Iran Strikes Israel in Retaliation for its War Crimes Statement of the RCIT
Irán ataca a Israel en represalia por sus crímenes de guerra Declaración de la CCRI
Irã ataca Israel em retaliação por seus crimes de guerra
Иран наносит удар по Израилю в ответ на его военные преступления
Заявление Революционной Коммунистической Интернациональной
Тенденции (RCIT)
L'Iran attaque Israël en représailles à ses crimes de guerre
Déclaration de la Courant Communiste Révolutionnaire Internationale
이란의 이스라엘 전쟁범죄에 대한 보복공습
L'Iran colpisce Israele per rappresaglia contro i suoi crimini di guerra Dichiarazione della Tendenza Comunista Rivoluzionaria
Lebanon War: Some Lessons from the Setbacks of the Resistance By Michael Pröbsting, Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)
Guerra del Líbano: algunas lecciones de los retrocesos de la resistencia Por Michael Pröbsting, Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional (CCRI)
The War on Lebanon Following the Killing of Nasrallah Statement of RCIT, jointly issued by the Internationalist Socialist League (RCIT Section in Israel / Occupied Palestine) and the International Bureau of the RCIT
La guerra en el Líbano tras el asesinato de Nasrallah Declaración de la CCRI (RCIT), publicada conjuntamente por la Liga Socialista Internacionalista (Sección de la CCRI en Israel/Palestina ocupada) y el Buró Internacional de la CCRI
나스랄라 살해에 뒤이은 레바논 전쟁 - 왜 이란 물라 정권은 헤즈볼라에 대한 군사 지지에 나서지 않고 있는가 혁명적 공산주의인터내셔널 동맹 (RCIT) 성명, 국제주의사회주의동맹 (RCIT 이스라엘/ 점령지 팔레스타인 지부)
& RCIT 국제사무국 합동발표
Lebanon: Side with the Resistance, Defeat the Zionist Monster! Statement of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), jointly issued by the Internationalist Socialist League (RCIT Section in Israel/Occupied Palestine) and the International Bureau of the RCIT
Líbano: ¡Apoyemos a la Resistencia, derrotemos al monstruo sionista! Declaración de la Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria
Internacional (CCRI), publicada conjuntamente por la Liga Socialista Internacionalista (Sección de la CCRI en Israel/Palestina ocupada) y el Buró Internacional de la CCRI
Libanon: Stellt euch auf die Seite des Widerstands, Besiegt das zionistische Monster! Erklärung der Revolutionär-Kommunistischen Internationalen Tendenz (RCIT), gemeinsam herausgegeben von der Internationalistischen Sozialistischen Liga (RCIT-Sektion in Israel/Besetztes Palästina) und dem Internationalen Büro der RCIT
Scandalous Verdict against Pro-Palestine Activist Michael Pröbsting. Report from 2nd Trial on 21 August By RCIT Media Team
Escandaloso veredicto contra el luchador pro-Palestina Michael Pröbsting. Informe del segundo juicio del 21 de agosto Por el equipo de medios de la CCRI
Skandalurteil gegen Palästina-Aktivist Michael Pröbsting: Kabinettsjustiz droht. Bericht vom 2. Prozess am 21. August Von RCIT-Mediateam
Veredito escandaloso contra o ativista pró-Palestina Michael Pröbsting Pela equipe de imprensa da CCRI/RCIT
Theses on World Perspectives: In the Midst of a Cycle of Wars and Revolutions Resolution by the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)
Tesis sobre perspectivas mundiales: en medio de un ciclo de guerras y revoluciones Resolución de la Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional (CCRI)
Teses sobre Perspectivas Mundiais: Em meio a um ciclo de guerras e revoluções Resolução da Corrente Comunista Revolucionária Internacional (CCRI/RCIT)
Gaza War: An Israeli-German “Investigation” about 7 October By Michael Pröbsting, Revolutionary Communist International Tendency
Guerra de Gaza: una “investigación” israelí-alemana sobre el 7 de octubre Por Michael Pröbsting, Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional (CCRI)
Война в Газе: израильско-немецкое «расследование» о 7 октября Михаэль Прёбстинг, Революционная коммунистическая интернациональная тенденция (RCIT)
Gaza-Krieg: Eine israelisch-deutsche „Untersuchung“ des 7. Oktobers Von Michael Pröbsting, Revolutionär-Kommunistische Internationale Tendenz (RCIT)
