Compilation of Articles on the Mass Protests in Cuba


Is Cuba Socialist? Are the Current Popular Protests Legitimate? (Questions and Answers)

English   Español   Português   한국어


26 July: The Cuban Revolution is Dead! Long Live the Cuban Revolution!

English   Español   Português   한국어


Argentina: Rally in Front of Cuban Embassy (20.7.2021)

English   Español  


Argentina: Denounce the Stalinists Threats against Gabriela Capurro!

English   Español   한국어


Cuba and South Africa: Stalino-Capitalism in Action

English   Español   한국어


Cuba: Support the Popular Masses in Struggle –

For a true Socialist Revolution!

English   Español


Cuba: “Trotskyist” Auxiliaries of the Stalinist-Capitalist Regime


Cuba‘s Revolution Sold Out? The Road from Revolution to the Restoration of Capitalism

A Book by Michael Pröbsting

English   Español   Português



Cuba: Solidarity with the Mass Protests against the Stalinist-Capitalist Regime!

A Brief Note from the International Bureau of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 12.7.2021,


The Stalinist-Capitalist regime is rocked by mass protests in Havana and dozens other cities. The people protest against food shortages, high prices and the dictatorial regime.


The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) and our comrades from Convergencia Socialista (Argentina) stand in solidarity with these mass mobilizations.


We refute the propaganda of the regime and the Stalinist and Castro-Chavista left which slander the popular masses by denouncing them as “pro-Yankee”. Naturally, we oppose all attempts of U.S. imperialism to regain influence in Cuba. But this does not and must not negate the right of the workers and peasants in Cuba to protest against the Stalinist-Capitalist regime!


The only way forward is the overthrow of this regime by the masses and the creation of an authentic workers and peasant government based on popular councils and militias!


We will publish very soon a more detailed statement. Below we reproduce a first statement from our Argentinean comrades which includes a reference to a good statement from the UIT-CI. We also include a link to our book on capitalist restoration in Cuba which was published in 2013. We also reproduce a link to a Spanish-language summary. Finally, we also reproduce a link to a website of communists in Cuba who protest against the repression of the regime.



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Con la excusa yanqui, el régimen reprime al pueblo y la izquierda cubana


Por Comité Ejecutivo CS, el julio 12, 2021,


Desde los medios cubanos han salido a repudiar con dureza las acciones de protesta que están teniendo lugar en varias localidades de ese país, que levantan demandas elementales económicas o relacionadas a la falta de libertades democráticas, que el régimen pisotea cotidianamente. Con la excusa de la infiltración "gusana", organizada por yanquis y cubanos en el exilio, Díaz Canel y compañía tratan de desacreditar el carácter reivindicativo de las movilizaciones, para poder reprimirlas de manera contundente.


Siendo conscientes de que la contrarrevolución cubana siempre intentará aprovechar las protestas para disputar espacios propios de poder, como revolucionarios y revolucionarias consecuentes debemos decir que el gobierno ya nada tiene de Socialista, sino todo lo contrario, ya que defiende los intereses de la camarilla burocrática y de las empresas capitalistas que operan en Cuba debido a las reformas restauracionistas que sus dirigentes vienen imponiendo desde hace años, reformas que se consolidaron con los últimos cambios producidos en la Constitución.


Por todo esto, reproducimos un artículo que acaban de publicar los compañeros y las compañeras de Izquierda Socialista, que hacemos propio: Desde Cuba llaman a la solidaridad internacional por la inmediata libertad de detenidos de la izquierda cubana que estaban presentes en las genuinas protestas que se dieron el 11 de julio en la Habana y otras ciudades. Entre ellos fue detenido en la Habana, Frank García Hernández, historiador y marxista cubano.


Desde el colectivo editorial de Comunistas Blog llaman a la solidaridad y aclarar que las protestas son genuinas y que no tienen nada que ver con ninguna maniobra del imperialismo yanqui: “En la tarde de hoy el pueblo cubano salió a las calles. Un pueblo que no estaba convocado por ninguna organización que no fuera la aguda crisis económica que enfrenta Cuba y la discapacidad del gobierno para manejar la situación. 


Cuba salió a las calles con la consigna equivocada "Patria y vida", pero salió a las calles más allá de una consigna, salió para exigir al gobierno un socialismo verdadero. Los que estaban en las calles no eran artistas e intelectuales solamente, esta vez era el pueblo en su más amplia heterogeneidad”. Denuncian que el régimen reprimió usando gas pimienta y todos los recursos disponibles.  


Desde la UIT-CI, como socialistas revolucionarios nos sumamos al reclamo de inmediata libertad de Frank García Hernández y demás detenidos de la izquierda cubana. Además de García Hernández están detenidos Leonardo Romero Negrín, joven socialista estudiante de Física de la Universidad de La Habana, Maykel González Vivero, director de Tremenda Nota, una revista marginal, y Marcos Antonio Pérez Fernández, menor de edad, estudiante de Preuniversitario.


