author: Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism and the Rise of Russia as a Great Power. On the Understanding and Misunderstanding of Today’s Inter-Imperialist Rivalry in the Light of Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism. Another Reply to Our Critics Who Deny Russia’s Imperialist Character, August 2014, http://www.thecommunists.net/theory/imperialism-theory-and-russia/; Russia as a Great Imperialist Power. The formation of Russian Monopoly Capital and its Empire – A Reply to our Critics, 18 March 2014, in: Revolutionary Communism No. 21, http://www.thecommunists.net/theory/imperialist-russia/; Russian Imperialism and Its Monopolies, in: New Politics Vol. XVIII No. 4, Whole Number 72, Winter 2022, https://newpol.org/issue_post/russian-imperialism-and-its-monopolies/. See various other RCIT documents on this issue at a special sub-page on the RCIT’s website: https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/china-russia-as-imperialist-powers/.


[12] John Bachtell: A new era for building socialism with ‘Chinese characteristics’, June 14, 2018, http://www.cpusa.org/article/a-new-era-for-building-socialism-with-chinese-characteristics/




제국주의의 마름이 주인을 교체하다

스탈린주의 미국공산당이 서방 강대국 지지를 내걸고 ()러시아 글로벌 연합 결성을 촉구하다


미하엘 프뢰브스팅, 혁명적 공산주의인터내셔널 동맹 (RCIT) 국제서기, www.thecommunists.net, 2022 3 24




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1. 들어가며


2. 처음에는 러시아의 핵심 전략적 이익 지지하다가


3. 나토 해체뿐만 아니라 평화와 유엔 협상도 요구하는 쪽으로 방향 선회


4. 푸틴이 "글로벌 평화와 국제법에 위험요소" 되었다며 러시아에 대항하는 글로벌 연합 결성을 촉구하는 쪽으로 완전 U턴하다






1. 들어가며


우리는 최근 차례에 걸쳐 우크라이나 전쟁 이와 맞물려 있는 서방 러시아 긴장고조 사태 같은 역사적인 사건들은 필연적으로 많은 개량주의·중도주의 좌익 단위들을 위기와 혼란에 빠뜨린다고 지적해 왔다. 특히 우리는 사건들이 스탈린주의 계열 내부에 깊은 분열을 야기한 점에 주목하며 독자들에게도 이에 대한 주의를 촉구해왔다.[1]


거듭 밝혔듯이 분쟁은 이중적인 성격을 가지고 있다. RCIT 비롯한 밖의 진실된 사회주의자들이 제국주의 침략에 맞선 우크라이나 인민의 항러 투쟁을 지지하는 이유이며, 동시에 지금