Permanent Revolution in the Middle East and the Aristocratic Character of the Israeli Working Class Theses by Yossi Schwartz and Michael Pröbsting, Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)
La revolución permanente en Medio Oriente y el carácter aristocrático de la clase trabajadora israelí Tesis de Yossi Schwartz y Michael Pröbsting, Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional
Revolução permanente no Oriente Médio e o caráter aristocrático da classe trabalhadora israelense Teses de Yossi Schwartz e Michael Pröbsting, Corrente Communista Revolucionária Internacional
Перманентна революція на Близькому Сході та аристократичний характер робітничого класу Ізраїлю Тези Йосі Шварца та Міхаеля Прьобстінга, Революційна комуністична міжнародна тенденція (RCIT), (перекладено тов. Артемом, RCIT-Спалах)
Révolution permanente au Moyen-Orient et le caractère aristocratique de la classe ouvrière israélienne Thèses de Yossi Schwartz et Michael Pröbsting, Courant Communiste Révolutionnaire International (CCRI/RCIT)
Die Permanente Revolution im Nahen Osten und der aristokratische Charakter der israelischen Arbeiterklasse Thesen von Yossi Schwartz und Michael Pröbsting, Revolutionär-Kommunistische Internationale Tendenz (RCIT)
La rivoluzione permanente in Medio Oriente e il carattere aristocratico della classe operaia israeliana Tesi di Yossi Schwartz e Michael Pröbsting, Tendenza Comunista Rivoluzionaria Internazionale
Defend Lebanon and Gaza – Defeat Israel! Statement of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), jointly issued by the Internationalist Socialist League (RCIT Section in Israel/Occupied Palestine) and the International Bureau of the RCIT
¡Defendamos el Líbano y Gaza – Derrotemos a Israel! Declaración de la Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional (CCRI), publicada conjuntamente por la Liga Socialista Internacionalista (Sección de la CCRI en Israel/Palestina ocupada) y el Buró Internacional de la CCRI
Defender o Líbano e Gaza - Derrotar Israel! Declaração da Corrente Comunista Revolucionária Internacional (CCRI/RCIT), emitida conjuntamente pela Liga Socialista Internacionalista (Seção da CCRI em Israel/Palestina Ocupada) e pelo Bureau Internacional da CCRI
Verteidigt den Libanon und Gaza - Besiegt Israel! Stellungnahme der Revolutionär-Kommunistischen Internationalen Tendenz (RCIT), gemeinsam verfasst mit der Internationalistische Sozialistische Liga (Die RCIT-Sektion in Israel / besetztem Palästina) und dem Internationalen Büro der RCIT
Défendons le Liban et Gaza - vaincrons Israël! Déclaration du Courant Communiste Révolutionnaire International (CCRI/RCIT), publiée conjointement par la Ligue Socialiste Internationaliste (Section CCRI en Israël/Palestine occupée) et le Bureau International du CCRI
Difendiamo il Libano e Gaza - Sconfiggiamo Israele! Dichiarazione della Tendenza Comunista Rivoluzionaria Internazionale (TCRI/RCIT),
rilasciata congiuntamente dalla Lega Socialista Internazionalista (Sezione TCRI in Israele/Palestina Occupata) e dall'Ufficio Internazionale della TCRI
Ismail Haniyeh – A Martyr of the Palestinian People
The Zionist Mass Murderers Assassinated the Martyr Isma’il Haniya
By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
On the ICJ Ruling about Israel’s Policy in West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem Statement of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), jointly issued by the Internationalist Socialist League (RCIT Section in Israel/Occupied Palestine) and the International Bureau of the RCIT, 22.07.2024 (plus a legal summary with commentary by Yossi Schwartz)
Israeli Media Confirm that Soldiers Were Ordered on 7 October to Kill their own People. New investigation by Haaretz reveals that Israeli army ordered the Hannibal directive on 7 October so that Hamas could not kidnap Israeli citizens