Como siempre el imperialismo y los gusanos de Miami quieren usar estas protestas para su política reaccionaria para atacar la soberanía de Cuba. Pero la gente salió a las calles reclamando contra la miseria, la falta de servicios y contra la represión del gobierno cubano que traicionó, hace décadas, su revolución socialista y favorece los privilegios de los de arriba y pacta con las multinacionales.


Desde la UIT-CI llamamos a las y los luchadores antiimperialistas y a las organizaciones que se reclaman democráticas y de la izquierda a pronunciarse y sumarse al reclamo de libertad de Frank García Hernández y demás detenidos de la izquierda cubana.


Unidad Internacional de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores-Cuarta Internacional (UIT-CI) / 12 de julio de 2021



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BOOK: Cuba‘s Revolution Sold Out?


The Road from Revolution to the Restoration of Capitalism


By Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency, August 2013




LIBRO: Resumen – Cuba Vendida?



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Reclamo por la libertad de los detenidos en Cuba


julio 11, 2021,




Cuba: Solidariedade com os protestos em massa contra o regime capitalista-estalinista!

Uma breve nota do Secretariado Internacional da Corrente Comunista Revolucionária Internacional (CCRI/RCIT), 12.7.2021,


O regime Estalinista-Capitalista está sendo abalado por protestos em massa em Havana e dezenas de outras cidades. O povo protesta contra a escassez de alimentos, os preços altos e o regime ditatorial.


A Corrente Comunista Revolucionária Internacional (CCRI/RCIT) e nossos camaradas da Convergencia Socialista (Argentina) se solidarizam com essas mobilizações de massa.


Refutamos a propaganda do regime e da esquerda estalinista e castrista-chavista que calunia as massas populares denunciando-as como “ pró-yanques ”. Naturalmente, nos opomos a todas as tentativas do imperialismo norte-americano de reconquistar a influência em Cuba. Mas isso não nega e não deve negar o direito dos trabalhadores e camponeses de Cuba de protestar contra o regime estalinista-capitalista!


O único caminho a seguir é a derrubada deste regime pelas massas e a criação de um autêntico governo operário e camponês baseado em conselhos populares e milícias!


Em breve publicaremos um comunicado mais detalhado. A seguir reproduzimos uma primeira declaração de nossos camaradas argentinos que inclui uma referência a uma boa declaração da UIT-CI. Também incluímos um link para nosso livro sobre a restauração capitalista em Cuba, publicado em 2013. Também reproduzimos um link para um resumo em espanhol. Finalmente, reproduzimos também um link para um site de comunistas em Cuba que protestam contra a repressão ao regime.



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LIVRO: A Revolução de Cuba Vendida?


A Estrada da Revolução à Restauração do Capitalismo


Por Michael Pröbsting, Secretário Internacional da Tendência Internacional Comunista Revolucionária, Agosto de 2013




LIBRO: Resumen – Cuba Vendida?




Solidarity with Mass Protests in Cuba: Greetings to Socialist Rally in Argentina

Statement by the International Bureau of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 19.7.2021,


The International Bureau of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) sends its warmest greetings to all participants of the socialist rally on 20 July in Buenos Aires in support of the workers and poor in Cuba.


Jointly with our comrades from Convergencia Socialista, the RCIT has supported the mass demonstrations from the very beginning. Together we said: the people are right to rebel against capitalist austerity and dictatorship!


The recent austerity measures which have hit the poor particularly hard and the vicious repression against the protests have demonstrated the reactionary nature of the regime very once again.


We strongly refuse the myth that the Cuban regime would be socialist in any way. No, it has become a Stalinist-capitalist regime and an ally of Chinese and Russian imperialism.


Our support for the mass protests goes hand in hand with an energetic opposition against the sanctions of U.S. imperialism and all forms of interference by the notorious gusanos. The struggle for a socialist future of Cuba must be directed both against the Stalinist-capitalist regime as well as against the right-wing gusanos. Such a struggle must aim for the creation of socialist Cuba which is neither a semi-colony of U.S., of European or of Chinese imperialism.


The struggle in solidarity with the Cuban people is inextricably linked with the international struggle against Stalinism. This is a counterrevolutionary force which has become a servant of capitalist regimes like those in Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, South Africa or Spain as well as of imperialist Great Powers like China and Russia.


We also want to take this opportunity to express our full support for comrade Gabriela Capurro, a long-standing and leading member of Convergencia Socialista, who received death threats by Stalinist thugs because of her solidarity with the mass protest in Cuba. Obviously, the demoralized and desperate Stalinist cadre sense that the tide of history has turned against them!


We congratulate our comrades of Convergencia Socialista for taking the initiative for this rally. We are glad that we could recently fuse our forces so that CS has become the Argentinean section of the RCIT.


Solidarity with the mass protests of the Cuban people!


Down with the Stalinist-capitalist regime in Havana!


Keep out the gusanos!


Down with U.S., European and Chinese imperialism!


Long live the new Cuban Revolution! For a socialist and independent Cuba!