Israelische Medien bestätigen, dass Soldaten am 7. Oktober den Befehl erhielten, ihre eigenen Leute zu töten. Neue Untersuchungen von Haaretz zeigen, dass die israelische Armee am 7. Oktober die Hannibal-Direktive angeordnet hat, damit die Hamas keine israelischen Bürger entführen kann Von Michael Pröbsting, Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)
A Spectacular Strike! Houthis hit Tel Aviv with drone amidst Israel’s ongoing wars in Gaza and the North By Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of RCIT
¡Un golpe espectacular! Los hutíes atacaron Tel Aviv con un dron en medio de las guerras en curso de Israel en Gaza y el Norte Por Michael Pröbsting, secretario internacional de la CCRI
Ein spektakulärer Schlag! Huthis griffen Tel Aviv mit einer Drohne an, inmitten der anhaltenden Kriege Israels in Gaza und im Norden Von Michael Pröbsting, Internationaler Sekretär der RCIT
Cyprus, the EU and the looming War between Israel and Hezbollah Statement of the RKOB (Austrian section of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency)
Chipre, la UE y la inminente guerra entre Israel y Hezbollah Declaración del RKOB (sección austriaca de la Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional)
Chipre, a UE e a guerra iminente entre Israel e o Hezbollah Declaração da RKOB (secção austríaca da CorrenteComunista Revolucionária Internacional)
Chypre, l'UE et la guerre imminente entre Israël et le Hezbollah Déclaration de la Organisation communiste révolutionnaire pour la libération-RKOB (section autrichienne du Courant communiste révolutionnaire international)
Cipro, l'UE e l'imminente guerra tra Israele e Hezbollah Dichiarazione della RKOB (sezione austriaca della Tendenza Comunista Rivoluzionaria Internazionale)
In Gaza and in Lebanon: Support the Resistance – Defeat Israel! Statement of RCIT, jointly issued by the Internationalist Socialist League (RCIT Section in Israel/Occupied Palestine) and the International Bureau of the RCIT
En Gaza y en el Líbano: ¡Apoyemos a la Resistencia – ¡Derrotemos a Israel! Declaración de la Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional (CCRI), emitida conjuntamente por la Liga Socialista Internacionalista (Sección de la CCRI en Israel/Palestina Ocupada) y el Buró Internacional de la CCRI
UNSC Ceasefire Resolution on Gaza War is a Chance and a Trap Statement of RCIT, jointly issued by the Internationalist Socialist League (RCIT Section in Israel/Occupied Palestine) and International Bureau of RCIT
La résolution du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU sur le cessez-le-feu dans la bande de Gaza : une chance et un piège Déclaration du CCRI/RCIT, publiée conjointement par la Ligue Socialiste Internationaliste-LSI (Section du CCRI en Israël/Palestine occupée) et le Secrétariat International du CCRI
Resolução de cessar-fogo do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas sobre a guerra de Gaza é uma chance e uma armadilha Declaração da Corrente Comunista Revolucionária Internacional (CCRI/RCIT), emitida conjuntamente pela Liga Socialista Internacionalista-LSI (Seção da CCRI em Israel/Palestina Ocupada) e pelo Secretariado Internacional do CCRI
La risoluzione del Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU sul cessate il fuoco nella guerra di Gaza è un'occasione e una trappola Dichiarazione della Tendenza Comunista Rivoluzionaria Internazionale (TCRI/RCIT), emessa congiuntamente dalla Lega Socialista Internazionalista-LSI (Sezione della TCRI in Israele/Palestina Occupata) e dal Segretariato Internazionale della TCRI
Trial against pro-Palestine activist Michael Pröbsting: We are appealing the verdict! Press release of the RCIT Media Team
Juicio contra el activista pro palestino Michael Pröbsting: ¡Apelamos el veredicto! Comunicado de prensa del equipo de prensa de la CCRI
Pró-palestino Michael Pröbsting: Vamos recorrer da sentença! Comunicado da equipa de imprensa da CCRI
Prozess gegen Pro-Palästina-Aktivist Michael Pröbsting: Wir legen Berufung gegen das Urteil ein! Pressemitteilung des RCIT Media Teams
محاكمة الناشط المؤيد لفلسطين ميخائيل بروبستينج: نحن نستأنف الحكم!
بيان صحفي صادر عن الفريق الإعلامي لـ RCIT،
Media Review about the Trial against Michael Pröbsting
on 2 May
Genocide in Gaza: ICC Chief Prosecutor Seeks Arrest Warrants for Israeli and Palestinian Leaders Statement of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), jointly issued by the Internationalist Socialist League (RCIT Section in Israel/Occupied Palestine) and the International Bureau of the RCIT
Genocidio en Gaza: Fiscal en jefe de la CPI solicita órdenes de arresto para líderes israelíes y palestinos Declaración de la Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional (CCRI), emitida conjuntamente por la Liga Socialista Internacionalista (Sección de la CCRI en Israel/Palestina Ocupada) y el Buró Internacional de la CCRI
ICC의 이스라엘 및 팔레스타인 지도자들에 대한 체포영장 청구에 대하여 혁명적 공산주의인터내셔널 동맹 (RCIT) 성명, 국제주의사회주의동맹 (RCIT 이스라엘/ 점령지 팔레스타인 지부) & RCIT 국제사무국 공동발표
Genocídio em Gaza: Procurador-Geral do TPI solicita mandados de captura para dirigentes israelitas e palestinianos Declaração da Corrente Comunista Revolucionária Internacional (CCRI), emitida conjuntamente pela Liga Socialista Internacionalista (Secção da CCRI em Israel/Palestina Ocupada) e pelo Secretariado Internacional da CCRI
Genocidio di Gaza: il procuratore capo della CPI chiede mandati di arresto per i leader israeliani e palestinesi Dichiarazione della Tendenza Comunista Rivoluzionaria Internazionale (TCRI), rilasciata congiuntamente dalla Lega Socialista Internazionalista (Sezione TCRI in Israele/Palestina Occupata) e dal Segretariato Internazionale della TCRI
Arab League Calls for “UN Peacekeepers” in West Bank and Gaza: A Dangerous Trap! Statement of RCIT, jointly issued by the Internationalist Socialist League (RCIT Section in Israel/Occupied Palestine) and the International Bureau of the RCIT
La Liga Árabe pide “fuerzas de paz de la ONU” en Cisjordania y Gaza: ¡una trampa peligrosa! Declaración de la CCRI, emitida conjuntamente por la Liga Socialista Internacionalista (Sección de la CCRI en Israel/Palestina Ocupada) y el Buró Internacional de la RCIT
아랍연맹이 가자지구와 서안지구에 “평화유지군” 투입을 요구하다: 위험한 덫! 혁명적 공산주의인터내셔널 동맹 (RCIT) 성명, 국제주의사회주의동맹 (RCIT 이스라엘/ 점령지 팔레스타인 지부) & RCIT 국제사무국 공동발표
A Liga Árabe pede "forças de manutenção da paz da ONU" na Cisjordânia e em Gaza: Uma armadilha perigosa! Declaração da CCRI, emitida conjuntamente pela Liga Socialista Internacionalista (Secção da CCRI em Israel/Palestina Ocupada) e pelo Secretariado Internacional da CCRI
La Ligue arabe demande des "casques bleus" en Cisjordanie et à Gaza : un piège dangereux ! Déclaration du CCRI, publiée conjointement par la Ligue socialiste internationaliste (Section du CCRI en Israël/Palestine occupée) et le Secrétariat international du CCRI
Arabische Liga fordert „UN-Friedenstruppen“ im Westjordanland und im Gaza: Eine gefährliche Falle! Erklärung der RCIT, gemeinsam herausgegeben von der
Internationalist Socialist League (RCIT-Sektion in Israel/besetztem Palästina) und dem Internationalen Büro der RCIT
Political Groups in Israel are Calling for an Investigation of the Mass Graves in Gaza Initiated by Adam Keller (Gush Shalom) and Yossi Schwartz (ISL, RCIT in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Trial against Pro-Palestine Activist Michael Pröbsting: The Struggle Continues! RCIT Media Team Report
Prozess gegen Pro-Palästina-Aktivist Michael Pröbsting: Der Kampf geht weiter! Bericht des RCIT Media Teams
팔레스타인 연대운동가 미하엘 프뢰브스팅 재판: 투쟁은 계속된다! RCIT 미디어 팀 보고
La justicia pro-sionista de Austria condenó a nuestro camarada Michael Pröbsting, por solidarizarse con la resistencia palestina Informe del equipo de medios de la CCRI
La justice autrichienne pro-sioniste a condamné notre camarade Michael Pröbsting pour sa solidarité avec la résistance palestinienne Rapport de l'équipe média du CCRI
A justiça pró-sionista da Áustria condenou o nosso camarada Michael Pröbsting pela sua solidariedade com a resistência palestina Relatório da equipe de mídia da CCRI
Students around the World Rise Up in Solidarity with the Palestinian People! Statement of RCIT
¡Estudiantes de todo el mundo se levantan en solidaridad con el pueblo palestino! Declaración de la CCRI
Estudantes de todo o mundo solidarizam-se com o povo palestiniano! Declaração da CCRI
Les étudiants du monde entier sont solidaires du peuple palestinien! Déclaration du CCRI
전 세계에서 학생들이 팔레스타인 인민과 연대하여 일어섰다! 혁명적 공산주의인터내셔널 동맹 (RCIT) 성명
Where Should Socialists Stand in the Looming War between Israel and Iran? Questions & Answers by Michael Pröbsting,
Revolutionary Communist International Tendency
¿Dónde deberían situarse los socialistas ante la inminente guerra entre Israel e Irán? Preguntas y respuestas de Michael Pröbsting, Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional (CCRI)
임박해 있는 이스라엘-이란 간의 전쟁에서 사회주의자들은 어디에 서야 하는가? [문답식 해설] 미하엘 프뢰브스팅, 혁명적 공산주의인터내셔널 동맹 (RCIT)
Iran Retaliates against Israel’s Aggression Statement of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency
Irán responde a la agresión israelí Declaración de la Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional (CCRI)
O IRÃ RETALIA CONTRA A AGRESSÃO DE ISRAEL Declaração da Corrente Comunista Revolucionária Internacional (CCRI/RCIT)
Iran übt Vergeltung gegen Israels Aggression Stellungnahme der Revolutionär-Kommunistische Internationale Tendenz (RCIT)
L’Iran risponde all’aggressione israeliana Dichiarazione della Tendenza Comunista Rivoluzionaria Internazionale (TCRI/RCIT)
L'Iran riposte à l'agression israélienne Déclaration du Courant Communiste Révolutionnaire International (CCRI/RCIT)
Иран ответил на агрессию Израиля Заявление Революционно-коммунистической интернациональной тенденции
Israeli Anti-War Activists Call International Trade Unions to Boycott Arms Deliveries to Israel By Adam Keller (for Gush Shalom) and Yossi Schwartz (for the ISL, RCIT Section in Israel / Occupied Palestine)
Activistas israelíes contra la guerra llaman a los sindicatos internacionales a boicotear las entregas de armas a Israel Por Adam Keller (de Gush Shalom) y Yossi Schwartz (de la ISL, Sección de la CCRI en Israel/Palestina Ocupada)
Les militants anti-guerre israéliens appellent les syndicats internationaux à boycotter les livraisons d'armes à Israël Par Adam Keller (pour Gush Shalom) et Yossi Schwartz (pour LSI, Section du CCRI/RCIT en Israël / Palestine occupée)
Израильские антивоенные активисты призывают международные профсоюзы бойкотировать поставки оружия в Израиль Адам Келлер (от Гуш Шалом) и Йосси Шварц (от ISL, Секция RCIT в Израиле/оккупированной Палестине)
Ativistas israelitas contra a guerra apelam aos sindicatos internacionais para que boicotem o fornecimento de armas a Israel Por Adam Keller (pelo Gush Shalom) e Yossi Schwartz (pelo LSI, Seção da CCRI/RCIT em Israel / Palestina Ocupada)
Gli attivisti israeliani contro la guerra chiedono ai sindacati internazionali di boicottare le forniture di armi a Israele Di Adam Keller (per Gush Shalom) e Yossi Schwartz (per LSI, Sezione TCRI/RCIT in Israele / Palestina occupata)
이스라엘의 반전 운동가들이 전 세계 노동조합에 이스라엘로 가는 무기 전달을 보이콧 할 것을 호소하다 아담 켈러 (구시 샬롬) & 요시
슈바르츠 (국제주의사회주의동맹, RCIT 이스라엘/ 점령지 팔레스타인 지부)
The Al-Rashid Street Massacre in Gaza: A Particularly Heinous War Crime Even for Israel’s Standards! By Michael Pröbsting, RCIT
La masacre de la calle Al-Rashid en Gaza: ¡Un crimen de guerra particularmente atroz incluso para los estándares de Israel! Por Michael Pröbsting, CCRI
O massacre da rua Al-Rashid em Gaza: um crime de guerra particularmente hediondo, mesmo para os padrões israelitas!
Le massacre de la rue Al-Rashid à Gaza : un crime de guerre particulièrement odieux, même selon les critères israéliens!
Di Michael Pröbsting, TCRI
One Cannot Be a Communist Without Being an Anti-Imperialist. The IMT about the Houthis’ struggle against Israel and Western imperialism By Michael Pröbsting, Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)
Não se pode ser comunista sem ser antiimperialista. A TMI sobre a luta dos Houthis contra Israel e o imperialismo ocidental Por Michael Pröbsting, Corrente Comunista
Revolucionária Internacional
Нельзя быть коммунистом, не будучи антиимпериалистом. IMT о борьбе хуситов против Израиля и западного империализма Михаэль Прёбстинг, Революционная Коммунистическая Интернациональная Тенденция (RCIT)
The Zionists lost their marbles By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/
Solidaridad con Líbano e Irán, atacados por el sionismo
The Zionists invade Lebanon, Israel must be defeated By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Defend Iran and Hezbollah against Israel and US imperialism By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Fuera sionistas de Líbano e Irán, las organizaciones de izquierda y antiimperialistas debemos reunirnos para organizar la solidaridad inmediata
Por Convergencia Socialista
The Israelis are afraid By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
You have to be the village’s idiot to believe the Zionist propaganda By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
The endless lies of the Zionist government By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
The super-exploitation of the African asylum seekers in Israel By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
The Masses in Jordan and other Arab Accords states support the armed resistance against the Zionist state By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied
Is Iran becoming a state with nuclear bombs? By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Hezbollah retaliation this morning By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
They are leaving the sinking ship By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Is South Africa acting under the pressure of the USA? By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Israel is determined to turn the war into a regional war
The Zionists want to occupy south Lebanon By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Who Killed the six Israelis prisoner of war? By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
The Zionist terrorism in Lebanon Part II By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
US imperialism provides Israel with tanker planes to attack Iran By Yossi Schwartz, ISL
How to distinguish between Anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
South Africa retreats from the request to delay the submission of evidence
The Zionist monster cannot win the war By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
In Israel, the foreign press has the “right” not to report and the “freedom” of Palestinian journalists to be killed! By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
On the British Labor Party and Weapons Shipment By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
On the hypocrisy of Britain and France By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
As could be expected, Israel prevented a deal to end the war By Yossi Schwartz, ISL
On the conditions of the Zionist state By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
The Zionist monster cannot win the war By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
In the so-called self-defense, the Zionist army murdered another American citizen
The debate between Israeli Human rights and the right-wing Zionist in the UNSC By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
What do the Zionist barbarians think? By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Das Schandurteil. Meine Stellungnahme im Berufungsprozeß, die der Richter mich nicht halten lies Von Michael Pröbsting, RCIT
The Zionists are planning a new Nakba in the West Bank By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Fake International with a fake solution By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
The ultra-Orthodox are better than the secular Zionists on the national question By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
The Zionists of South Africa Apartheid and the Zionist Monster By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
The new crimes of the Zionist monster By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
The Zionist FM Calls for (“Temporary”) Evacuation of the Palestinians from the West Bank
Can any progress be made in the ceasefire agreement? By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
The USA does not act as an intermediary between the Zionist state and Hamas By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
The big lie and the real world By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
The price of the Zionist war on the Palestinians is felt in the pockets of the Israelis, except in the profit of the big capital By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
The Zionist torturing camps By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Netanyahu’s government and US imperialism cannot cheat the families of the Israeli captives
It is likely to be a regional war By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Liars must believe that their opponents are liars as well By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Why Israel cannot defeat Hamas By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Dahlan is the favorite of the US and Israel for the “day after”
(RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Estados Unidos promueve a Mohammed Dahla, un palestino traidor, ligado a los Emiratos Árabes y Arabia, para la gobernación de Gaza Por Yossi Schwartz, ISL (Sección de la CCRI en Israel/Palestina ocupada)
The dispute in Iran which places to target
Once again, the Zionist monster attacked a school By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
When a liar is caught, he adds another lie
On the nature of the Zionist state
The Zionist torturing camps By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)
They are not innocents, nor are their friends in the American Congress and the White House